Ganjas 1st Grow...kinda????2300watt sour diesel,white widow


Well-Known Member
what in the world is K+? was that overgrows version of +rep?
Yessir. Here's a little "Karma" for you, too.

I miss the good ol' days. Overgrow was the shit.

The community was vast, knowledgeable, and extremely active. It's a shame how the people divided and went their separate ways after the shakeup. A real shame.


Well-Known Member
Yessir. Here's a little "Karma" for you, too.

I miss the good ol' days. Overgrow was the shit.

The community was vast, knowledgeable, and extremely active. It's a shame how the people divided and went their separate ways after the shakeup. A real shame.
just to let everyone know, im up and at em early today, because through my research, ive concluded the best time for foliar feeding is right before lights out. So i will foliar feed now, snap some pics and take some pics when lights come on later tonight. I will post the before and after pics all at the same time tonight when im done...Just to let people know, Im beginning to think that like the dude said, heat was one of my main culprits. I raised my lights a 2 nights ago and it has made a difference already. So thanks for the tip d.o.l!!Peace and keep em green...Ganja


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't know about you, but I'm about ready to see some donkey dicks.

Ask and u shall recieve..hows it goin D.O.L? and whats up riu? ok so it been about 2 weeks since the whole salt buildup/heat prob, that i had to battle far after the flush and just watering with distilled water, things seem to be going alot dont get me wrong..this shit didnt happen over night, so therefore its not going to correct itself overnight...My feeding, which should be in about a day or so, will be the first feeding since this took place...i think i will only go with 3/4 strength and then the feeding after, resume normal feeding schedule...this is my last all soil grow...not ditching soil completely, but ill be starting a new journal on the third week in october, so i want everyone thats checking this one out to follow me on over...Im setting up a 4 tray, 0veg, perpetual, flood and drain...i promise it to be an awesome journal, and way more in depth and detail than this one just so busy with other shit in the summer that its hard to prepare a proper journal constantly...but this winter, im dedicating 100% to making the next grow spectacular, not cheaping out on anything, balls to the wall, go big or go home type well up for the challenge..anyway back to these biches...they arent recovered 100% visually,still alot of ugly ass, dry fans, but im not pulling them off, just letting them come of on there own...theres a dude on here, who pulls like 75%off his fan leaves off when hes about 3 weeks into flowering...i asked him why and he said so the lower bud sites get more light....i asked him if it messed with yield and he said not one bit and he has the journals to prove it...why do most people make such a big deal over this and here u got a guy who takes them all off, has pics to prove it, and still grows banana size nuggets? who knows anyway, heres some pics from this morning, right at lights out...enjoy and let me know if they look like they are recovering relax, and look at some pics....peace...Ganja



Well-Known Member
lookin good man and ur right it wont happen just disappear over night...and for sure i will be following u over there....and this fan leaf thing is a huge on-going debate personally i dont beleive in it not one bit becuase buds do not take in the light its the leaves!...there are some lower budz on my tree that are completely covered by fan leaves and a far from lacking in the size! the plant will do what it needs to do to catch as much light as possible i dont get as to why people think that cutting off all the leaves that take in light will produce more bud...i honestly havent heared a viable source explaining how taking away vital leaves can produce more buds...idk


Well-Known Member
Ask and u shall recieve..hows it goin D.O.L? and whats up riu? ok so it been about 2 weeks since the whole salt buildup/heat prob, that i had to battle far after the flush and just watering with distilled water, things seem to be going alot dont get me wrong..this shit didnt happen over night, so therefore its not going to correct itself overnight...My feeding, which should be in about a day or so, will be the first feeding since this took place...i think i will only go with 3/4 strength and then the feeding after, resume normal feeding schedule...this is my last all soil grow...not ditching soil completely, but ill be starting a new journal on the third week in october, so i want everyone thats checking this one out to follow me on over...Im setting up a 4 tray, 0veg, perpetual, flood and drain...i promise it to be an awesome journal, and way more in depth and detail than this one just so busy with other shit in the summer that its hard to prepare a proper journal constantly...but this winter, im dedicating 100% to making the next grow spectacular, not cheaping out on anything, balls to the wall, go big or go home type well up for the challenge..anyway back to these biches...they arent recovered 100% visually,still alot of ugly ass, dry fans, but im not pulling them off, just letting them come of on there own...theres a dude on here, who pulls like 75%off his fan leaves off when hes about 3 weeks into flowering...i asked him why and he said so the lower bud sites get more light....i asked him if it messed with yield and he said not one bit and he has the journals to prove it...why do most people make such a big deal over this and here u got a guy who takes them all off, has pics to prove it, and still grows banana size nuggets? who knows anyway, heres some pics from this morning, right at lights out...enjoy and let me know if they look like they are recovering relax, and look at some pics....peace...Ganja
Hot damn, this is some serious shit! They have really filled out since the last update.

