if i was to do cakes, once they are at 100% i wait another week for consolidation then its into a dunk. its overnight and you weigh them down so they are under water. then you rinse them off really well under tap water and roll in vermiculite and place them into the fruiting chamber. wait for 2 hours then come back and mist the cakes really well to hydrate the verm. then its just daily misting and fanning.
For bulk i just wait for 100% then a week for consolidation and then they are crumbled up and layered into a glad ware family size container along with a hpoo substrate and covered with foil. once thats fully colonized i apply a casing layer and wait for mushrooms to pop up. its a few more steps but im hoping for a larger flush by crumbling to bulk.
Once i have my PC up and running, ill switch to the MONO TEK because its way more simple.
No im planning to do the ozz tek with rye berries.
SO you wouldnt use a hpoo based substrate in bulk? I was thinking
3 quarts hpoo
1 cup gypsum
1 quart vermiculite
would be a basic recipie for bulk. i dont have any worm casings...
Thats the thing, have you seen roger rabbits videos? Its basically his tek but he never explains amounts so thats a mystery.
Ok to clarify, I have three trays i plan to use. I plan to use two jars per tray and fruit them in a sgfc.
Ill crumble up the spawn and layer it with sub in these 13 cup food containers. ill cover in foil and let colonize to 100% then apply a 1 inch thich casing layer per RR's tek.
I have since abandoned the ozz tek for this grow because i dont have rye berries or near enough cakes.
a link to my soon to be first soil grow..