I was just in the Bahamas were it is a pretty free market. The prices were just as high as they are here in my state. What did those of you that smoked in Amsterdam paying? I remember reading that in Canada, medical MJ was $7.00 per gram which is $196.00/z.
The Michigan referendum from 2006 didn't decriminalize it, it legalized it. Big difference. And in my opinion, which you are all probably getting tired of, that is what we need to do. You keep refering to the Federal Government. I keep saying that isn't the way, it has to be done at state level. It will only be legalized at the federal level when enough states have done it.
Then the polititicians, oh I'm sorry, I should have said public servants, will come out as our champions. They will have been pro MJ for years. Then they will get the federal government out of the prohibition process, and try to get them into the money receiving business.
The State Referendums have to state the tax maximum. That is the way to keep the Federal out of it.
So let me see if I have this right Vi you don't want it legalized because you don't want them on our backs. You must be growing in the front yard. I think the tooth fairy is knocking on your door. Did you see where New York is outlawing fatty food.
Remember when we didn't have lotteries or casinos. We have them now $688,000,000.00 for education in my state last year, and we have a $800,000,000.00 deficit for the next fiscal year( some say its over a BILLION).
Leaf the federal government is spending more money than the estimated street value of the MJ crop to fight the war on drugs and the states are spending that much and more. If 'Slick Willy' really felt our pain MJ legalization would have already been done.
But he did know how to run a campaign. ITS THE ECONOMY. His campaing staff used cell phones and faxes to get questions asked about his opponents stand on issues he felt like he could win and provided information to rebutt arguments. He looked us in the eye and said he never had sex with Monica. Junior high school girls are giving head because they don't want to be accused of having sex now. lol I suppose there are some that think thats a great idea.
We accept porn because its a BILLION DOLLAR industry and I suppose theyr'e are one or two of us that like it. Well MJ is A BILLION DOLLAR industry too.