Time for a REVOLUTION are u ready ?

fuck revolution leave the country!
look to your left, look to your right
who do you see? where are the revolutionaries?
nobody cares if the government owns them like slaves becuase we are all brainwashed to be prisoner of our own selfish desires
we are all zombies in a sense, wacthing TV, playing video games, partying and getting drunk all the time, eating fast food to avoid cooking your own meals, THEY TURN US INTO ZOMBIES
(I know this sounds crazy, but there are real mind control projects that have been around since 60s look up ((MK-ULTRA)) ((RAINBOW PROJECT)) ((MOUNTAK PROJECT)) ((SEX KITTEN PROGRAMING)) ((PHOENIX PROJECT)) ((CIA MONARCH))
and many more but these are the main ones that effect you everytime you turn on a tv or look at an advertisement

its hopeless, just leave the country to a poorer but beautiful country where you can get a 4 bedroom house for around 20 thousand, and just start over with your family. WW3 is commin. a group of muslims are resisting a new world domination.
time is running out,
what will you do
Leave ? Not an option won,t do it anyway . Yeah most people are zombies trained on commercialized everthing sitting in front of the tv eating fast food .
i dont know which one has more crazies, this thread or the one about november 6th. this wingnut bullshit makes me lol every time. thanks for making my day.:wink:
life long outdoorsman here, i havent eaten beef in two months, that was at DQ,i make buckskin clothing ,shoot blackpowder,and forge my own steel,never owned a cellphone and this is not my computer fuck electricity. im ready for whatever.
i dont know which one has more crazies, this thread or the one about november 6th. this wingnut bullshit makes me lol every time. thanks for making my day.:wink:

Yep, I can see you'll be either in the starved to death or the beaten and murdered for food percentile. Personally I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire to save your life. Good luck to ya if something like that goes down. You'll need it.;-)
life long outdoorsman here, i havent eaten beef in two months, that was at DQ,i make buckskin clothing ,shoot blackpowder,and forge my own steel,never owned a cellphone and this is not my computer fuck electricity. im ready for whatever.

Right on brother ! I like my beef but sounds like you got it under control ! Technology will be our downfall .
Yeah I think it's absolutly funny when people come in here and poke fun at this deal . Those are the people with no sense of survival .
These people laugh at all this , probaly because of the zombie talk but these types are the weakest . Probaly eats nothing but fast food and cooks in the microwave .

This isn't meant to be taken as if we are hiding in the basement with a stockpile of seeds and canned food waiting on the bottom to fall out .
It's something for you to think about and it is possible . Will you actally know what to do if the bottom fell out ? Or are you going to be confused and wander why Mcdonalds isnt open , how am I going to eat with no power , how will I stay warm , what if a mob comes to raid all my stuff ? Shit like that .

Zombie= non believer ,brainwashed sheep.
I share alot of these views about society, though I feel that the given attitudes presented here are ludicrous... all this anger toward "non-believers" makes you look like a scared little man that's afraid of what he thinks is coming.... one would think that if you were serious, you would have done dropped off the grid and would be working on bettering your homestead rather than posting on a online pot growing forum at 9am on a beautiful saturday morning..... you could be digging your root cellar, felling/splitting/stockpiling firewood, making a better fence around your compound, setting up wind/hydro energy, etc..... get my point? ;)

as for the question, I live out in the woods, have a flow well, guns and game.... also have plenty of country family to band together with around here, so I think everything will be a-okay.
Wow this guy can "see" through the internet and knows what I'm doing with my time . Guess you did,t see me splitting wood earlier for the fireplace , tending to my plants . I rise early and tend to my gurls first thing and tend to my veg plants during the day. I,m sorry you think I'm angry dont understand that .
I would rely on the old survival of the fitess way of life and eat everything smaller than me.... Dog? ...ate Cat? ...ate Neighbors kids? ...ate um .....Hell ill even eat u if you come near by! hahaha zombie!
Wow this guy can "see" through the internet and knows what I'm doing with my time . Guess you did,t see me splitting wood earlier for the fireplace , tending to my plants . I rise early and tend to my gurls first thing and tend to my veg plants during the day. I,m sorry you think I'm angry dont understand that .

