First Ever Grow - Stealth PC Easy Ryder Bubbleponics


Active Member
Question about your carbon filter. Does it do well at filtering the smell just with that one little sheet?
Unfortunately, the carbon sheets do virtually nothing except clog up airflow a bit and block some light. I'll be removing them and figuring out another method of light trapping before my next grow.


Active Member
Hi everyone,

Well, I guess that about rounds it up for this one, folks. Today is presumably the last time I'll see my plant in person before harvest. One of my roommates agreed to help by topping off my reservoir with RO water every couple days while I'm gone. I performed one final flush and nutrient addition today.


pH: 6.3
PPM: 850

Looking good! I only used half strength nutes so there would be less to dilute over the next week. Hopefully this is an effective flush method.

Here are some pictures. I tried to take some of them at close to the same angles as last time so it's easy to compare. However, I used a different camera and I took the pictures in low light this time, so they do look a little different.
DSC00257 (Medium).JPGDSC00260 (Medium).JPGDSC00262 (Medium).JPGDSC00256 (Medium).jpgDSC00263 (Medium).JPGDSC00267 (Medium).jpgDSC00268 (Medium).jpg

Have a good week, everyone! I'll try to keep you as updated as possible and respond to posts in a timely manner, but I'll be pretty busy. Now we play the waiting game...


Well-Known Member
Looks real good, its hard to gauge the size. I remember reading somewhere you said your goal was 2 zips from this grow. You even said you didn't think you'd get it, but hoped! So do you think you may reach that goal? I definitely See 1 zip out of there, but the scrog makes it hard to tell as well. Definitely a great grow!


Well-Known Member
Lol Those were the good ol days:-D....and I don't know how u do it...cant stay in a relationship for more than a couple of months:???:. They either say it's me or quit smoking....I need a girl that chiefs big time:bigjoint:


Active Member
I could use your help right now.. haha
Did you ever experience these brown spots on the tips of your leaves?



Active Member
Looks real good, its hard to gauge the size. I remember reading somewhere you said your goal was 2 zips from this grow. You even said you didn't think you'd get it, but hoped! So do you think you may reach that goal? I definitely See 1 zip out of there, but the scrog makes it hard to tell as well. Definitely a great grow!
Haha yes indeed, the ScrOG does make it hard to tell. There's just so much going on... I think I'll be a bit more vigilant about keeping it nice and tidy next time around so everything is easy to see and the buds have more room :). It's really hard for me to tell how much I'm going to get too, especially considering this is my first grow so I'm not the best yet at judging dry weight from looking at a plant. I'm confident I'll get at least a zip, but anything more than that is up in the air. I'm afraid that I'll find out I have a lot of little popcorn buds hiding under the canopy -- this was sort of to be expected, though. I was using this as sort of a "control" grow, and I decided early on not to prune any little buds off just in case they got huge. Now I have a better idea of which buds are going to be my primary yielders and which ones just get lost in the jungle. I'll be using this information to selectively trim future popcorn buds and maximize yield from big colas.

Anyway, that was probably way more than you wanted to hear. TLDR; One ounce at least is to be expected, I would say 1.5 on the high end, but it's hard for me to tell for various reasons detailed above.

I agree with gumball....I think youll get a least a zip or more!
Good to hear :). Thanks for the encouragement!

primo stuff dude

your the man

iv never seen easyryders like this b4
my first auto was an easyryder
Hey man, thanks for coming! I love keeping up with your Cobra and Stoned on the AF thread. (For what it's worth I would definitely tune in if you started your own journal!) She sure did grow fast, eh? :D It's the DWC. Also, I believe I have the larger phenotype of ER.

Lol Those were the good ol days:-D....and I don't know how u do it...cant stay in a relationship for more than a couple of months:???:. They either say it's me or quit smoking....I need a girl that chiefs big time:bigjoint:
I feel so lucky :). Just be honest and up-front about how much you smoke right from the start! Slash only date girls you meet via stoner friends, haha.

I could use your help right now.. haha
Did you ever experience these brown spots on the tips of your leaves?
Hey endofwed, thanks for posting the picture. The brown spotting doesn't look familiar, but I did (still do) have a little bit of tip yellowing (probably due to nutes). What percentage of leaves is it on? Just big ones or small ones? Both? I'm afraid I'm not sure what the brown coloration could be :-\. I'm not very experienced at diagnosing problems, especially in soil. Sorry! Does anyone else have any ideas?

Now to pose a question to you guys! I'm thinking about doing a live stream of my harvest -- if I do, would anyone be interested in tuning in? I'd post the date, time and URL well in advance so it's not a big surprise when it happens.


Well-Known Member
I am sure it will be a very rewarding harvest despite the yield. Guessing a dry weight by looking at a plant is indeed hard. But I would advise against trimming any popcorn, they serve a purpose in flower. Think of the big leaves being gone and the plant relying on those little sugar leaves to help sustain it. They may be small and fluffy but they are there for a reason. If nothing else do a staggered harvest where you first take the larger colas and the let the popcorn go a week or 2 more without anything blocking them from the light. I have read growers have great success this way.

I'd be interested in the live harvest, be interesting!

As for the brown tips endofwed, looks a little burnt. If that is all you have right now, then just lay off of any nutes for a little bit. Is it in a certain section of the plant, top, middle, or bottom? Is it soil or hydro? Some more info like temps, age, water source, and pics of the plant and medium will help.


