First time shroom grow

Yes i am noticing with the popcorn lots of different moisture contents. The mycelium tends to favor no water at bottom, some jars appear a little too dry as well.

Since releasing vacuum and providing adequate ge mycelium exploded in one jar and is continuing to grow in the other jars. Lets see if i run into another stall.

So far:
-One good jar was tossed due to green contams on popcorn.
-water jar is showing signs of liquid culture - how long can this stuff survive without oxygenating the water? it appears to be a white cloud that tends to stick together as a whole.
-11 jars left and 10 are showing signs of myc. The one jar is not showing any signs.
-Most jars are still under 10 percent inoc...a few are around 10 percent and one is around 40 and the other 30.

Dan, do you shake your jars?
Just shake once around 30% colonized after the myc has become dikaryotic and it will finish a week or so after. Then one more shake after full colonization the day before you use it as spawn.
i did some research on dikaryotic...not sure how to tell if myc is infact dikaryotic. can i assume this at 30percent colonization? im thinking this is when the mycelium makes that jump for growth and starts reproducing full speed.
I went ahead and shook a couple of the jars that were about 30 percent. Lets see how that does. Mycelium is continuing to develop and every day i notice an increase in growth. I will post some pictures when the time is right.
Man i injected a little bit of honey into my liquid culture jar (prepared without food) and the mycelium just exploded over night. Maybe my popcorn needs honey?
Post pics up of that LC. cultures can be tricky, especially in Liquid.
If your going to use honey, use Brown Rice Syrup. it may be a little harder to find and a little more expensive, but a little bit goes a LONG way and it Myc just explodes in it too.
Fungus likes a nuetral PH so around 6-7 is good.
Try some lemon or orange juice. its an excellent source of Vitimin C, which encourages growth in fungus too.
A small bit of Malt Extract will also help if you hold off a little of the syrup.

Most people will laugh at this, but ive done it a 1000 times with success. Pedialite works great for LC. Just put in a glass jar, and PC. Its cheap and easy.

Im proud, I just tried to walk you through a shroom grow and you went off and moved LC's in the first go around, glad to see your dipping your feet into different parts of mycology. Try some Agar, MEA(malt extract agar) or if your really serious about it, theres a site called fungiperfect that sells a blended mix of MEA that is fuckin supreme for fungal growth. agar can get expensive as its pretty hard to keep clean, and you need dishes, innoculation loops, and scalpels. but you truly find your strongest myc with agar. just like working from clones with your MJ, you find an excellent genotype and move it to agar, after that your pretty much ensured great jars/tubs.

Good job, +1
I wonder if contams can get through these little holes.

If you keep fuckin with the jars and move them around all the time the can get contaminants in them. If you leave them in a closed shelf/cupboard like you are supposed to without messing with them they will be fine. :)
hi, It is important to always put verm in the bottom of your jars to absorbs excess moisture and lift contents out of stagnant pools of myc piss.
Also before presure cooking corn to sterilise, make sure they are cooked through, physicaly break some open to make sure there is no white dry bit left inside.
Verm on the bottom? Properly prepared grains need nothing but grains in the jar. If you have water pooling in the bottom you prepared your grains too wet or are heating the bottom of the jars which create condensation and drips... Verm on the bottom of a grain jar is just asking for issues... Start using rye berries and follow the prep tek on the let's grow mushrooms site... Aeviaanha, how are them jars? I started quart size rye from multi spore on the same day you did... Mine are slow due to colder temp but are roughly %80+ finished.
Verm on the bottom? Properly prepared grains need nothing but grains in the jar. If you have water pooling in the bottom you prepared your grains too wet or are heating the bottom of the jars which create condensation and drips... Verm on the bottom of a grain jar is just asking for issues... Start using rye berries and follow the prep tek on the let's grow mushrooms site... Aeviaanha, how are them jars? I started quart size rye from multi spore on the same day you did... Mine are slow due to colder temp but are roughly %80+ finished.

You question ANC? That's like telling Hercules that his weapon is a tiny farmers pick. All your base are belong to ANC.
Post pics up of that LC. cultures can be tricky, especially in Liquid.
If your going to use honey, use Brown Rice Syrup. it may be a little harder to find and a little more expensive, but a little bit goes a LONG way and it Myc just explodes in it too.
Fungus likes a nuetral PH so around 6-7 is good.
Try some lemon or orange juice. its an excellent source of Vitimin C, which encourages growth in fungus too.
A small bit of Malt Extract will also help if you hold off a little of the syrup.

Most people will laugh at this, but ive done it a 1000 times with success. Pedialite works great for LC. Just put in a glass jar, and PC. Its cheap and easy.

