The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
oh dear, I am sure she'll come round if she's reasonable, hemlock or do what westy said, and invite her along to watch or something! just make sure when your checkin out the fit girls rear end your Mrs ain't clocking you looking ffs!

Never thought of that D she could watch,,,, and rub one out in the corner..LMAO


Well-Known Member
Not yet, She goes to the final stage of the qualifing school in Nov or Dec. If she makes it thru that,,,, she will be on the list.
She just graduadated from Arizona State, Finished 8th in the country, Name Jacklyn Sweeney.

Sorry bout the thread Jack Mr West, but I did think it turned out to be a laugh..

Here is a link for the last LPGA event she played in as an amature.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
easy westy hows it going? just been catching up on the thread, some funny shit mate lol

u should try the water cure at least one time its spozed to uller tastin bud
whats the crack with the water cure, like i've seen DST in the milk cartons, chop it off at the stem off and let it sit for a while in plain water?

waz he sain wazee sayin!! it never really made it down south no bugger could understand him past about middlesbrough
i'm a soft southerner but i liked rab when it was on then i was younger, my dad used 2 watch it ;)

Nice, baccy free is the way to be...
some1 once when i was younger said they smoked hash pure, couldnt really see how that would work, still cant! not long left for some auto for me

i was imagining a stoned mr west scratching your head wondering what to do with a bath full of coco lol
that was classic, could imagine me doing something like that lol

straight coco for me lol.
i mixed some bat crap in with my coco for my k-train, i'm hoping for the similar effects of the bat crap tea, i'll let u know what happens, been 3-4 days and she's looking ok so far :)

yeah you could do TTT if u could be botherd. I think urd need to laminate the pressed leafs or they'll jus turn to dust in a few weeks lol. I got bags and bags of old leafs old coco and old branches sans buds lol. Sounds a bit like school work, documenting past grows and that, not the sort of thng i like to do on my time off lol.
my mate has one of the biggest (outdoor) leaves i've seen framed in his room (non grower) he just put some selotape neatly over it, been there for as long as i've known him

I'd let her play with my wood
lmao willy, enjoyed that one

mr west

Well-Known Member
nice little recap fingers dude. I rehydrated the coco in a coco bag so no mess yet lol. I need some coaching regarding golf, im rubbish lol. Unfiortunatly i cant upload pics now so no updates for a bit lol :(


Well-Known Member
sorry mate, can't help you there....only ever owned one gold club, and it was a 5 iron with a wooden stem...t'was my Grandads, hehe.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I hadnt owned a golf club untill september last year lmao, now im on my second set, like anything u get out what u put in and me being a lazy cnut aint putting in the hours up the range and hence canny play so well lol.


Well-Known Member
I need some coaching regarding golf,

You know I'm here for ya.

A few tips from the caddy shack

Keep head still, chin out of chest, let you body rotate under your chin/head.
See the impact, watch the club hit the ball, see the impact, if you can't you are swinging to fast.
And keep a lucky ball in your pocket in case your playin for money...:clap::wink:

mr west

Well-Known Member
I shall defo try that next time im golfing lol. Im keeping the triangle till im at the top of the swing b4 i break my elbows lol


Well-Known Member
I had to zoom in and crop these pics, sorry about the quality, I never seem to remember to take a good picture of my cheese for you guys. Its not much, its kind of been in the shaded part of my garden so to speak, its getting much better light to the top as of yesterday though. It was just the runt, so what doesnt perform for me gets pushed off to the side. But I kept it just because I wanted to try it. Smells so fucking good, super funky. Any way here are the pics, sorry I would say something about golfing but the most golfing I have ever done is on Tiger Woods 09 for xbox 360, and that was maybe a couple of hours of game play. FOUR!:leaf: