Subcool's Super Soil

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maybe ill get 10 gallons and just not fillem to top , leave some room for top dressing if i end up havin a heavy feeder that needs it toward the end
just thinkin out loud. any criticism is welcome

oh ya when will my profile stop saying im a stranger

i use 7's and they work just fine, i dont think 7 or 10s is really gonna make a huge difference. you could try doing half and half and see if there is a difference in yield and such...

also, when you get to 100 posts i think is when you get off the 'stranger' thing
I cant wait to get this show on the Road i just got my Last ingrediant (Azomite) Tomorrow or sometime soon Ill start the mixing process Im to damn excited lol i just hope everything goes as planned
I do a variation of your SS sub I add glacial rock dust and food grade DE. Plants do amazing in this stuff and honestly I like organic meds. over synthetic anyday.
does everyone here bake their soil outside? Its winter and i though of mixing a 1/2 batch and letting it sit in my flower room for 4weeks then using it
hey nathenking,or anyone with supersoil experience i just mixed my 2010 updated ss with the roots organic soil this weekend.
i just noticed that there is live worms in my mix.musta been in the worm castings. will these live worms pose any problems or is it normal?
i used worms way said 100% organic worm castings etc.
do u get live worms from your castings in your mix?
lol i guess live soil is what im shootin for with organics,but if i start seein snakes and happy frogs ill really start to worry
one more question for someone knowledgable in this area.
will dechlorination of my tap water with sodium thiosulfate products kill my soil microbes/mycorhizae.?i heard that sodium thiosulfate is sometimes used as an antifungal.
i know that i can remove chlorine by bubbleing air through water and or letting it stand for 24 hours. but im not sure if my tap water is treated with the increasingly used and infamous (chloramine) which cannot be remove in that manner. and i know chloramine and chlorine will kill my microbeasts.any advice would be great. thanks
any of you guys ever busted opened a bag of roots organics soil and found a live seedling in the dirt?
i did the other day and the cotyledons looked very similar to an mj plants. weird huh.
all kinds of live shit in my supersoil now.plants,worms, whats next will a stray cat hop out at me or what! lmao
I've mixed a batch and have never seen anything alive in my soil using Roots. Even after it sat outside and through a move. Are they earthworms or other small worms?
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