I'm as pleased as punch things are working out for the better. All this shit that has happened the past two weeks will hopefully have little impact on the quality and yield of your crop. Well, it's evident in the pics that it has had little impact!

The leaves look funky, but the buds are chunky. That's all that matters. Keep it up!


Active Member
They are bouncing back nicely. Time is all it takes. After my last fan leaf fiasco similiar to yours lol, I am going to try a DWC set-up and grow. Waiting for some more info and my new seeds, plus I'm running out of space. I'm not gonna abandon soil completely either, just need a different set of headaches for a while. Will post the thread once its started. Oh yeah, fyi...I ain't gonna cut off my fan leaves either, that's just crazy to me...later


Well-Known Member
So I hear you're about ready to try out some sweet new nutes.... What are they called again? :)

Why yes dude, as a matter of fact i do...but...when i went to feed, some of the bags were a little heavier than i would have like them to be, so i decided to push it off one more night...Dont worry, u and everyone else will get to see my secret weapon nutes unleashed tonight sometime...stay tuned....ganja


Well-Known Member
Awesome. Hey, even if it takes another night to let those bags get that much lighter, then do that. We don't want 'em overwatered!


Well-Known Member
headie shit 010.jpgheadie shit 006.jpgheadie shit 002.jpgheadie shit 001.jpgheadie shit 012.jpgheadie shit 005.jpg What up everybody...heres some new pics of the ladies...I think they are doing very well...its been a long slow recovery for them, and i dont know if they even will before harvest, but i dont really believe that it effected the overall yield that much....they are just putting on the weight right before my eyes...everyday im seeing growth....all trichs are still clear as of tonight....hopefully this being the last soil grow, i knock my expected yield out of the park...with these 20 plants...well 19 i expecting right around a zip a plant, maybe a little 20 zips, give or take.....almost time to start flushing....peace...ganja


Well-Known Member
lookin good man! cant wait for final weight and smoke report! looks like my tree isnt going to revoce rfrom what ever it is be4 it gets cut as well but i still see alot of growth so i think im in the same boat as u


New Member
holy shizzle for rizzle.

that last photo (6 of 6) is my favorite cause you took it away from the hps.

bangin the back outta your girl... the everyday low-down how you get down.
20 zips of the finest... priceless.


Well-Known Member
what up guys...just wanted to let u guys know how these new nutes that i got work....the name of them is "SmokenGro" is a guano based fertilizer....and they basically come pre mixed in a tea u just fill ur water up and add the tea bags....each teabag makes 5 gallons, i need 10 gallons for my grow, so i throw 2 teabags in...and i think u can get ones that are 1 teabag per gallon....heres the link if anyone is interested>"...this is my first time using them,, so i will update and give u my opinion on far i just love how basic they are..everything is measured for u...i didnt even have to mess with ppm which was right at 890-900ppm which is where i need to be at this stage, so no need for adjustment...and ph was spot on at 6.7, so i didnt need to adjust, so far im diggin that aspect of my plants react to them is the ultimate decision maker for me....will keep posted on how they react....big thanks to Dudeoflife:clap: for coming through with these nutes for me.... for those of u who dont know him, hes a riu member, and smokengrow is his company....i think we need to support each other in any way we can....stick together and alot of positive shit can happen....i will be running a ebb and flow setup for my next grow and will be using "smokengrow" nutes from beggining til stay tuned.....peace and keepem green....Ganja



Well-Known Member
thats whats up! DOL props to u on that company how is it goin for u? and i hope it makes a huge differance for u hope u like it ganja
what up rasta? yeah man thats what i said...big ups to the dude....hes tryin to do his damn thing, and if i can help him along the way, then im'a help the man.....i believe in i said, thats what this sites about....helping others.....not bitchin and arguing and fighting, like half of these threads on here turn into by the end of try'em and if i like them, ill buy'em.....hows ur grow doing? everything coming around for the better....i gotta get over there and peep it......thanks for stopping in....peace....Ganja