Well-Known Member
Damn this is genius for stealth growing lol ! nice work mate. I plan on using a full tower case box, and going to use a 90 watt ufo, but i have to figure out how to light proof the ventilation because i cant have pink light shining out of the box. But wow bro very nice job Kudos =) + rep


Now to pose a question to you guys! I'm thinking about doing a live stream of my harvest -- if I do, would anyone be interested in tuning in? I'd post the date, time and URL well in advance so it's not a big surprise when it happens.
Ill definitely check it out if you throw up a link!


Active Member
I am sure it will be a very rewarding harvest despite the yield. Guessing a dry weight by looking at a plant is indeed hard. But I would advise against trimming any popcorn, they serve a purpose in flower. Think of the big leaves being gone and the plant relying on those little sugar leaves to help sustain it. They may be small and fluffy but they are there for a reason. If nothing else do a staggered harvest where you first take the larger colas and the let the popcorn go a week or 2 more without anything blocking them from the light. I have read growers have great success this way.
Hmm, that's an intriguing idea about letting them go longer! I'm not sure how feasible it is with DWC considering my 10 day nute flush (I'm not sure how well they would recover if I start adding nutes again for a week).

On the subject of trimming them off: I've read lots of conflicting information on this. Some ScrOGgers say to trim them off as soon as you can tell they're not going to make it to maturity with the rest of the buds, and some like you say to leave them. I'll do some more research and update if I find out anything particularly interesting.

Damn this is genius for stealth growing lol ! nice work mate. I plan on using a full tower case box, and going to use a 90 watt ufo, but i have to figure out how to light proof the ventilation because i cant have pink light shining out of the box. But wow bro very nice job Kudos =) + rep
:D Thanks for joining us, and thanks for the kind words! I'm probably going to be making some sort of light trap soon for the exact same reason, so I'll keep the thread updated. I'm pretty sure I saw a light trap tutorial thread somewhere recently. I'll try to find it again.

EDIT: Found it: . Gumball actually linked it in the PC Gang a month or so ago, after being led to it by v12xjs. Props.

I'd be interested in the live harvest, be interesting!
Ill definitely check it out if you throw up a link!
Cool! I'll probably set up a ustream account some time next week and let you know the URL and time.


Well-Known Member
I really think if the whole plant is healthy it would produce better overall, like in a somewhat perfect nature. Your plant is very healthy. Plus in nature the tops of fruiting and flowering plants naturally ripen and die/fall off first.

You could also add some molasses and that should sustain the popcorn for a week or 2 to ripen without shock, or chemicals in the harvest. I posted a nice link to a test done on various molasses brands and some are very nutrient rich with stuff our ladies like. If I remember I will fetch it up for you later, or you can search my thread for molasses and it should come up quick.


Well-Known Member
so look homie.. this is what i am wondering... i have the same size and type of screen you used... i noticed you never got a difrrent one nor, did you cut bigger holes in it... do you regret this descision? i am using mine for a "reverse scrog" i made it up/ read it somewhere i think... i cut holes in mine... just basically made each hole the size of four previous holes... just imagine cutting " + " out of it and thats what i did... your guessing 1.5? not bad... check mine out and give me some pointers... if ya dont mind... is easy rider a deisel ryder relative? not referring to to its ruderalis trait...


Active Member
I really think if the whole plant is healthy it would produce better overall, like in a somewhat perfect nature. Your plant is very healthy. Plus in nature the tops of fruiting and flowering plants naturally ripen and die/fall off first.
Duly noted -- this logic makes sense. I've never thought about it that way!

You could also add some molasses and that should sustain the popcorn for a week or 2 to ripen without shock, or chemicals in the harvest. I posted a nice link to a test done on various molasses brands and some are very nutrient rich with stuff our ladies like. If I remember I will fetch it up for you later, or you can search my thread for molasses and it should come up quick.
That link has some really good information! I did a quick google search to see if adding molasses to a hydro system would work, and the general consensus I found is that yes, you can do it but you have to be very careful not to add too much or it could cause some serious bacterial growth due to its high sugar content. Another option is something like Botanicare Sweet.

so look homie.. this is what i am wondering... i have the same size and type of screen you used... i noticed you never got a difrrent one nor, did you cut bigger holes in it... do you regret this descision? i am using mine for a "reverse scrog" i made it up/ read it somewhere i think... i cut holes in mine... just basically made each hole the size of four previous holes... just imagine cutting " + " out of it and thats what i did... your guessing 1.5? not bad... check mine out and give me some pointers... if ya dont mind... is easy rider a deisel ryder relative? not referring to to its ruderalis trait...
Yeah, there was a time when I was just about to switch screens mid-grow, but decided against it as the plant was already fairly well established in the screen. I didn't really resolve it as an open issue though, so thanks for bringing it up. The plant seems to be doing just fine with the smaller holes, but I guess I'll see for sure when I harvest. It doesn't appear as though the buds are getting choked by the screen at all, but then again as previously discussed it's pretty hard to see what's going on under the canopy. Either way, I'll probably at least modify my screen (cut "+" as you say) before my next grow, if not replace it entirely. I'd still like to keep the old one though -- it works really well as a shelf to raise the plant up for the first couple weeks of a grow!

Yes, Diesel Ryder is a cross between NYC Diesel and Lowryder #2, while Easy Ryder is a cross between AK47 and Lowryder #2, so they are related by the ruderalis strain. I'm not sure if NYC Diesel and AK47 are related in any way.