I just read something interesting on this site :
http://www.organicgardening.com/feature/0,7518,s1-5-16-193,00.html That may help with my Tomato plant
Pluck the first flowers.
Growing deep, extensive roots and a full leaf canopy will help establish newly transplanted tomatoes. Many experienced tomato growers pull off the first flowers, so the plant does not devote energy to forming fruit before its roots and foliage have filled out. Amy Goldman, who grows hundreds of heirloom tomatoes in her Rhinebeck, New York, garden each season, reports, "I pull off all the flowers until the plants reach at least 1 foot tall." She also pulls off all the suckers (shoots that emerge from the main stem below the first fruiting branch).
So I think despite the fact I liked seeing the flowers appear I shall infact remove them as I want the plants to grow taller yet