I guess you didn't catch the 'figure of speech' being used. Of course a Big Mac does not cost 10-cents, that's common-sense, it's a figure of speech my friend. As for cigarettes being high priced due to taxes, that is also wrong imho a pack of cigarettes is $5.75 for REDS where I'm from, BEFORE TAXES, they come out to around $7.00 AFTER taxes. So, how do taxes make them expensive? Taxes raise the price, like they do ANYTHING, but it is not the direct result of the reason they are expensive, not even close.
As for T-Shirts costing $1.00 to make, that is actually true, I don't know if you just wanted to disagree on everything, but it seems you haven't comprehended much of what I said. I, for one, know T-Shirts are dirt cheap to produce, because I make T-Shirts as a hobby, I buy them online in BULK, then create the designs, & sell them on eBay. I pay anywhere from $2.30-3.00 per shirt, if I am just a HOME BUSINESS & I pay that cheap, then don't you think a REAL BUSINESS that specializes in making shirts pays cheaper? of course, because I buy shirts in bulk of 30, companies buy shirts in bulk of thousands, in reality, it's probably CHEAPER then $1.00 per-shirt. Not trying to be a dick, jsut pointing out where your facts don't add up.
EDIT; A Big Mac MEAL costs around 25-cents to generate BEFORE labor, after labor 65-cents... that's the ENTIRE MEAL, drink/fries included. So I guess my original quote of 10-cents isn't far off at all. I never included labor in my original statement either.
Again, figure of speech, lol. It's something people say daily about everything. People say that SEX makes the world go around, doesn't mean they mean it. Lol.
Very well put.