Seed Companies Are Way Greedy, Dudes.


think about the price of a ten pack of female seeds online, this shit is crazy!! its like 10 dollars US and more per that not bananas? i think it is. i know how many seeds you can cram into a bud if you just let it get pollenated to shit..i'm sure seed companies have a whole warehouse full of ladies just seeded right out. hundreds of thounds, probably millions of seeds every 3 months. thats rape. then you see OUT OF STOCK on the most popular new strains.. reminds me of playstation everytime they release a system, giving 10 to every wal mart when there are 110 people in line to get them the night they come out. alllll about driving up price and getting that money, who cares if people getting minimum wage work a full day for two grams.
Isn't this what makes the world go around? I mean, what company isn't driven by greed or operate along the lines of greed? Cigarette companies have an unlimited source as well, yet a pack of cigarettes is $5.00+. Same goes with bottled water, how do you charge $1.38 for water? Mc. Donalds has an unlimited supply of beef, yet a Big Mac, which costs virtually 10-cents to make, costs anywhere from $2.50+ depending on the location, yet how many cows are there? The list goes on. If they were to charge a fair price, business wouldn't be as golden, just like any business. No price is fair, your always going to be paying way more then they do to produce, in any company. A T-Shirt with a Rockstar Energy logo costs $25.00 yet it costs less then a dollar to produce. Like I said, this is what makes the world go around!

It's life & life is ran through greed. If people are paying it, the companies going to sell it. If you or anyone else wants cheaper prices, then you do something called a 'strike' against that particular company/product. If enough people feel the same way about the situation as you, then they will follow in this 'strike' if not, then the strike will fail. Same goes for voting, the more votes you get on a particular prop or politician, then that particular prop/politician wins. If it isn't the one you wanted to win, then that means not enough people felt the same way or did not care to change it. In this case, not enough people care or believe seeds are over priced, therefore will continue to pay anywhere from $5-10 per-seed.

EDIT; I too, feel as if seeds are over priced, which is why I do not buy seeds. Which is another route you can go, generate your own seeds or simply don't buy seeds! You have to also understand that seeds are in HIGH DEMAND, therefore the profit of that product increases. Cigarettes are not in high demand which is why although $5.00+ is way to high in my opinion, it could be higher but isn't. Seeds are only sold online for the most part or in countries allowing it's sales. The United States customers have nobody else to buy seeds from, therefore demand is high, considering it is the #1 cash crop in the states.

When you have something golden, you over charge for it, rule of the thumb. The simple fact is, seeds are in demand amongst many growers. Unless you live in a medical state, like myself, then it would be almost stupid to buy seeds, when you can get clones, ready to harvest in 2-months, less work, guarantee female, any strain, for $5.00 per-clone.

Seed companies aren't greedy, they're smart.
greed dosint make the world go round

like people with alot of money they buy alot of seeds or sell them
the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
i have no problem with capitalism. it's not as if there are not a million companies for you to choose from. a monopoly it is not. the fact that they have billions of seeds does not entitle us as consumers to a certain price. and when you consider the fact that a single seed can be cloned indefinately, the price for stellar genetics is actually dirt cheap.
The reason cigarettes are so expensive is taxes. And big macs don't cost 10 cents to make. And shirts don't cost $1 to make.

I get what the op was saying though. If it costs me $1 to produce something, and I spend 5 minutes doing it, I deserve to be compensated for my time and skills and make a profit. But if I sold that something that cost me $1 + 5 minutes for $500 that would not be a fair price. Supply and demand will eventually level those things out though. If it's so easy to make quality seeds with good genetics for less than what's being sold someone will step in to fill that void.
Do you realize that with minimal recurring expenses (electricity, nutes, soil) the ROI on seeds is still ridiculously high?
think about the price of a ten pack of female seeds online, this shit is crazy!! its like 10 dollars US and more per that not bananas? i think it is. i know how many seeds you can cram into a bud if you just let it get pollenated to shit..i'm sure seed companies have a whole warehouse full of ladies just seeded right out. hundreds of thounds, probably millions of seeds every 3 months. thats rape. then you see OUT OF STOCK on the most popular new strains.. reminds me of playstation everytime they release a system, giving 10 to every wal mart when there are 110 people in line to get them the night they come out. alllll about driving up price and getting that money, who cares if people getting minimum wage work a full day for two grams.

