Can a carbon filter keep drug dogs from smelling it?


Active Member
here is my problem i have a friend who is interested in starting there own grow after trying some of mine but they live a few houses down from a police station. should he have any worries or should i tell him nooo!!! just wait lol
Carbon filters do not scrub 100% of the smell, but they're a good start. Your friends should exercise some common sense.
Drug dogs don't even have to smell it. Their handler just needs to whisper "get your toy" and the dog will false positive and get all stoked.Seriously.
That said, I live near a cop shop, and my little closet grow is no worries. Think how much drug residue is in city air. If it's for him, hell ya. If it's for money, find another spot...
get a female dog seems to be the best bet

skip to 4:20 lols

long as humans cant smell it dw, BUT! if the dog is called skippy and starts to exchange messages thru outlandish body language indicating that "theres a grow down by the old well" then ur fukt, but seriously the handler will just say "stfu" if hes in his kennel barking, dogs are nt used to find grows, you can use cofee to mask the smell of coke when i hurd
:clap:Thanks guys this is an old guy on a tight budget with back pain and he cant afford his meds so i give him the stuff to help him so all he will be growing is one plant at a time so i figure as long as i use a great carbon filter and push it into the attict to give it a chance to settle the cops wont know and he also has a bunch of dogs in his house too so i dont think it would but as me and my electrician friend was redoing his electricity it hit us:idea: ! the police station is less than a block away:wall:.
Those videos are great !
also im looking for medical grade that doesnt have that strong medical growing smell i mean honestly {i live in middle of nowhere} i grow some really dank smelling plants and the smell never makes it out of the house {no carbon filter } a
any other tips would be great i would love some solid proof that carbon filter wouldnt stop a drug dog in a car driving by to be like THERES WEED NEAR THE OLD WELL!!:weed:
Remember too that if you live with it you get used to the smell and don't notice it.
My brother and sister kid me about it every time they come to the house - neither of them smokes so I just tell 'em it's my stash they're smelling.

The day you think you are safe from getting caught is the day you open the door to getting caught.
That said, I live near a cop shop, and my little closet grow is no worries. Think how much drug residue is in city air. If it's for him, hell ya. If it's for money, find another spot...

i agree with this.

i think it would be fine to do a simple grow for one's self...however i'd be highly against the idea of doing a commercial grow next to a police matter how well its hidden.
dogs are nt used to find grows, you can use cofee to mask the smell of coke when i hurd

Please don't spread false information. You CANNOT mask a smell from a dog. They will smell right through it. Dogs can smell in layers. If you put rotten eggs in a bag with coffee, dog shit, pussy farts, a rotting finger, and some pot the dog will smell rotten eggs, coffee, dog shit, pussy farts, rotting flesh AND your pot.
Yeah, danger will, danger. I wouldn't try anything near dogs, nothing can stop them. Even if you stuffed your grow operation into a jar of peanut butter and put that jar in a can of coffee grounds, the dogs could probably still smell it.
Saw a Mythbusters recently where they showed that a drug dog can not only smell weed stored in a glass jar, but deterrents, such as a female dog in heat or dog whistle are no match for a well-trained dog.

Now, there are a couple things to consider:
Was there residue on the outside of the jar from when the person was handling both the weed and the jar and that's what the dog smelled?
Was the show a fake so that it would be more like a deterrent for anyone looking for a good way to hide their stash?

I don't know how an odor could possibly leak through an airtight jar, so I would guess that there was resin-laced fingerprints on the outside of the jar.

With that being said, unless you thoroughly clean the outside of your jar every time you're into it, chances are the dog's going to pick it up.

I would run a carbon scrubber + ozonator for the most odor elimination if you have that much f a concern, but most importantly, do not ever give a reason for the cops to bring a dog to your house to begin with. Don't show your grow to your friends or family, don't sell it, and always be aware of your surroundings when you're smoking. Take everything you read on the internet with a huge grain of salt. People can say "I've been using this method for years and never got caught". Well, maybe that person just got lucky or doesn't live in an area where neighbors are bothered by it. Nothing beats good common sense. With good odor control you should be able to keep the smell from neighbors or people walking past your house. If they can't smell it then they won't have anything to all the cops about.

Oh yeah, don't take ANY advice if "so I've hurd" is attached to the statement..especially when it comes to something that can land you in jail.
Not a chance.


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Uses carbon hepa-filters. Good for a small room.
tell your friend to buy a dog himself. if any k9 unit alerts by your friends house, the handler will think it is the other dog making his k9 alert. but he should also make sure that no smell can be detected by a human either.
tell your friend to buy a dog himself. if any k9 unit alerts by your friends house, the handler will think it is the other dog making his k9 alert. but he should also make sure that no smell can be detected by a human either.

Not with a competent professional.