fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread


Well-Known Member
the raccoons stand in my doorway and growl. wakes me up in the middle of the night. they get a little braver every night. i'm sleeping with an airsoft, i'd hate to have to use it. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
i had a family of racoons that would eat with my dogs. when they moved into my a/c heater ducts they had to go.


Well-Known Member
I can't help but to chuckle and be excited for ya! I have a camper with someone in it on my grow, but a buddie of mine is in an area where he has to set up the tent too! It's a crazy time of year for sure. Lookin' great dude.


Well-Known Member
looks like those racoons are after your cats food...that is a cats house/plaything right?...on a other note if you put out a bowl of water and a egg they will pick up and wash the egg with there paws. then put a hole in it and drink it..its kind of cool to see. i dont think the airsoft is going to cut it racoons are crazy!!


Well-Known Member
I shot a raccon once with a .22 at like 3 in the morning and let me tell ya thats one noise I could do without hearing ever again


New Member
Fk.. i wouldnt mind camping there !!!! VACATION !!! yeah !!

What soil are you using for those small plants in like the 2 gallon pots !!???? it must be super soil, cause it would be impossible to feed all those liquid nutes !!!????

Great job !!!, keep up the work


Well-Known Member
We're supposed to be getting some rain tomorrow (Sunday) down here in sac. Possibly thunderstorms. That tent you got over all your plants, is that to protect from rains/storms or is it to control the photoperiod?

Would they survive a storm with a tent like that? I'm just trying to find out how to get around the cold, last year I had to pull my outdoor early because of the weather. A tent would really help. Was it DIY? Needa invest in one


Well-Known Member
took me a couple hours. did it while my wife slept in. it actually goes up pretty easy. there are a couple little tricks i use and it's pretty stiff so you can tug on it rather hard.

a secure feeling to be protected from the weather.
