Jessie Ventura is Awsome


Well-Known Member
god i fuckin love erin burnett..

anyway, i remember watching this live on tv back in ny..i just found this. cramer is a fool and so is bernanke...cramer makes himself out to look like a fucking fool as he keeps talking about geithner and bernanke...but if anyone else wants to check it out:

Cramer -''Bavarian Illuminati, Trilateral Commission are not all bad!''



Well-Known Member
i dont want to join in on the fluoride debate, but i just came across this in the news today:

Canadians vote against fluoridated water supplies:
The threads about Jesse Ventura and how he is a real American hero in many different ways but any way the discussion goes is ok. As far as the conspiracy's go Fluoride is just one part of a big picture in which fluoride may have some part. I think it was uncle buck who brought the 'debate' to chemtraill's and fluoride . Does any one know why Jesse got out of politics after being governor and if he has plans to get back into any office?


Well-Known Member
god i fuckin love erin burnett..

anyway, i remember watching this live on tv back in ny..i just found this. cramer is a fool and so is bernanke...cramer makes himself out to look like a fucking fool as he keeps talking about geithner and bernanke...but if anyone else wants to check it out:

Cramer -''Bavarian Illuminati, Trilateral Commission are not all bad!''

I started laughing at 'Bernanke won't let us fall back into a recession' and didnt stor untill he was done trying to shill apple - and I for the record because i don't approve of Bernanke doesn't mean I think hes dumb or doesn't know what he's doing-It's the opposite I think he's extreemly smart and knows exactly what he's doing.-And yeah erin burnett is hot she would get the thumb in the bumb treatment


Well-Known Member
lol i totally forgot this is about jesse ventura..i was just thinking chemtrails and fluoride lol

i'm not sure why jesse got out of politics but i remember seeing him in a bunch of documentaries and how politics was such a joke and being that he knows all about nwo, i doubt he'd be trying to get back into politics.

but i agree, he is a real american hero in many different ways.


Well-Known Member
I started laughing at 'Bernanke won't let us fall back into a recession' and didnt stor untill he was done trying to shill apple - and I for the record because i don't approve of Bernanke doesn't mean I think hes dumb or doesn't know what he's doing-It's the opposite I think he's extreemly smart and knows exactly what he's doing.
i agree. i was just saying they're idiots because i dont like em...bernanke knows more than anyone what he's doing. so does geithner. and so does cramer. they're not fools, but they're pieces of shit.


Well-Known Member
It was like 30 sec into the Cramer vid he says people assume bernenke isn't that bright I think that's B.S. we all know he's smart. Yeah I think jesse is great for trying to investigate the N.W.O. but you can't forget he was govener and was a huge part of the WWF and served our country. I would buy jesse a beer any day. I think he just gives more main stream credibility to the fact that people need to turn off their Ipod and look around


Well-Known Member
If Jesse Ventura was president he'd fuck up this country ten times worse than what obama has done already.
I think he would probably be a the best president in years. He would give great speeches and if their was any beef he could handle it.


Well-Known Member
chemtrails and fluoride and illuminati...oh my!

how do we save ourselves from this fatalistic new world order that will depopulate 2 out of 3 of my children via the global warming scheme?

any answers, anyone?


Well-Known Member
chemtrails and fluoride and illuminati...oh my!

how do we save ourselves from this fatalistic new world order that will depopulate 2 out of 3 of my children via the global warming scheme?

any answers, anyone?
Well since you asked yes I do have an idea
If everyone volunteers for my plan to be enacted and campaigns and lobbies for it and puts it into effect it might solve many of the worlds problems and make their methods of depopulation outlined in the N.W.O. conspiracy obsolete. the first post in this thread outlines my idea pretty well--LINK.


Well-Known Member
Well since you asked yes I do have an idea
If everyone volunteers for my plan to be enacted and campaigns and lobbies for it and puts it into effect it might solve many of the worlds problems and make their methods of depopulation outlined in the N.W.O. conspiracy obsolete. the first post in this thread outlines my idea pretty well--LINK.
so i was thinking about all of the problems in the world and what the world will be like for future generations. what if their were a way to make things better without wars and i was thinking about world population and how i heard china is limiting families to one child and i thought....What if the entire world would agree to sterilisation what if we could sterilise 9 out of every 10 children born in a way that would not harm them but let them lead normal lives. like a visectomy or tube tieing so that the chances of a fertile man and woman coupleing and having a child would be very small. after a few generations population would be grately reduced their would be plenty of natural resourcs and then they could reevaluate the situation. imagine the reforestation the resurgance of wildlife the reduction in polution and the improvement in quality of life RANDOM 9 out of 10 like every hospital 123456789fertile no prefrances
I copyed the O.P. in the thread for anyone who didn't want to bother with the link


Well-Known Member
chemtrails and fluoride and illuminati...oh my!

how do we save ourselves from this fatalistic new world order that will depopulate 2 out of 3 of my children via the global warming scheme?

any answers, anyone?
My answer might piss off jesse, if so maybe it is a bad idea but I say fight fire with fire their talking 2/3rds im talking about 9 out of 10 infertility rate


Well-Known Member

debate = witty comments

debate = copy and pasting pages upon pages worth of shit

and also, global warming is a scheme by the global elite who control major aspects of the world theater as a means to depopulate the earth by 2/3.
