Subcool's Super Soil

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This questions been asked several times.
It pretty apparent I dont grow auto flowring strains so I cant answer that.
But all cannabis grows amazing in the recipe

Just picked up all the ingredients. Now its pretty cold in my garage where the soil drums are...My flower room dumps air into it so its prolly 45 or 50 degrees. Hope that helps. I am still waiting for the humic acid powder which I ordered from ebay as all the hydro stores here have is the liquis stuff....anticipation is killing me....I wanna see how this soil measures up. Ive been doing floranova with mixed results.

I have a question if your still around here this morning. Can I over due dolomite? It says half cup and it always seems that my ph fades and drops. I use the pelletized dolomite...if it says use 1/2 cup would double that effect the calcium or anything negativly? Im gonna do a smaller with 3 bags roots and one bag worm castings 25 pounds. How much dolomite would you use with this amount of medium? Anyone feel free to help here...if the man is not around himself.

Loved the merry xmas cannabis video by the way. And cant wait for the plushberry seed packs to arive at the distributers. I will be buying some along with something else.
OK sorry Sub. I truely admire you. And I think its awsome that you take the time to share your knowlege and anwser all these questions. You are a true inspiration to the grow community.
Just read every post over the past few weeks. Thank you Sub for steering me into SS. I am currently awaiting all the ingredients to arrive, and look forward to trying your method out. It's funny, as I have been on the search for developing a well rounded organic mixture that would be very little upkeep (as far as nutrient/PHing goes), and after reading everything here, I am confident my search has paid off well. My first grow with SS will be Vanilla Kush and La Blanca. I look forward to ordering seeds from you in the near future, I only realized you sold seeds until after I ordered my current ones.

As far as your strains go, do you have a recommendation for a very cerebral, "up" sort of high that produces decent yields with either a 400W HPS or 600W HPS, witha 3 1/2' max height? I have thoroughly checked out your strains, but alot of them seem to be uplifting in the general sense...I was looking for the most potent uplifter, for a long-time everyday smoker with chronic depression(I medicate with MJ instead of anti-depressants)
WHEW....99 pages in 2 days!!!that was alot of reading, and sub, you ARE the man! i just wish every body would read the whole thread, im so glad i did. folks...this thread is dusted with golden nuggets of info on this style of growing. But you gotta read the entire thread. so many repeated questions could have been avoided, and fewer asses chewed...props to all who have helped the man himself make this thread a success. patience is truely a virtue. my first batch of ss will be (cured) about the same time as my new room will ready, 4 x 600 watt...8 wide x 8 high x 14' long "deep", sealed for co2 yada-yada,,,,so i will give your soil a go. thank you for your generous sharing of knowledge,and time, and patience...peace.
You put seeds directly into SS? I'll be interested to hear if they make it. SS will usually burn seedlings.

no kidding, I had a Tween haze plant that didn't take to SS right off the bat, I almost lost her, but she adapted to it and then she took off.
that was one out of about 25 I used SS on. all the others loved it. I just took over a QP off a JTR plant done in SS.
WHEW....99 pages in 2 days!!!that was alot of reading, and sub, you ARE the man! i just wish every body would read the whole thread, im so glad i did. folks...this thread is dusted with golden nuggets of info on this style of growing. But you gotta read the entire thread. so many repeated questions could have been avoided, and fewer asses chewed...props to all who have helped the man himself make this thread a success. patience is truely a virtue. my first batch of ss will be (cured) about the same time as my new room will ready, 4 x 600 watt...8 wide x 8 high x 14' long "deep", sealed for co2 yada-yada,,,,so i will give your soil a go. thank you for your generous sharing of knowledge,and time, and patience...peace.

Thank you for understanding the value of this information and applying it as you said there is so much info here and its nice to see someone benifit from it.

Thank you for understanding the value of this information and applying it as you said there is so much info here and its nice to see someone benifit from it.


Don't Sell your self short man, A LOT of people have benefited from your work over the years.
:leaf: Quick question: I've had my first batch of supersoil cooking now for bout a week. I'm doin it indoors since its freezing outside now. The soil has an intense ammonia smell, especially when it is turned. I read the entire 100 pages of this forum and found only one person who had the same situation. It sounded like he was scrapping that batch and starting over. Should I do the same?

Also thanks so much subcool (and others) for passing on your bountiful knowledge and your time honored techniques. It is greatly appreciated.:clap:
Quick question for sub or anyone else that can help me. I will be using RO water with your growing techniques but I can't find any powdered cal/mag anywhere. All I can find is the liquid cal/mag. Does anyone know where to get powdered cal/mag or if I should add the liquid stuff to the water.
I use R/O water and sub's soil recipe and I need to supplement with liquid to keep the plants nice and green. I use General Organics CaMg+ every third watering @ 1tsp per gallon. Great product and the molasses in it helps turbocharge the bennies. I also lime my soil with 1 cup of dolomite per cubic foot of soil mix, it helps provide a good pH buffer and some extra calcium/magnesium.
The most common material used for liming agricultural soils is finely ground limestone, a material composed of varying concentrations of calcium and magnesium carbonates. Limestone has all the desired characteristics of an agricultural liming material.
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