Im proud, I just tried to walk you through a shroom grow and you went off and moved LC's in the first go around, glad to see your dipping your feet into different parts of mycology. Try some Agar, MEA(malt extract agar) or if your really serious about it, theres a site called fungiperfect that sells a blended mix of MEA that is fuckin supreme for fungal growth. agar can get expensive as its pretty hard to keep clean, and you need dishes, innoculation loops, and scalpels. but you truly find your strongest myc with agar. just like working from clones with your MJ, you find an excellent genotype and move it to agar, after that your pretty much ensured great jars/tubs.

Good job, +1
Right on bro, how do you maintain ph of water after pressure cooked? if you adjusted ph before pressure cooking wouldnt the waters ph change?
If you keep fuckin with the jars and move them around all the time the can get contaminants in them. If you leave them in a closed shelf/cupboard like you are supposed to without messing with them they will be fine. :)
hi, It is important to always put verm in the bottom of your jars to absorbs excess moisture and lift contents out of stagnant pools of myc piss.
Also before presure cooking corn to sterilise, make sure they are cooked through, physicaly break some open to make sure there is no white dry bit left inside.
I actually did put vermiculite in 2 of the 12 jars. I shook it up and mixed it with popcorn, wasnt instructed to i just did because when working with popcorn you should throw some dry popcorn in there to help wick up any remaining moisture. well i ran out of the dry popcorn for the last two jars and just put verm in there. the jars with verm are actually doing pretty good.
Verm on the bottom? Properly prepared grains need nothing but grains in the jar. If you have water pooling in the bottom you prepared your grains too wet or are heating the bottom of the jars which create condensation and drips... Verm on the bottom of a grain jar is just asking for issues... Start using rye berries and follow the prep tek on the let's grow mushrooms site... Aeviaanha, how are them jars? I started quart size rye from multi spore on the same day you did... Mine are slow due to colder temp but are roughly %80+ finished.
They are doing good here are a few pictures showing progress.

1 jar is showing no signs what so ever...a few are trucking along still near 5-15 percent...and two or so look to be around 70-80 percent. The rest falling somewhere in between.
Thanks man! Is it LC not even sure if it is!!
No man that LC doesnt look to have an growth YET.. Give it a few more days. In the mean time, try the pedialite LC method, it doesnt leave all that junk floating and you cant fuck up the mix, ya just pour from once container to the other and PC. Make sure it doesnt carmelize and youll love the way it acts.
The really excellent part about an LC, is that once you get a big chunky of myc, you can shake the shit out of it and break it into a bunch of tiny chunks of myc that each will start their own large chunk giving you faster LC growth.
No man that LC doesnt look to have an growth YET.. Give it a few more days. In the mean time, try the pedialite LC method, it doesnt leave all that junk floating and you cant fuck up the mix, ya just pour from once container to the other and PC. Make sure it doesnt carmelize and youll love the way it acts.
The really excellent part about an LC, is that once you get a big chunky of myc, you can shake the shit out of it and break it into a bunch of tiny chunks of myc that each will start their own large chunk giving you faster LC growth.
Those chunks werent there before they went into closet. What is growing in there then? Ill be sure to try the pedialite method. These jars are essentially used to make more syringes right? What you think of the mycelium in popcorn!?
Those chunks werent there before they went into closet. What is growing in there then? Ill be sure to try the pedialite method. These jars are essentially used to make more syringes right? What you think of the mycelium in popcorn!?

Your popcorn looks great!
Those chunks are just the solids/sugars in your water that settle at the bottom, they may swell but they arent growing. The myc will look like a big ball of snot in the jar.

After you get a good lc going, you shake your lc jar and draw back a syringe full of the culture. since its already alive it cuts out germination time. With 1cc of LC per at jar of grain, you COULD colonize in about a week. Liquid Cultures are ALOT faster than working from spore! since your spore is germinating in liquid, it will continue grow more rapidly since there is no resistance to stop growth in liquid, but once it hits grains, you could see growth within 24 hours of innoculation.
Your popcorn looks great!
Those chunks are just the solids/sugars in your water that settle at the bottom, they may swell but they arent growing. The myc will look like a big ball of snot in the jar.

After you get a good lc going, you shake your lc jar and draw back a syringe full of the culture. since its already alive it cuts out germination time. With 1cc of LC per at jar of grain, you COULD colonize in about a week. Liquid Cultures are ALOT faster than working from spore! since your spore is germinating in liquid, it will continue grow more rapidly since there is no resistance to stop growth in liquid, but once it hits grains, you could see growth within 24 hours of innoculation.
right on...this is startin to get interesting
a real simple yet efficient LC tek is one cube of raw sugar( 3.7 gr) too 100 ml distilled water...PC @ 10 psi for 12 mins... noc the bitch up and swirl once a day...I use 1/2 pint tall jars with RTV innoc port and tyvek filter...keeps my martha full...;)))