

Well-Known Member
And somewhere in there pandabear he talks about how they got to earth. Not saying you would give it credit anyways but basically they have such an almost perfect understanding of the universe and are so advanced that they are connected to their vehicles in a way that allows them to somehow "think" about where in space, and time they want to go, and go there. I put think in quotations because, just like speech and intelligence, the way you "think" would evolve and change into something a little diferent i assume after millions of years, as well as every other function of the physical and mental parts of your body. Also your basic makeup would be much different if you were from a different planet I'm gettin off topic watch the videos though theyre pretty crazy. Pandabear Nor Response Neccessary.
Apparently were right now evolving, with google...Yea, go figure. Not just google, apparently any search engine. You can google it, but studies have been showing that spending time on a search engine has about the same effect as mind/memory games they have the elderly play to stave off Alzheimers, in that in the process your brain is creating neural networks. Like crossword puzzles, they noticed increased activity in the verbal/reading part of the brain, but with search engines they were noticing new neural networks being created in the decision part of our brain as well. Basically, the advent of everyone having the internet is causing our brains to "shape up" to take in the wealth of information held on the internet. In other words, twenty years from now the average brain will have alot more going on then current.


Well-Known Member
Also, I wasn't going to put this on here for pad, but check this out
its outlining a discovery related to teleportation. Not that they think they will get there, but I think they say that because they know they would lose credibility by even entertaining the theory. Though, honestly, I would be surprised if they could pull it off in the next 50 years...


Well-Known Member
Yes but dont forget the NEGATIVE things that can come from someone who say, SITs at the Comp all day.. watches TV all day. The bad outcomes would outweigh the good ones.. You have a Good Point. But I Could See Some1 Who Sits at the Comp all day using that as an excuse. If your on the Comp as MUCH as you WORK OUT, GET OUTSIDE, EAT RIGHT then it cant HURT.. but if you being on the COMP > MORE THAN ALL THE OTHERS.. Your not Evolving

Apparently were right now evolving, with google...Yea, go figure. Not just google, apparently any search engine. You can google it, but studies have been showing that spending time on a search engine has about the same effect as mind/memory games they have the elderly play to stave off Alzheimers, in that in the process your brain is creating neural networks. Like crossword puzzles, they noticed increased activity in the verbal/reading part of the brain, but with search engines they were noticing new neural networks being created in the decision part of our brain as well. Basically, the advent of everyone having the internet is causing our brains to "shape up" to take in the wealth of information held on the internet. In other words, twenty years from now the average brain will have alot more going on then current.


Well-Known Member
Yes but dont forget the NEGATIVE things that can come from someone who say, SITs at the Comp all day.. watches TV all day. The bad outcomes would outweigh the good ones.. You have a Good Point. But I Could See Some1 Who Sits at the Comp all day using that as an excuse. If your on the Comp as MUCH as you WORK OUT, GET OUTSIDE, EAT RIGHT then it cant HURT.. but if you being on the COMP > MORE THAN ALL THE OTHERS.. Your not Evolving
actually, not true, not in the least. Let me explain, I will agree that its important to not neglect your physical body. It needs to eat right, be worked out, etc. But the brain would evolve, the one downside to mental development is focus. Now, would they in every way be better than say our grandfather? No, not in physical endurance by any means,but they'll evolve to be smarter. Don't mistake evolving for improving, evolving is streamlining to adapt to current conditions. People are out of shape now simply because they CAN be. If you had to work the farm and churn the butter all day, your body is going to adapt to that.


Well-Known Member
Also, I wasn't going to put this on here for pad, but check this out
its outlining a discovery related to teleportation. Not that they think they will get there, but I think they say that because they know they would lose credibility by even entertaining the theory. Though, honestly, I would be surprised if they could pull it off in the next 50 years...
very interesting my friend.


Well-Known Member
though honestly, now that I understand the teleportation theory more, it creeps me out. I thought they were trying to accelerate your particles to point b, but they're not, they want to make copy you, create a new you at point b, and destroy the original...Thats just fucking creepy, I wouldn't agree to that. I WOULD however let them create a me on the other side of the galaxy...I'm all about letting another version of me represent me, jut not BE me... :p


Well-Known Member
That's amazing!
Thanks for the info.
But, that is the same time frame in which I was suggesting!
Maybe so, but this is the oldest definitive archeological site of its sort. There's much speculation about the underwater evidence, at this point. And nobody knows how far back the culture that spawned Gobekli Tepe originated.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
There is speculation that gravity exist as well. That's why it's still a theory.
Here is one example of an underwater monument.
Possibly, twice as old as the Pyramids of Egypt.

Tool marks and carvings have been discovered upon the stones (and documented) which indicate that they have were constructed rather than being natural stone structures.


