1st Grow... Working with what I got!


King Tut
@dbkick: I am now planning on getting a phone that will run that app! Thank you!
I know, flavored papers. My wife likes the way they smell and taste though. I went into the local cig shop and asked for 3 different packs of papers, non zags. Just wanted to see what else was out there. He handed me Raws, Elements Rice papers, and these Blueberry Juicy-Jay's.


King Tut
That's what I've been hearing lately. I've got a friend that works for Sprint and has been trying to get me to go with them for service since I'm out of my contract now. Is Verizon the only service carrier for the Android?


Well-Known Member
That's what I've been hearing lately. I've got a friend that works for Sprint and has been trying to get me to go with them for service since I'm out of my contract now. Is Verizon the only service carrier for the Android?
I think all the carriers probably have an android phone or two , I got the first android phone made, the google g1,its still running strong bout ready for a upgrade and new contract though.


Active Member
Ok, so I got my new 14 mega pixel digital camera for x-mas... Takes great pics, but I can't upload anything to my POS computer... Sad thing is, my computer runs so much better and faster without windows! So i guess I will upload some phone pics for now.


Active Member
I run Ubuntu... through Linux... It's never slow... but the camera likes windows... so... IDK...

LOL, dbkick... what are your thoughts on hempy buckets???


Active Member
From what I have read, it is a passive hydroponics system (hand watering)... just a bucket filled with perlite/vermaculite with a drainage hole 2 inches from the bottom... the bottom two inches acts as a natural water shelf for the plant... there are a few really good threads on it, and your medium is 100% reusable... food for thought... really simple and easy


Well-Known Member
Upon reading , I do like the idea better than soil but I'd rather just lift a lid and have full view of my roots hanging in the air , plus the spraying action on the roots in aero is a nice touch in my opinion. I'm doing aero from start to finish if I can, I'm thinking in flower I'll have to add some rocks and a net pot without the bottom cut out but thats ok.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I read the Hempy thread as well, it's really a modified DWC with no aeration. You will have the hassle of dealing with cleaning or disposing of the perlite and water removal on every watering. DWC still looks to be simpler in the long run, we will see once i have to start doing res changes.


Active Member
Thanks... I really think it would be easy to do and maintain, and I already have a huge bag of perlite waiting to be used, so I think I am going to try it... I really do want to try everything!!! LOL, every time I turn around there is another way to grow... and they all have great results... It's kinda torture for a newb because you have to try everything and find something that works for you specifically.

This week is going to be hell... Dr apt for the kid, have to pick sis and bro-in-law up from airport (detroit metro YUK!), shop for daughters b-day (8 days away), clean out and donate broke down taurus b4 the 1st for the tax write off... hell, just dealing with the sick kid is hell enough, but add a list of shit to do... well, you get the idea i'm sure (Barbie knows!) ...

Still waiting for my Attitude delivery... ordered them wednesday (which wasn't the smartest idea considering all the last minute x-mas crap going out at the same time), but I am patient. Can't wait for White Widow in a coffee mug... LOL...


Active Member
I had this crazy little idea... and I'm sure it may bring on some nay say, but hear me out...
I have been looking, researching and asking about so many different types of ways to grow, mediums, etc. then I thought, what if I did a little experiment and kinda combine some of the things I like... but also maybe do a side by side comparison...

So I want to take my 2 week old that is currently in a 6inch pot with Miracle Grow Potting Mix and transplant her... but heres what i'm thinking... I really love the idea of hempy buckets, but i aslo want to continue with my FFOF. So what if I do a bit of both... I think I am going to take a gallon milk jug and cut the top off (trying to leave the handle). Then cut a hole about 1 3/4 of an in from the bottom for drainage. Fill the bottom 2 inches (maybe more) with just perlite. Then us a FFOF and perlight mix of about 60% 40%... and plant my baby in there... lite nute regimen to follow when i think shes ready for it

Here's my logic behind this: (My plant is only 2 weeks and a little young for heavy nutes) if in hempy buckets you need to nute water your plant bc perlite has nothing, then why not add some soil for sustained nute release... and for soil, perlite adds drainage and aeration but could do more for roots just like in hempy buckets, but with nutes already in the soil... So why dont we kinda twist these two together? I would love to hear peoples thoughts on this!!!


