8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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Well-Known Member
and the only temper has come from a few of you downies with these ridiculous responses to blahblahblah. I really don't understand why anybody is even talking in this thread anymore.... Why not go away till pics are up?


Well-Known Member
Taf bag, you started out being the dick. Now RUI members are just harassing you. Hopefully these guys will stop soon, ignore those who ignore your questions.

Make a post with your questions 1 more time.
Then get your camera phone out and take some pictures.


some people are saying silly things, I was merely just pointing out what things mean and they still didn't get it. I'm ignoring a lot of the silly questions and answering some that easily take 2 seconds to respond to. I didn't realize it would never end.


Well-Known Member
Besides that fact. my plants are plenty beautiful and are growing very well. there is nothing else to say


Well-Known Member
The plant the was bleeding a little from the towel bending it has grown stronger and it's back straight again. it was my 3rd best plant but has now moved into 2nd. I did give it a little extra treatment with a little mist and I gave it 1.5 hours more light (it bent as I was moving to night shift position yesterday) .
well huh... Fancy that you said that you gave it 1.5hours more light, now explain how you do that one. Showed you facts here its what you said so now lets hear how you think you gave it more light than the rest. Lets think all the way before you say you didnt say something, i wonder who the real tard is on this thread i’m going to place my money on you.


Greenesthaze, fuck off bro seriously? Why are you even replying to this thread if you have issues with this guy? If he was difficult when you tried to give him advice, throw down your favorite insult and GTFO.


Well-Known Member
Greenesthaze, fuck off bro seriously? Why are you even replying to this thread if you have issues with this guy? If he was difficult when you tried to give him advice, throw down your favorite insult and GTFO.
well maybe you should go f yourself and step down. Ill do what i want haha your below me. And how bout you gtfo


Well-Known Member
whats up tafbang threads popular eh lol keep em green n ya throw up those pics man im jus waitin lol
I'm interested to see how the couple plants I topped turn out. They are all really green. If I do get males. I'm going to suffocate them in a special place and try to keep them growing to use to breed a couple bitches and to maybe sell as hash to some downy kids.


Well-Known Member
Greenesthaze, fuck off bro seriously? Why are you even replying to this thread if you have issues with this guy? If he was difficult when you tried to give him advice, throw down your favorite insult and GTFO.
Frmrboi has quit this forum today after being a member of 2 years and having over 3,000 post.... lol, he got sick of these idiot people. I'd be gone but I'm a man of my word and will bring an answer to this poll. but you can wave byebye to your sexiest member after this thread is deceased


Well-Known Member
This thread gave me a headache by the second page.

"Good luck" is the only advice I can offer beyond what has been given by Brick Top and others.


Well-Known Member
Frmrboi has quit this forum today after being a member of 2 years and having over 3,000 post.... lol, he got sick of these idiot people. I'd be gone but I'm a man of my word and will bring an answer to this poll. but you can wave byebye to your sexiest member after this thread is deceased
Some people can be a bit sensitive and feel that quoting them is akin to mocking them. It has nothing to do with being sick of idiots. Brick top is a good grower and has some pretty good solid advice and I haven't ever seen him attack someone else on this forum unlike SOME OTHER PEOPLE. ( that last part was just Dripping with Sarcasm)


Well-Known Member
I'm interested to see how the couple plants I topped turn out. They are all really green. If I do get males. I'm going to suffocate them in a special place and try to keep them growing to use to breed a couple bitches and to maybe sell as hash to some downy kids.
Damn man you sure know how to grow im glad i stuck around to find out how to actually grow marijuana! Glad you arent a complete moron like everyone else and know that you need to flower them to get a male part. You sure are a good troll.


Well-Known Member
Frmrboi has quit this forum today after being a member of 2 years and having over 3,000 post.... lol, he got sick of these idiot people. I'd be gone but I'm a man of my word and will bring an answer to this poll. but you can wave byebye to your sexiest member after this thread is deceased
well that sucks that he didnt want to help people like you anymore. How sad!


New Member
I'm interested to see how the couple plants I topped turn out. They are all really green. If I do get males. I'm going to suffocate them in a special place and try to keep them growing to use to breed a couple bitches and to maybe sell as hash to some downy kids.
Someone with 30 years botany experience told me if your cannabis plants are really green they are guaranteed female. Have you heard anything about this?

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
calm down tafbag its still just the internet
that aint gonna happen...hes way to slick for that. ive got this guy figured out! NO ONE can be this dumb and avoid the direct answers hes being faced with.one thing for real "TAFBAG"....ill troll your ass in every post you make from now on....youll beg the mods to boot me from your time hear on RIU. so keep your sig BITCH. im here for life!!!!!!!

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
liar, liar liar liar liar liar liar liar liar you said you gave" IT "more light. post 348.you said this... not anybody else.you havent posted any info you so claimed to have researched. wheres the proof for a successful grow doing it your style? ive got 8 ozs of the church 3 weeks into cure,CURED damn fine too. i got w. rhino,w.w.,ams,and god bud in jars as we speak. so if you really really really want to grow some dank...stop talking non-sense about bleeding plants,suffocating shit, and grow some dank that what this site is for. GROW UP OR GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
so now youre gonna breed??????????? stupidity breeds stupidity. your off-spring will be sooooo retarded theyll be able to get federal assistance if youre legal!
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