when you're online and posting, I kinda can see through the internet and see what you're doing with your time... think about it ;)

and my post was not directed at you specifically...
Oh and BTW I seriously doubt the terrorists would possess a bomb that would cover the ENTIRE united states. or even the ability to launch it. ESPECIALLY with the tech we have nowadays. ...That shit would be shot down quicker than you can say Osama bin ladin
Oh and BTW I seriously doubt the terrorists would possess a bomb that would cover the ENTIRE united states. or even the ability to launch it. ESPECIALLY with the tech we have nowadays. ...That shit would be shot down quicker than you can say Osama bin ladin

Never said the entire country . Technology we have nowadays? That's the whole problem I don't think u understand . Hell we don't even know who launched a missle 35 miles off our coast and your preaching technology .
when you're online and posting, I kinda can see through the internet and see what you're doing with your time... think about it ;)

and my post was not directed at you specifically...

Yeah I,m sure u can see alot of what people do with there time considering your status. No worries all in fun here :)
Never said the entire country . Technology we have nowadays? That's the whole problem I don't think u understand . Hell we don't even know who launched a missle 35 miles off our coast and your preaching technology .

Oh dont preach to me about technology... I understand it will be our envitable downfall. Why should we integret such things in our world/society that we rely on like food? etc... etc.... Its becuase humans live beyond there means. We will always divide and conqour anyway, anyhow. We are like the agent said in the first matrix "A virus to the planet". ..... And we are peaking. how much longer can we reproduce and reproduce and expect to have food for everyone? ... Its been bad for sometime now and its only getting worse. ...Thats why everyone falls into the whole "the worlds gonna end" and "jesus is coming back" type stuff, Because SOON the shits gonna really hit the fan. Maybe not 10 years from now... maybe not 50 .... BUT the human race is looking its self in the mirror right now saying "whats next"..... Whats next is.... Well thats up to us. Are you really prepared to rebuild society? standards? Laws? Principles? Morals??? .... Its always happening, but soon its goona be SERIOUS.
Oh dont preach to me about technology... I understand it will be our envitable downfall. Why should we integret such things in our world/society that we rely on like food? etc... etc.... Its becuase humans live beyond there means. We will always divide and conqour anyway, anyhow. We are like the agent said in the first matrix "A virus to the planet". ..... And we are peaking. how much longer can we reproduce and reproduce and expect to have food for everyone? ... Its been bad for sometime now and its only getting worse. ...Thats why everyone falls into the whole "the worlds gonna end" and "jesus is coming back" type stuff, Because SOON the shits gonna really hit the fan. Maybe not 10 years from now... maybe not 50 .... BUT the human race is looking its self in the mirror right now saying "whats next"..... Whats next is.... Well thats up to us. Are you really prepared to rebuild society? standards? Laws? Principles? Morals??? .... Its always happening, but soon its goona be SERIOUS.

Good post but what do you mean about preaching to u about technology?
Oh dont preach to me about technology... I understand it will be our envitable downfall. Why should we integret such things in our world/society that we rely on like food? etc... etc.... Its becuase humans live beyond there means. We will always divide and conqour anyway, anyhow. We are like the agent said in the first matrix "A virus to the planet". ..... And we are peaking. how much longer can we reproduce and reproduce and expect to have food for everyone? ... Its been bad for sometime now and its only getting worse. ...Thats why everyone falls into the whole "the worlds gonna end" and "jesus is coming back" type stuff, Because SOON the shits gonna really hit the fan. Maybe not 10 years from now... maybe not 50 .... BUT the human race is looking its self in the mirror right now saying "whats next"..... Whats next is.... Well thats up to us. Are you really prepared to rebuild society? standards? Laws? Principles? Morals??? .... Its always happening, but soon its goona be SERIOUS.

Did I say soon its gonna be serious?!? ... LOL ITS BEEN SERIOUS.
First off, nobody is nuking the US. Three words: Mutually assured destruction.

If the power went out, I'd go buy a chimney and a cookstove, install a reservoir in my attic and reroute my plumbing.