right guys i have done a small tutorial on how to roll basically.
ive had to do it on my iPhone and done a little video for the 'tucking' part.
i hope its clear enough for you to understand!
so.. basically would start with a roach, i tend to make them like this and put a 'zig-zag' in the roach by folding a little bit forwards then backs and then rolling the rest around it.
(basically stops feedback and gives you a nice solid roach to toke on!)
Then basically your paper wherever you are going to put the 'filling', then all you need to do really is spread the weed/tobacco (yeah we do that in uk!) around the paper moving more to the front of the spliff and smaller and smaller as you go down to the roach, this will make it easier making the 'cone' shape and easier for doing the tucking part also.
(if you are from the UK, yes that is a nandos menu! and you know that chicken tastes GOOD!)
(obviously puttng as much weed in as you see fit but just to show the idea)
then grab the spliff like so, holding onto the roach end quite tightly (i know some people might say its easier rolling without roach, but believe me it isnt) it makes it alot easier to actually roll it because you are rolling it around the roach first, the rest basically does itself.
right this part i did on a video because if you read carefully what i posted above^ this should make sense on the video. (its in HD too if thats how you wanna get down!
see the bit where i put my finger long-ways across where it wanted to be tucked? this will help keep the roll tight and stop anything from spilling out when you start to tuck it at the bottom, also helps if you pull the paper taught so it tucks in equally to for a straight line and allows the paper to go just behind the filling making it alot easier too, you can also do this part with just a thumb but this is the easiest way!
then should end up something like this