The Art of The Auto


Well-Known Member
morning Mossy,
site has been acting up here lately it will do this from time to time
ive noticed it a lot in the few years i have been on here it get annoying


Active Member
Morning FullD....
I've been locked out for 3 is painful.

Ahh i see taking something else into action :smile: Ive seen some fascinating yields using this method, i looked for the old threads but i cant locate them. Ill look later. I want to see what it would do to autos due to all the air i have been adding everywhere else :smile:
Well..we will get a look shortly.
I expect to see them through the soil tues/wednesday.
Fingers Crossed...

I hope so id like to get it to a tea that way i can post a good solid recipie
its all about working out the kinks. If i can make it through the entire JEM grow with water
ill post if not is back to the drawing board. I have posted ingredients but never levels
if it works ill get them together.
Try this..
run 1 on plain compo..ONLY
1 on the tiered mix..plain for germ..onto your mix
and 1 on your soil completely..
because I Think you will see a big difference on root formation.


Well-Known Member
Morning FullD....
I've been locked out for 3 is painful.
I can understand i hate not being able to get in here and post
there are times i have a great idea or some info and i cant get in
by the time that i do ......its gone

Well..we will get a look shortly.
I expect to see them through the soil tues/wednesday.
Fingers Crossed...
As you always say nothing like a live experiment.
And i found the original poster about the info, the pics are gone though.....


Active Member
Even before finding this thread, I was convinced that my next grow would be an auto strain. Since I just harvested and manicured my last batch, I ordered some blue himalayan diesel and russian rocket fuel through attitude. Gonna start with the blue diesel and do a seed run with at least one of the girls.

p.s. This thread is growing way too fast. I can't keep up reading it all.

John Mondello

Active Member
I've been locked out for 3 is painful.
Shiiiiit... I was locked out for amorning and was going crazy a couple days ago... haven't had any this morning but I figured somethin must be messed up cuz u guys were spotty in and out... not ur norm!

Mossy... I'm excited ... my girls are really rockin now!
3 and 5... well yeah... those are the LR #2... lots o indy in those right? god she's a bushy lil thing isnt she?
The girls are getting tall... 30 days left to harvest theoretically... I hope they stay in the space I gave them!



Active Member
One had a white tap root, but the others.......were purple healthy and had the little fuzz
I looked them over with the 10x loop and they looked perfectly fine just purple in color
i have never seen this before and these are off the F1 seeds i just made.
Not something I have seen...
I germ straight to I rarely get to see them.

Why do you germ to tissue...?

Gonna start with the blue diesel and do a seed run with at least one of the girls
There are some lovely HBD's in this thread....hope to see photos...when you get them.

FullD...starting to look like a Proper Patio



Well-Known Member
Not something I have seen...
I germ straight to I rarely get to see them.

Why do you germ to tissue...?
Was checking germ rates to see where i stood on the new stock
i normally do not germ in a tissue, i was doing this as a test beside the
soil germs. I know a good few guys on here that use the tissue method to crack the seed, but im not a fan. Just wanted to see what i had going on and im glad i did. These should be rather interesting. the last time i saw something like this was not on canna but peppers. the purple chilli's had purple tap roots and came out of the soil 100% purple. I hoping for the same thing here. Out of all the seed i have germed over the years (i used to do the tissue thing till i learned better) i have never seen a purple tap root, especially with canna.

Try this..
run 1 on plain compo..ONLY
1 on the tiered mix..plain for germ..onto your mix
and 1 on your soil completely..
because I Think you will see a big difference on root formation.
Roger wilco, ill give it a shot and see what happens. I think that the root development will be different for all three. I think the most roots will come out of the tiered system. Im well over 14 inches with them right now :)

FullD...starting to look like a Proper Patio

Indeed starting to look like what i am used to seeing things are really shaping up over there my friend Looking great :clap:


Active Member
I think that the root development will be different for all three. I think the most roots will come out of the tiered system. Im well over 14 inches with them right now :smile:
What head high do you have....?

missed ya on this end too! lol :smile:
Ha ha..betcha thought you had gone deaf...;-)
Is it my eyes..or have your girls done a jump since you started the amended water...?
How are you for head-height now....?

