TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?


Weed Modifier
Lol well lime you are correct I don't shed too much light to you guys about my grow that's because I like to pick your brains.. And well damn I have done so much I don't recall what I have said or to who for that matter! And I am thinking about giving mg another go but man this coco growing is really interesting me maybe an experiment using mg ffof and coco what do you think lime already know there is the ff vs mg but still fun idea
well how can you advance if you are not willing to share in the learning???

lol pick our brains....who said we got any to pick! and your the one that doesn't remember??? lol

you mean you don't remember any conversations we had??? must be way to popular then, or your brain goes way to fast for you to catch up...

if you do an experiment.... you will get to see it for yourself...just cuz someone else did it doesn't mean you cannot try! i believe to do it there is way more that you can get out of it, like experience.


Weed Modifier
Went through every page to see how this turned out.
Hope twigs a female bro!
Happy growing.
yah ok nob??? are full of it!!! I call bullshit here!!! you did not read anything...probably copy and pasted it all though??? lmao go somewhere else are not welcome here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please do not post here again!!! lime-73 peace out!!!


Well-Known Member
0/and 0. First set of single leaves all gone!
Can it grow a new main shoot?
It can, but it takes a long time, probably not worth it. I once had a seedling that came out deformed, it only had one caly leaf, and no shoot, I put it outside and in about 3 weeks it developed a shoot, it was my miracle plant. That was in 2009, so plants will find a way to survive if you give them time, the one I refer to actually did grow decent when it repaired itself.

I was a little late to this thread, I just noticed it was started in summer lolz.


Well-Known Member
yah ok nob??? are full of it!!! I call bullshit here!!! you did not read anything...probably copy and pasted it all though??? lmao go somewhere else are not welcome here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please do not post here again!!! lime-73 peace out!!!
nice post lime!


Well-Known Member
dude tell me about it lime fab doesnt like to post in our threads cause hes scared he will bring trouble from the troll army that follows him...

or maybe he just doesnt like us that much??


New Member
where u been hiding this thread obviously not good enough
well then i will give u guys this one to cheer things up [video=youtube;OM9uMJWtNww][/video]

ive seen it...on other thread...think this is fabs few first post here??? welcome fab...just not sure about the hippo??? lol