Well-Known Member
There is speculation that gravity exist as well. That's why it's still a theory.
Here is one example of an underwater monument.
Possibly, twice as old as the Pyramids of Egypt.

View attachment 1285536View attachment 1285537
Tool marks and carvings have been discovered upon the stones (and documented) which indicate that they have were constructed rather than being natural stone structures.
I think you mistook my drift, I don't doubt their veracity, but there is no specific analysis as of yet.

And your gravity analogy is a bit lame, but I'm fascinated as anyone with the underwater discoveries.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
And your gravity analogy is a bit lame, ..
Bruise your pride a bit? That's when insults come in.
But, pride is like a blurry lens, making clarity impossible.
As is, trying to gauge emotion over text fails, often.(I should use more Emoticons)
Hence the true saying,"It's not what you say, but how you say it."
I wish no ill will, my original intent was solely to open people to new ideas and new discoveries.

As far as the Gravity Theory goes. I believe it was an excellent parallel.
You see, for the larger part society believes in gravity and stays away from tall ledges.
But, there has always been religous fanatics believing it's God's will alone keeping us on this rock, a few even thought they could fly if they believed enough.
The same goes for the Ancient Alien theory. Let's say aliens parked in our skies tomorrow.
The larger mass will most likely be able to wake up, and make the connections already laid out by few.
But, others will believe their Gods have returned. Still others will believe the Devil has brought demons.


Well-Known Member
Bruise your pride a bit? That's when insults come in.
But, pride is like a blurry lens, making clarity impossible.
As is, trying to gauge emotion over text fails, often.(I should use more Emoticons)
Hence the true saying,"It's not what you say, but how you say it."
I wish no ill will, my original intent was solely to open people to new ideas and new discoveries.

As far as the Gravity Theory goes. I believe it was an excellent parallel.
You see, for the larger part society believes in gravity and stays away from tall ledges.
But, there has always been religous fanatics believing it's God's will alone keeping us on this rock, a few even thought they could fly if they believed enough.
The same goes for the Ancient Alien theory. Let's say aliens parked in our skies tomorrow.
The larger mass will most likely be able to wake up, and make the connections already laid out by few.
But, others will believe their Gods have returned. Still others will believe the Devil has brought demons.
Belief has nothing to do with fact. And no, you didn't bruise my pride. I'm dispassionate in this sort of discussion. You seem a bit touchy, and I'm sorry for that, but I't seems I'm forced to keep explaining what I mean.

And I still don't think Aliens are necessarily alien. I think they may be as much Earthling as we. Or, at least have been around longer.

Gravity is not a theory, it's just not fully understood. And my comment wasn't intended as an insult, just being frank.

(edit correction to change was to wasn't)

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Gravity is not a theory, it's just not fully understood. And my comment wasn't intended as an insult, just being frank.

(edit correction to change was to wasn't)
Wrong, Frank. Gravity is a theory, and there is more then one theory on it.

Recent alternative theories



Well-Known Member
Wrong Frank. Gravity is a theory, and there is more then one theory on it.

Recent alternative theories

I didn't say there weren't theories attempting to explain gravity. I said that gravity is not a theory. Much like the electricity that powers your computer isn't fully understood, but is no theory.

Very different. You are mixing concepts.

I'm done. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Anyone that doesn't believe in life on other planets, is missing quite a few brain cells. Even if you believe that life started in tidepools and we crawled out of the swamps and eventually walked on two legs (why are there still apes on this planet if we descended from them), you would almost have to agree that with billions of planets out there, there could be life on them. Now take the fact that the universe is billions of years old, is it not possible that on another planet somewhere in the universe, an intelligent species evolved, or was created some time before our world was habitable, and these beings having millions-billions of years head start on us, could have the capacity to visit our world. I'm sure they're curious about us like we're curious about the dinosaurs, plus we're much more interesting because we have shit to blow things up and maybe cause a catastrophe in the universe. If you don't believe in extra-terrestials, you must be brain dead. Of course the powers that be, don't want you believing in such things, how dare we think there might be some being more intelligent than our leaders. Nope I've never seen one, although to be honest, on a two year sabbatical in the wilderness of Arizona, I saw quite a few U.F.O.s, remember what a UFO is: an unidentified flying object, I saw a few that did things that no known terrestial object could achieve.
damn this is an old post but ignorance must be confronted no matter what, there are still apes because they just took a different evolutionary path, this happens all the time, just look at the congo river, where the currents are so strong populations of fish get separated from each other and are unable to breed thus a new evolutionary path is created, the apes we know now are also evolved, they didn't just stay the same and we split off, they are genetically different from they're distant ancestors just as we are, they just were never confronted with the needs and difficulties we were. this is not pokemon, things can evolve and leave un-evolved counterparts behind, its all about natural selection, in some places being an tree dwelling ape is a more successful means of survival than being a bi-pedal surface dweller.