3 and 5... well yeah... those are the LR #2... lots o indy in those right? god she's a bushy lil thing isnt she
I've got a greedy Indy eye...can't help it..Indy is best meds for me.....:bigjoint:


Active Member
Weeell...see how long this lasts...3 days without seeing all the canna porn is Ridiculous...

nealcook420..all I can says is she is F-off mental.
There is no way you should have a plant like that in a pot as small as that...WELL DONE M8...:clap:
She is budding up well too...
Fattening karma sent.
Is that the small one standing next to her...?

Speed & Safety for them m8....:leaf:

Love her.....:weed:
The one standing next to her is an HBD the small is only about 12"
She seems like her buds will be nice and fat...


Active Member
Im as excited as a two petered pup
Ha is brilliant when you do something for them and they respond well isn't it...?

I'm having head-height problems too..
bloody vigor means they are outgrowing the cupboard..heigh ho....:roll:

Down Bitch...



Active Member
nc...12 inch in an 8 inch pot....?

That is probably a Normal one......:-D

what I would Expect.

Gotta say..those HBD are a bonny AF..

I'm a sucker for those deep green lovely tric contrast..

what is she like for smell....?

John Mondello

Active Member
Down bitch... thats the term for today... haven't measured but I'd say all pushin at least 12 inches some are at 16 or so... just guessin... I'll measure tommrrow when I get up. Yes, mossy, they def jumped since the amended ph ... o2 for roots... and co2 for leaves from fog... they are in "Rocket Mode".... boosters away... main thruster on full!

didn't think i went deaf... but def thought I was goin blind or somethin'! where's mossers? where is he?:cry:

FD- round our parts we say, "Hotter than a 2 pecker billy goat!"


talk to you gents later... gotta get some sleep


Active Member
nc...12 inch in an 8 inch pot....?

That is probably a Normal one......:-D

what I would Expect.

Gotta say..those HBD are a bonny AF..

I'm a sucker for those deep green lovely tric contrast..

what is she like for smell....?
They have all smelled of Grapefruit & Berry.
The 12" ALF is in an 6" clay container.
I would advice people to not use clay pots even glazed because I don't know what it is but plants don't do as well in them as they do in plastic or even metal.
I have gotten some great smoke from the HBD and RRF as well.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone been using subcool's super soil for their auto's? I was wondering if any one had a best practice for that hot soil?
I use an amended version of it.
I used his ideas for a base and then tailored it to autos needs.
Im right in the middle of an all water run with it.


Active Member
Mossy those 2 in the black pot have cought my eye. The big amazon bitches are great looking, but those are some fat ass fingers on those fans there. My money is on them for having a nice coutchy stone. Especially that one on the left. Prime.! Are you getting any fragrance from them yet?

Mossy i don't even have my holliday lights up. You've had yours' up for ages.
Why isn't there a chris kringal smiley on here.. :-? :roll:

I have had enough of seeing everyones canna porn.. I am dropping some seeds this weekend. So hard to choose from.. More ICU.. ALF's... Sour60s.... I should just do the ICU, i need some good beans for the outdoors. Maybe this summer won't be a 100 year record breaker.

And whuts with all the sex talk in here. :hump: lmao. Funny how the innuendos change once us men know. lol :twisted: Suppose we can't help it..
I love seeing the ladies growing, they seem to have a tuch for it. Some of the growers i have looked up to the most are female. :blsmoke:

So what is the politically correct term for a female grower? Grardnier? lol Or Just The female gardener..:?



Active Member
I've not got to grow ICU#2 completely out because of a catastophic accident that left 12 females broken over, A huge ass shelf fell on them during a move. If it isn't rogues its me doing something stupid.
Bad Betty is another strain that got way bigger than I expected, I have some pics of her I'll post as soon as I can find them....
I would assume the term is Gardeness?