King Tut
I think you and I are going to get along JUST fine. lol I like the experimenting and thinking outside the box. I always find a real nice sativa works wonders for my creative side!


Active Member
LOL... I was in my friends garage the other day smoking a cig and I kept pointing out different things we could use for growing... there was an empty water dispenser jug, and she has this armoire/entertainment center type cabinet with electrical already running in it... I was like 'omg you could so turn that into a growing station... with plenty of storage'... I sit here and come up with shit...

Captain Jaz

Active Member
I had this crazy little idea... and I'm sure it may bring on some nay say, but hear me out...
I have been looking, researching and asking about so many different types of ways to grow, mediums, etc. then I thought, what if I did a little experiment and kinda combine some of the things I like... but also maybe do a side by side comparison...

So I want to take my 2 week old that is currently in a 6inch pot with Miracle Grow Potting Mix and transplant her... but heres what i'm thinking... I really love the idea of hempy buckets, but i aslo want to continue with my FFOF. So what if I do a bit of both... I think I am going to take a gallon milk jug and cut the top off (trying to leave the handle). Then cut a hole about 1 3/4 of an in from the bottom for drainage. Fill the bottom 2 inches (maybe more) with just perlite. Then us a FFOF and perlight mix of about 60% 40%... and plant my baby in there... lite nute regimen to follow when i think shes ready for it

Here's my logic behind this: (My plant is only 2 weeks and a little young for heavy nutes) if in hempy buckets you need to nute water your plant bc perlite has nothing, then why not add some soil for sustained nute release... and for soil, perlite adds drainage and aeration but could do more for roots just like in hempy buckets, but with nutes already in the soil... So why dont we kinda twist these two together? I would love to hear peoples thoughts on this!!!
Why not? But i hear Miracle grow perilite had added nutes, so watch out if you use that. I'd do a 50/50 mix of Perilite and vermiculite, but thats just personal preferance.


King Tut
Yes, MG perlite has added nutes. At least the bag I found does. I've not had any problems with it though, I use 20%Perlite, 20%Vermiculite, and 60% Organic soil.



Active Member
I have just plain old perlite from an indoor garden place... going back there for my nutes soon. I think I am going to try the transplant tomorrow (monday afternoonish). I have been so antsy sitting here with nothing to do, but now its like 3:15am, so I should try and sleep lol. I will keep you updated!!!


Active Member
Ah haha haha... I decided to say fuck it... I will sleep when I am dead. LOL... I was too anxious so I did the transplant... and I took pictures!!!
t1.jpgt2.jpg Here is my homemade and self proclaimed "sloppy bucket"... taking the concept of both I figured it would need a new name. I used glow bracelet connectors as drainage straws... lol

t3.jpgt4.jpg Filled the bottom 2 inches with perlite

t5.jpgt6.jpgt7.jpgt8.jpg Filled the bucket with FFOF and perlite mixed (about 60%/40%) transplanted and backfilled my baby into my sloppy bucket

t10.jpgt9.jpgt11.jpg Comfortably nestled under her lights... hoping there's not too much shock
Going to let her feed off the fox farm for about three weeks and then find a line of nutes I like...

BTW... didn't spend a dime on this transplant... already had everything just sitting around waiting to be used!!! HAHAHA


Active Member
I like your sleep motto lol I barely sleep anymore myself after coming back from overseas, So I always tell people sleep is the cousin of death and I aint trying to mess with no one related to it, The transplant looks good though I like your sweet buckets :blsmoke: