super lemon haze at last


Well-Known Member
Actually your screen is almost filled out already. Hopefully by having those supercropped like that you'll have lots of nice colas. I've been afraid to supercrop mine in flower but I think that's the only way I'll get mine to come close to filling in so I may do so tonight or tomorrow depending on how they look tonight.


Well-Known Member
hey dez this is all new to me i guess we'll kinda figure it out as we go i dont see how i can fuck this one up [ha ha ] happy new year dez


Well-Known Member
Picture 006.jpgPicture 005.jpgPicture 004.jpgPicture 003.jpgsnapped a few pics this morning. happy new years to all the screen puts a whole new twist on things as i can only access things from the door way i made a hook out of a long wire & reach through the mesh to pull limbs through the wire much the same as a crochet needle


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1358228View attachment 1358227View attachment 13582261-2-11 well its a cold-rainy cen-cal day & im indoors warm & snug , went out & snapped a couple of pics with the lights out im so impressed with the screen that were gonna try it on a larger scale [2- 1.000w. lights & 4x8 tub] olcountry has 18 slh pheno#3 ready to go on the table by then his current grow will be done & grape-ape will go in because of his height restriction i think scrog is the way to go even though its been only a few days im pleased with my results as opposed to doing 2 almost identical grows ive changed it up a bitafter this grow im gonna probably give the slh a break [ive got 3 mothers at olcountrys] as ive decided to develop some purple [grape-ape & querkle] this thread is way longer than i ever intended & i hope you slh growers can find useful stuff in here ive gotta say when i first started the slh i thought i might of fell victim to the hype surrounding it but 1/2 way through my second grow ive got to say its exceeded my expectations & i highly reccomend it & there is probably a third grow in the future


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1358228View attachment 1358227View attachment 13582261-2-11 well its a cold-rainy cen-cal day & im indoors warm & snug , went out & snapped a couple of pics with the lights out im so impressed with the screen that were gonna try it on a larger scale [2- 1.000w. lights & 4x8 tub] olcountry has 18 slh pheno#3 ready to go on the table by then his current grow will be done & grape-ape will go in because of his height restriction i think scrog is the way to go even though its been only a few days im pleased with my results as opposed to doing 2 almost identical grows ive changed it up a bitafter this grow im gonna probably give the slh a break [ive got 3 mothers at olcountrys] as ive decided to develop some purple [grape-ape & querkle] this thread is way longer than i ever intended & i hope you slh growers can find useful stuff in here ive gotta say when i first started the slh i thought i might of fell victim to the hype surrounding it but 1/2 way through my second grow ive got to say its exceeded my expectations & i highly reccomend it & there is probably a third grow in the future
looking stellar herk!


Well-Known Member
Picture.jpgi have to raise the light again today its the 3rd time in a 1 week period. things are going good & my screen is filling in:hump::weed:


Well-Known Member
It's looking really good!
Mine is not nearly that far along but I'm hoping things will come together soon on it. In order to make everything work out without buying even more stuff I'm having to wait on the second 1K grow for a few weeks or so. I'm going to swap out the two 600s in my vert for one 1000w and will raise the cooltube so it's centered on the btall plant to light best I can for it's final weeks. Selling one of the 600w ballasts to a buddy and putting the other in the 40"x40" tent. Once this vert room is empty I'll be able to get the other 1K grow under way. I just may not have enough room to hook it up to the mover so it'll most likely be hung over a 4x4 spot. Then there'll actually be 3 grows going between the 1000w 4x8 scrog, 600w 3x3 tent grow and a 1000w 4x4 grow. They should all offset from each other by a couple of weeks and one of the 1K grows is not going to be repeated so I'll just have two going for the long term. Three is going to be too much for me to handle effectively I think but kind of need it at the moment.


Well-Known Member
hey dez i just helped olcountry put a screen over one of his 2000w 4x8 tubs he dont have a camera & i forgot mine but its gonna be nice ill get my camera over there & get pics soon


Well-Known Member
hey dez i just helped olcountry put a screen over one of his 2000w 4x8 tubs he dont have a camera & i forgot mine but its gonna be nice ill get my camera over there & get pics soon
show me show me show me!! you know I'm hookin' up the 4x8 with two 1000w.... my 4x8 is due thursday... (per the ups tracking code)!!
4x8 is an awesome setup. now bring on the screen!!!


Well-Known Member
gotta go to work today &the fog is in [outside not in my head] so no pics today any way i better roll ill update things tonight


Well-Known Member
just got in from work & its already dark & gotta be back at 6:30 in the morning but im happy to get it while i can before we get another round of rain if i get in earlier tomorrow ill try to get some pics together


Well-Known Member
its hard to get a good picture as my room is so small 4x3 you can only take pics from the doorway & im gonna have to learn how to set the flash on manual it seems to have a mind of its own on a more positive note its not very foggy this morning


Well-Known Member
Picture 009.jpgPicture 012.jpgPicture 008.jpgPicture 007.jpgok i got off early today ive noticed the last 2 days my plants are pulling at least 1 1/2 gal. a day out of my res. so i changed out my nutes to aggressive bloom schedule & ill run this schedule for about 3 weeks or until the uptake of liquid slows down then ill advance to ripen schedule but for now things are on & crackin i pruned a lot of the stuff below the screen & i think it was a good move to reduce the amount of airy-popcorn stuff i got on my last grow here is todays pics:-P:leaf:


Well-Known Member
im gonna go down today & buy some twine to do a little tying down here & there but everything is pretty well set & all the pruning ,topping & that stuff is done just waiting for my buds to start packing on weight


Here is pic of my SLH girls. Both of them were 32" when they went into flower...noe they are over 6' tall and 4' diameter! they r in week 6 of flower here. Good luck with urs! it's an easy strain to grow. (I use soil)


Well-Known Member
hey cropcircle thats a real jungle for sure this is my second round of slh whats that indica looking plant in the very bottom of your pic it resembles grape ape