Some sites charge more than others, but you have to remember what they do. They gather (grow) these seeds and organize them all as well, then package and ship them to you. You are paying for their time also.
if i pay 10 bucks for a seed (or 100 for 10) and got a nice plant that i could clone for years, i'd say that's a pretty nifty return. the stuff i would be producing would make my money back within the first gram. also it's not as if these companies are just "making seeds". ok some are, but the legit ones with the nice genes actually put years into some of their strains. that's a lot of overhead and hours that are being spent, a lot of scrapped projects, a lot of plants being grown. they spend, too, and until the rest of us start setting up state of the art breeding programs in our free time and making better seeds for cheaper, i think we should all just get over it or just grow bagseed.
think about the price of a ten pack of female seeds online, this shit is crazy!! its like 10 dollars US and more per that not bananas? i think it is. i know how many seeds you can cram into a bud if you just let it get pollenated to shit..i'm sure seed companies have a whole warehouse full of ladies just seeded right out. hundreds of thounds, probably millions of seeds every 3 months. thats rape. then you see OUT OF STOCK on the most popular new strains.. reminds me of playstation everytime they release a system, giving 10 to every wal mart when there are 110 people in line to get them the night they come out. alllll about driving up price and getting that money, who cares if people getting minimum wage work a full day for two grams.
You're right.

The seed companies should just give you the seeds for free.

They must be GREEDY!

It's not as if the breeders spend hundreds, perhaps thousands, of hours developing each strain.

SELFISH bastards!

/sarc off

You don't just pay for the seeds. You are paying for the time and expertise required to develop that strain. And the seed companies are in business to make a profit for the owners, not to sell seeds at a loss.

Another thing you are paying for: Prohibition. If not for Prohibition, stealth packaging would be unnecessary. And you would be able to buy seeds at the local garden supply store just like tomato seeds.
its capitalism and its how the world works ya ya i get all of that and i'll even submit to the idea that sure, its not monopolizing if there are 100 companies promoting the same outrageous price. but you can't deny its just a fuckin dick move on their parts. owners of seed companies should be leaders of counter culture, not leaders of greed. think how many more marijuana plants would exist in the world if their prices dropped to 1/3rd of the price they are currently. marc emery started a dream to overgrow the government SINGLE HANDEDLY by selling as many cannabis seeds as he could to anyone in the world HOPING to be arrested for it. i'm not asking seed companies for that kind of martyrdom, but at least work in the same fucking direction as us..its not like they can't produce enough seeds to keep everyone happy and still take all of our money.
Another thing you are paying for: Prohibition. If not for Prohibition, stealth packaging would be unnecessary. And you would be able to buy seeds at the local garden supply store just like tomato seeds.

i believe thats an option to actually pay for it if you want to. prohibition has as much of a negative effect on seed companies as alcohol prohibition had a negative effect on al capone. if it wasn't for prohibition, they couldn't charge these rape prices and would probably be out of work..please, understand i do appreciate the work of breeders. same as i appreciate fellow growers and gardners if not more because they put years into the same time, they're reaping way more than they sew in my opinion and the cannabis culture is the worse for it in the end.
thats why i started making my own seeds... if u can grow a female u can get a seed its not rocket science...hell its nature the hard part is not getting seeds
its capitalism and its how the world works ya ya i get all of that and i'll even submit to the idea that sure, its not monopolizing if there are 100 companies promoting the same outrageous price. but you can't deny its just a fuckin dick move on their parts. owners of seed companies should be leaders of counter culture, not leaders of greed. think how many more marijuana plants would exist in the world if their prices dropped to 1/3rd of the price they are currently. marc emery started a dream to overgrow the government SINGLE HANDEDLY by selling as many cannabis seeds as he could to anyone in the world HOPING to be arrested for it. i'm not asking seed companies for that kind of martyrdom, but at least work in the same fucking direction as us..its not like they can't produce enough seeds to keep everyone happy and still take all of our money.
from what I have read recently marc emery made knockoffs of original strains and sold them as the original, think about that for a second. Also his seeds were just as expensive as the seed companies today are and he definately didn't give them away for free. Just because he got arrested doesn't make him a good guy and every single seed business must fear a similar fate therefore there is a risk. Without the compensation there wouldn't be any incentive to take the risk. Your right if it wasn't for prohibition they couldn't charge as much, it's that risk that demands the high price. It's the same thing with marijuana it would be dirt cheap if not for the war on drugs. Nobody is forcing you to buy seeds it's not like taxes taken out of your paycheck. If you sold something you had made are you going to give it away or give it to the guy offering you money? I think you'll choose to get the money it's truly how the world works. Look at extremely rich people who buy totally extravagant and unnecessary things, maybe it's the consumers who are actually the greedy ones.
Its a $10 seed that can create a multiple thousand dollar plant, they could charge higher and many companies do. Plus creating feminized seeds isn't just allowing a warehouse full of plants pollinate, theres much work behind it, also its an extremely risky business so you get charged for the risk they take as well.
The reason cigarettes are so expensive is taxes. And big macs don't cost 10 cents to make. And shirts don't cost $1 to make.

I guess you didn't catch the 'figure of speech' being used. Of course a Big Mac does not cost 10-cents, that's common-sense, it's a figure of speech my friend. As for cigarettes being high priced due to taxes, that is also wrong imho a pack of cigarettes is $5.75 for REDS where I'm from, BEFORE TAXES, they come out to around $7.00 AFTER taxes. So, how do taxes make them expensive? Taxes raise the price, like they do ANYTHING, but it is not the direct result of the reason they are expensive, not even close.

