Help!!!! Limp drooping leaves spider mites burn aaaaahhhhhhhh


Active Member
Lady bugs !!!!!!
I have had 6000 ladybugs and they did me no good with any bug problems I have had. They are still in the room, until they die, but I am pretty sure the hotshot bug strip will end up killen them faster. Im pretty sure if 3000 lady bugs didnt take care of it by now they are not going to. I have had lady bugs in both grow room religiously since november.


Active Member
For a 100%, ONE application, elimination of mites, get some FORBID.

Do a search on ebay. ~$20 delivered and it will do the trick. Adults, larvae and eggs ... gone.

Floramite is also good and I have it also to alternate treatments. Have not needed it as of yet after one treatment with the Forbid. The Forbid is also easier to mix and apply.

Very potent stuff, the normal mix is 1/8tsp/gallon. A qt of mix will do 15 plants, easy.

Thanks wetdog, I will have to look into that stuff!


Well-Known Member
Worked for me, but i diddnt let them loose like that, I simply kept them in container two days.. Then let them ALL in a large BAG with two plants at a time. :)

I have had 6000 ladybugs and they did me no good with any bug problems I have had. They are still in the room, until they die, but I am pretty sure the hotshot bug strip will end up killen them faster. Im pretty sure if 3000 lady bugs didnt take care of it by now they are not going to. I have had lady bugs in both grow room religiously since november.


Active Member
So you had the plant and the bugs in a bag? hmmmmmm, sounds interesting. If that is what you did, how long would you leave them in there for?


Active Member
My girls are looking fabulous today! I confirmed, again, last night that when the lights go out and the temps go down these girls fall like limp noodles. I had the heater on for a bit at night, not too long, and in the morning they were nice and perky, like a fresh boob job! No buggy bugs while using the no pest thing and neem oil. I will do another treatment with the neem oil in a few days, then prolly another one. Someone told me for the first few weeks of flowering to add a little veg nutes for the extra N that the plant uses while in the "stretch" and I cant find him or where he told me this at. So I dont know how long to add the extra N for. Does anyone know?


Active Member
I could attempt to roll off all of the mites, but that will not get rid of the problem. More will come, and by time I roll those, eggs would have already been laid then more mites come. I only have about 7 weeks left for this batch, so if I could get a hold on them with the neem oil and the no pest strip for that long, I will clean the room and disinfect and bomb and take everything out of the room for a while, to make sure the assels are gone.

I really do not think the drooping is from over or under watering. I thought possibly over watering, because I had watered a few times closer together than I usually do, so I let them go without water for a few extra days. Even after watering, and the moisture meter showing they were well watered, they returned to drooping leaves, only after the temps went down. I am leaning towards it being too cold down. We have extreme cold weather conditions in the area and the house is very cold, specially in the basement. I have a heater in the room for the night, and I will see how they look in the morning. They have looked good in the day, but closer to night time is when they started going back to drooping.
Your grow room temperature is good to fluctuate. a 10 Degree drop from day to night is best. Anything lower than 60 degrees at night will slow growth. PS rolling mites kills them and destroys the eggs. I rolled off mites on over 30 plants and they never came back. Just make sure you vacuum around the area and stuff. They live in your carpet. They are simply to weak to pry themselves and eggs off industrial stickyness. I think our garden is bigger than yours :) They can build up a immunity to neem oil. So if there eggs hatch which were treated with neem oil, You might be shit out of luck unless you switch to another spider mite control solution. Glad to hear your ladies are looking better!


Well-Known Member
If you have mites, get a No Pest Strip. They work and they work GOOD. Just take it out 2 weeks before harvest. Put the strip down lower than the level of the pots so that the exhaust sucks air from the intake through it and up through the plants. Mites will be gone. Period. End of story.

Worked for me. People say those strips are bad but my plants have shown no ill effects from it. After a day you can't even smell the strip anymore. Back in the 70's and early 80's until dichlorvos got a bad rap people used to put those in their houses by the dozens. They work and they're cheap.


Active Member
If you have mites, get a No Pest Strip. They work and they work GOOD. Just take it out 2 weeks before harvest. Put the strip down lower than the level of the pots so that the exhaust sucks air from the intake through it and up through the plants. Mites will be gone. Period. End of story.

Worked for me. People say those strips are bad but my plants have shown no ill effects from it. After a day you can't even smell the strip anymore. Back in the 70's and early 80's until dichlorvos got a bad rap people used to put those in their houses by the dozens. They work and they're cheap.
I have one of those up also, and between that and the neem oil I am happy with the results. The problem I see with the roller is you can miss so many and cant really roll the soil incase a mite has dropped down there, and also I read that they also have been known to lay their eggs in the soil. I could do that, but seems much much more time consuming and have heard good things about both the strip and neem oil. I have heard bad about both also, but I figure I am early enough in flowering that the strip isnt going to do any harm, but I also read that the plant does not take in anything that the strip gives off anyway so it wouldnt even be a problem to use one closer to harvest. People in another thread were arguing about how the strips are bad, then someone posted quotes from the website showing they use them in vegetable greenhouses, restaurants, by fishtanks, and lots of places by food. It was shown that fishtanks and vegetables and flowers do not absorb or take in anything from these strips. It was a huge long thread with lots of very informative quotes. each their own on what they decide to do. EVERYTHING I have read about for mites I hear good and bad, doktor doom floramite, strips, and whatever else. I think consistancy is the key, and whatever method can work if people keep up with treatment and dont just let things go and give up. I know it is hard to believe people would give up, but they do. My brother HAS an infestation, which is how I got them. He tried one thing and just gave up because they didnt leave. He is also afraid to look at anything online to learn more about this process so goes based only on what it says in a book. I am sure there are lots of ways that people have good outcomes and this just seems to be working for me, and to me that is all that matters ;-)


Active Member
hi dirtydiana
glad you finally got it sorted, you dont still have the plants on the concrete floor do you as this will make the pots even colder during the lights out, just stick anything under them to try to keep them as warm as poss. damp pots + concrete floor = cold nuts!
hope you get a nice harvest in the end, i just had a few of those little shitters munching on my leaves like my pit eats her dinner, bug be gone sorted the little shitters out.


Active Member
hi dirtydiana
glad you finally got it sorted, you dont still have the plants on the concrete floor do you as this will make the pots even colder during the lights out, just stick anything under them to try to keep them as warm as poss. damp pots + concrete floor = cold nuts!
hope you get a nice harvest in the end, i just had a few of those little shitters munching on my leaves like my pit eats her dinner, bug be gone sorted the little shitters out.
I took them off of the floor. I noticed a difference right away. Glad you mentioned having something under them, because another guy is having issues too and didnt have room for a table, would a blanket work?


Active Member
a blanket will work ok if you put a peice of card between the blanket and pot, you still want the air to circulate round the bottom of the pots. i just went to check on my plants and the leaf munchers have picked on another leaf so i just drowned the whole house in bug clear. its like a personal battle you have with them, i cant see anything on mine but i wish i could because i think i would torture each individual mite(i take it really personal). its bleeding sad how much i love these plants! hope yours come on well now anyway.
getting the temps right when you live in cold climate can be a nightmare so i know exactly what you are going through. the little heaters are like 2000 w, so you may aswell just put the central heating on for the night it would probs be cheaper.
good luck