This Is Why I Believe.

....there is a God.
Although there isn't any physical proof of his existence, hear me out. I will not be bashing atheism or any one that doesn't believe.

My example, is Love. It is an emotion we all feel. An emotion we all NEED. It is present in every single persons life, whether they are being loved, or they are loving someone/something(i.e. their BUDS:leaf:). Now, with that being said, has anyone here seen Love? Physically seen it? Now, I could go on with different emotions, but that would just spread this out too much.

The reason I believe there is a God is because there is plenty of proof that there are things beyond us, beyond what we can physically see, but what we physically feel. I believe God can reach down and touch us, in ways we can't describe, but I like to call them (loosely) as goosebumps =)

Please feel free to shut this theory of mine down. :bigjoint::weed:

Love is seen, its a chemical reaction in the brain. We now that the chemicals that make love are different from species to species as different ones had different uses during their (dreaded word) evolution. Chimps for example have more love than us humans to eachother. I also heard hummingbirds out do us for how much love they feel for another bird. Humans are actually shifting out of that love being necessary thus humans who feel little love are breeding because they marry for finances, sex, class, and a lot of other useless to passing on genes reasons for marrying. That being said, its true we dont know a lot about whats around us as we only have 5 senses. And it is true there seems to be an odd method to this madness. But that in itself does not prove a god to me. The more I learn the more I realizes the probability of us existing given what we mathmatically understand about universes (yes our universe is a bubble actually a petri dish shape and it is expanding, but the laws of physics here are not the same in the next galaxy as we are currently learning) is that YES our Universe should exist and YES consciousness should exist EVEN without a God. That being said I do have irrational theories myself, like that consciousness existing in our universe is actually dark energy leaking into our physical universe. (dark energy (which is still totally theoretical) seems to be a battery that fuels consciousness and seems to drain the more we the conscious look at it.) Irrational yes, more likely than God? yes.
Of course anything I say is pointless, because as all christians know, the devil will try to confuse and misdirect you from God using such evil tools as science, study, facts and relevant information! Stay on guard against these peoples LOGIC, as that is the devil trying to distract you from putting extra money into the plate at church this sabbath!

YOU , You are EVIL in the flesh.

Of course you didn't get it.

Oh look here, the holy roller bashin my avatar when he himself is smoking and growing...pot callin the kettle black, eh?

And for all you know, that nun could have glaucoma. STILL waitin on your rebuttal to my tearing down your falsified story... Is a Entertainment site.
Doesn't your god dislike lying? Making up a story about someone like Einstein and going around calling it fact is slander. That's why we have laws that require evidence. Not only is professor strawman put in place of an actual argument, this is insulting to Einstein by putting words and beliefs in his mouth. Einstein made it clear that he was neither a theist nor an atheist. He used the word "God" to describe the universe and the unknown, and he lambasted religion, and Christianity in particular. So many layers of lies.
Maybe if you have to be told you shouldn't bash god. Just maybe, maybe we shouldn't try to save your ass

So its ok to totally douche out on someone as long as you are coming from trying to save them? Kinda a "how many times do i have to F'k your sister to prove to you God exists?" type thing? Yeah thats the problem, Jesus the actual guy would probly call you a douche and avoid you. your mouth about George!

LOL, Devil gonna need to watch out, as George will explain shit in a way that will have everyone laughin at him. "Whats with the horns, you dont use them for anything, are you just into Goats? Why is our whole society down here dictated by Lewy's goat fetish? Spend a little too much time on a farm?"
Yeah, strong argument guy...way to really "show us the way"...speaking in nonsensical proverbs because you have no logical rebuttals to our pretty easily identified evidence...if there were a God, let's just say he wouldn't be very proud of you.

Watch this video Atheists to learn how to properly argue against the crusades of christians to rob you of freedom and money.
Jesus was the first politician. He was put up by 13 people who wanted to take over the government by taking over the people first. they had to offer the people a lot of plus's to come to their side politically. "Render on to Cesar what is Cesars!" when asked about paying his tax, jesus was trying to tell everyone to pay tax, because when his people took over the government he wanted them to not be angry about paying them tax. Dont get me wrong, I agree with a lot of Jesus's politics if he had taken over as a government leader, but promises b4 power and actual implimentation are never really as accurate as you'd think.
Im a troll bye. enjoy the thread.
...sorry man, I just can't take any words of religion serious in 2010....

I like George Carlin, very smart man. I enjoy a lot of his "standups". Have you watched any of his others where he talks about the government and the way they play us through the media? I dont know if he is talking about the illuminati or what, but it matches up with everything the illumanati stands for. In that case, he would be talking about a group of people trying to raise the anti-christ. Which would mean there is a good vs evil battle in which there is a God.

And how nice of you Phuck, to correct my spelling on my dog, or at least point out something that has nothing to do with the OP that way you feel you are one up. I did say that I enjoyed that "essay" as I called it, but I would never use it as an argument piece.

Muntant, stop jackin this thread with stupid remarks like the Your going to hell one, they can believe what they want, just the same to you, but in the OP I said I wouldnt be bashing theirs.
Im not a religion freak either, I used to be Southern Baptist, but I choose to just believe in God. As simple as that. As much as religion has been messed around with, its hard to know what is true in their teaching. So I choose to just simply believe He is up there.
And how nice of you Phuck, to correct my spelling on my dog, or at least point out something that has nothing to do with the OP that way you feel you are one up. I did say that I enjoyed that "essay" as I called it, but I would never use it as an argument piece.
Sorry but you own the dog, at least try to spell it close to the right way so it looks like a typo. You sound like the people that think they own a rockwilder.