It has a lot to do on your life view, as that is what judges your political outlook. Clearly you spend a lot of time worrying about the future. Looking for any crumb of distress to feed the fire that is your illogical fear of mass failure. Why don't you stop worrying about shit, and solve the issues at hand instead of spending your days preparing for a false failure, that you could have a hand in preventing if you saw fit.
But you cower, and "prepare" and "plan", which means feed a delusion of things that aren't real, and ignoring the things that are that you can control. I hold my own, but had one fuck of a hard life doing so. I work my ass off and contribute to my community and its government. I have been at rock bottom. My life could have been over right then and there, and guess what, I got lucky. I had a lot of help, both from the government and from a network of support. Guess what, I am one of two people I know that have survived. Its a tragedy that you believe so much in personal accountability that you think it is like a science.
Charities can't solve everything. A human needs basic things to stay alive, the government does what it can to supply those things to stave off a further fall in that persons life. Its called compassion. It keeps people off of the streets, it gives second chances, it allows for a human to make mistakes and still eek out a life.
You sir, live a life thinking that you know exactly how the other person is. You have seen it all. Judgment is final. Who have you helped outside of your family? What do you contribute?
You live a live of presumptions, hence why you see it so easy to write off your fellow citizens.
I am naive? I actually feel good about myself, and my future. I know that at any given moment I could die, and be known to help others just as much as I helped myself. I haven't wasted a precious minute on this earth feeling afraid of the future, trying like hell to cling to the past. I haven't stocked up a bunker for the "big one". If it happens, it happens.
Numbers in a computer??? HAHA...Look out, they were just numbers on paper before this, next they will be numbers on atoms, and we'll have that to fear.
Stop your fear mongering.
Look at your grabbing for things to fear. You know you are irrational, and are desperately trying to find possible threats to make your actions look justified.
You have totally written off this nation already, hence why you want it to fail so badly. If it doesn't fail, you'll be angry at that next.
Ironically you would be the person to call me unamerican, when it seems to me that you are the one betting on it failing.
I ask again, what is the answer that you have for our dilemma other than anarchist failure? What do you see as a rational, probable course of action to prevent such an occurrence?
What does any of that have to do with the government?
Yes, I am not in control of certain aspects of my life but I am responsible for my life. I can plan for what is to come, I can save for hard times and for retirement and I have enough respect for my neighbor to think he can do the same. You live in the middle of an illusion. There is no money, it is all just numbers in some computer. All it takes is for people to start doubting those numbers and it all falls apart. And it will...
And when that lesson comes, I hope you have stored some food and water and you can provide shelter for your family. Because the government is not going to be around to take care of you. And I hope the realization will come to you before you die too...