At what week do you start trimming the bottem leaves?????


Well-Known Member
Hey, just got back, i was out of town for a few days. i had my wife man the fort while i was away. she did a good job with the baby clones and she fed the plants,,good job babe. Anyway i will post new pictures in a few hours of the plants they look great. the room is about 3 wide 6 deep by 7 high.the first go around with 3 plants in the room neted 7 OZ. im thinking with these babys1 pound easy, i hoping..i will post pictures in a bit thanks Again to all,,godspeed, FDD.......later!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the delay in the pictures, i fell asleep last we go, this is 1 week in 12/12 and 1 week after i trimmed the bottom leaves. I will post weekly updated pictures for your pleasure and mine...Thanks,,Feed back is welcome,, THANKS TO ALL POSTERS AGAIN.....with your help this is possible



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, i will keep postin updates entill the whole process is complete..Hope you guys enjoy the ride...thanks again godspeed, your a big help dude...


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the delay in the pictures, i fell asleep last we go, this is 1 week in 12/12 and 1 week after i trimmed the bottom leaves. I will post weekly updated pictures for your pleasure and mine...Thanks,,Feed back is welcome,, THANKS TO ALL POSTERS AGAIN.....with your help this is possible
That is some crazy growth for 1 week of 12/12; good job man. :peace:


Well-Known Member
im posting a day early, cause im going on a ski trip, anyway. These are some updated pictures i just took of the plants & room...Can someone tell me what the little bumps are on the plant in the close up shots? they look like they are healthy if you ask me? im in the 2nd week of flowering with the ladies. what do you guys think? how much yield? 8 plants, no c02, 600w HPS, 3x6x7 room. hammerhead nuti.? what do you think?



Well-Known Member
If you are talking about the bumps on the leaf edges that looks like trichomes to me my friend. I don't see any other bumps. As far as dry weight when you are done, if you wait till they are finished, I am going to guess and say 14oz. I think you can get nearly 2oz a plant, and I think I am being conservative. They look great.


Well-Known Member
14 oz, i will take that, i thinking a liitle more but you did say 14 oz, but thats conservative.. im thinking more like wishing 1 lb..i would love that.. as far as the bumps on the leaves if its what you say it is i guess thats not a problem..thats for the support...GL & GG..


Well-Known Member
Ok Guys,, week 3 flowering Updated pictures...thing are coming along nicely...what do you guys think,,i will water them tomorrow, im thinking of trying to swich 1 of the plants to the old nuti. i was using(foxfarm big bloom) the stuff im using or trying is hammerhead from Adv. nuti. i want to see which of the plants will yield more or which of the Nuti. is a better producer? what do you guys think??



Well-Known Member
O.K. as I just got high,, Im not the best judge but,,,, If I were you, I would scrap the whole project and give them to me so I can fix this debaukle,, WOW,,did I just write that,, anyway,, great grow,, and good luck......:peace:..


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude...just say no to drugs man.....& give it all to me...thanks for the input...carry on..