As for T-Shirts costing $1.00 to make, that is actually true, I don't know if you just wanted to disagree on everything, but it seems you haven't comprehended much of what I said. I, for one, know T-Shirts are dirt cheap to produce, because I make T-Shirts as a hobby, I buy them online in BULK, then create the designs, & sell them on eBay. I pay anywhere from $2.30-3.00 per shirt, if I am just a HOME BUSINESS & I pay that cheap, then don't you think a REAL BUSINESS that specializes in making shirts pays cheaper? of course, because I buy shirts in bulk of 30, companies buy shirts in bulk of thousands, in reality, it's probably CHEAPER then $1.00 per-shirt. Not trying to be a dick, jsut pointing out where your facts don't add up.

EDIT; A Big Mac MEAL costs around 25-cents to generate BEFORE labor, after labor 65-cents... that's the ENTIRE MEAL, drink/fries included. So I guess my original quote of 10-cents isn't far off at all. I never included labor in my original statement either.

greed dosint make the world go round
Again, figure of speech, lol. It's something people say daily about everything. People say that SEX makes the world go around, doesn't mean they mean it. Lol.

the fact that a single seed can be cloned indefinately, the price for stellar genetics is actually dirt cheap.
Very well put.
from what I have read recently marc emery made knockoffs of original strains and sold them as the original, think about that for a second. Also his seeds were just as expensive as the seed companies today are and he definately didn't give them away for free. Just because he got arrested doesn't make him a good guy and every single seed business must fear a similar fate therefore there is a risk. Without the compensation there wouldn't be any incentive to take the risk. Your right if it wasn't for prohibition they couldn't charge as much, it's that risk that demands the high price. It's the same thing with marijuana it would be dirt cheap if not for the war on drugs. Nobody is forcing you to buy seeds it's not like taxes taken out of your paycheck. If you sold something you had made are you going to give it away or give it to the guy offering you money? I think you'll choose to get the money it's truly how the world works. Look at extremely rich people who buy totally extravagant and unnecessary things, maybe it's the consumers who are actually the greedy ones.

so you think that no matter what charge is being put on a commodity, if someone buys it, that price is just? you lay the greed on the consumer? thats interesting dude, i'm not sayin that in a dick way either..definatly a different point of view. i respect that man. i do disagree though..i know weed isn't food water or sunlight but i find it neccessary in my life, so i'm going to pay whatever price is being charged for premium seeds. seed company owners know that, and when they take advantage of that, i feel its morally wrong. its just like LA confidential clones going for $75,000 in compassion clubs within LA, or NYC Diesel going for $1,200 an ounce back in the day..stoners taking advantage of other stoners. some people, like myself, find that disturbing because they would never rape a profit margin like that to anyone. i'm a businessman and i'll never be that rutheless, and the truth is i'm more successful than probably 95% of the worlds population. financially i mean. there are others who see that as pure business and do not care how unfair a price is, as long as someone is willing to pay it.
I guess you didn't catch the 'figure of speech' being used. Of course a Big Mac does not cost 10-cents, that's common-sense, it's a figure of speech my friend. As for cigarettes being high priced due to taxes, that is also wrong imho a pack of cigarettes is $5.75 for REDS where I'm from, BEFORE TAXES, they come out to around $7.00 AFTER taxes. So, how do taxes make them expensive? Taxes raise the price, like they do ANYTHING, but it is not the direct result of the reason they are expensive, not even close.

As for T-Shirts costing $1.00 to make, that is actually true, I don't know if you just wanted to disagree on everything, but it seems you haven't comprehended much of what I said. I, for one, know T-Shirts are dirt cheap to produce, because I make T-Shirts as a hobby, I buy them online in BULK, then create the designs, & sell them on eBay. I pay anywhere from $2.30-3.00 per shirt, if I am just a HOME BUSINESS & I pay that cheap, then don't you think a REAL BUSINESS that specializes in making shirts pays cheaper? of course, because I buy shirts in bulk of 30, companies buy shirts in bulk of thousands, in reality, it's probably CHEAPER then $1.00 per-shirt. Not trying to be a dick, jsut pointing out where your facts don't add up.

EDIT; A Big Mac MEAL costs around 25-cents to generate BEFORE labor, after labor 65-cents... that's the ENTIRE MEAL, drink/fries included. So I guess my original quote of 10-cents isn't far off at all. I never included labor in my original statement either.

Again, figure of speech, lol. It's something people say daily about everything. People say that SEX makes the world go around, doesn't mean they mean it. Lol.

Very well put.

Bullshit. Where do you live that the cigarette tax is $1.25? I'd be willing to bet a portion of that $5.75 also contains taxes.

Quality shirts do not cost $1. $2.30-$3 is not $1.