Thursday Night Chop Down!

yeah, just be patient, it will take off shortly. I think 3 weeks is a good number to start seeing new growth pick up. I know when CD cloned his last batch in flower it seemed to only take 1 month to root and go back to veg, and it was several weeks into flower. you have A LOT of green there so your golden :D

Thanks man, she seemed to really like the shot of nitrogen i gave her... almost all the yellow and red leaves turned back green again. i will keep an eye on her from a distance and see what we have in a few weeks!

doesn't look so bad to me, lol. i'd definitely keep her going and see what happens!

Thanks for vote of confidence. I really wasn't sure about some of that curled up growth but overall she does look better than when i put her back into veg. I'll play the waiting game a see what happens! she has always been a very tough breed and she seems to be a strong woman so i'll try to just keep her happy and let her do her thing!
real cool looking, the 4th pic looks like a big red headed worm right in the middle, or im stoned, LoL. the leaves are wild looking but they will fade out as time goes on. like gumball said, i took clones a few weeks into flowering and revegged. they got some really crazy looking leaves so i guess its normal. the pic was day 26. good job man!!


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real cool looking, the 4th pic looks like a big red headed worm right in the middle, or im stoned, LoL. the leaves are wild looking but they will fade out as time goes on. like gumball said, i took clones a few weeks into flowering and revegged. they got some really crazy looking leaves so i guess its normal. the pic was day 26. good job man!!

well i'm glad to hear my leaves are normal.... i guess that is the plant regrowing her Cotyledon leaves. kind of what you first get when starting from a seed. i am probably totally wrong but anyway, i got my fingers crossed and i am hoping for the best!
dont know too much about re-vegging, but i know its possible.. tried it once myself but it did not work out whatsoever for me ( terrible conditions that stressed out the plants def did not help) lookin good though man . you gotta understand that the plant goes through alot of stress when you put it back into vegetation state., so patience is extremely important in your case. im sure it will be fine., good luck kid
dont know too much about re-vegging, but i know its possible.. tried it once myself but it did not work out whatsoever for me ( terrible conditions that stressed out the plants def did not help) lookin good though man . you gotta understand that the plant goes through alot of stress when you put it back into vegetation state., so patience is extremely important in your case. im sure it will be fine., good luck kid

Thanks for the input.... she has had even more stress than normal because just before harvest she was in 72 hours of darkness and dryness. she is one tough girl!!! i know she will pull through!!! I'll keep all of you posted in the weeks to come!!!
My favorite 2 mothers are reveg's it just takes patience and stability, it's not hard if ya can provide those two things.

Thanks for hangin and postin... rep for droppin in!!! and also for the advice!!! she already has more growth than last time. plus i have two clones i took, so as long as i get one good one to keep the strain alive i will. I went all the way to Amsterdam to get the seeds for that plant... this was 7-8 years ago before i knew it was so easy to order seeds... and i didn't go just for the seeds but they were a priority. plus that seed bank doesn't mail order so i want to keep it alive!!!!

so here are some bud shots of the kush plant i didn't harvest the other day. I am soooo happy i didn't cut her down. those fox tails exploded and the buds are so much bigger. i mean noticeable!!! here are a couple super frosty shots....

dude i had to turn the brightness on my screen down, that frost is burning my eyes!!

Thanks dude!! that was really funny!!! that made my night!!!

Yeah man what happened did it just snow in your growspot !>!?

That is funny because when i was driving home tonight it was snowing a little. when i got home i checked my girls and i said out loud... "damn, were you just outside or what?!?!?!" so your comment fit perfect!!!
(busts into song to the tune of "ol smokey") "On top of of ol stoney's main cola, all covered with kif!"

Damn dude make all of us kush growers look even better with a nug shot like that.
She was outside, had to been!! HEHE.Looks beautiful!!

sssshhhh!!! don't let her hear ya!!! i had her outside the other day when it was really warm here..... she loved it! i don't even want to wisper the word outside around her! i know i weird! i also make sure i'm nowhere near my grow room when i harvest. i don't want the other plants to hear her scream!! hahahaha

(busts into song to the tune of "ol smokey") "On top of of ol stoney's main cola, all covered with kif!"

Damn dude make all of us kush growers look even better with a nug shot like that.

Thanks dude!! i love the kush!!

haha this website is great...we all seem to think somewhat alike.

yea, it usually starts out with "dude, i'm so high"

Stoner culture is very peaceful upbeat and unified period makes me wish there was a hash bar around here to chill at.

some day i believe we will!
I got a smoke report for everybody, but first a little confession: just before i harvested my blueberry on the 10th, i did not flush her. in fact, i gave her a triple recommended dose of Miracle grow big bloom, that right MG!!!! now i didn't just give it to her like that her first time, i built up to that amount every few waterings. anyway, just before i put her in the dark for 72 hours i gave her a triple dose of the MG. cut her on thursday and started a cure last monday i think... well I just tried a sample of it and there was absolutely no foul or harsh taste whatsoever!!! i have been smoking this exact DNA for months now and have harvested 10 or more plants of it and this last one taste exactly the same as all the others. I'm gonna try this with a bubble gum plant also to see if the results are the same. i may never flush or stop feeding again. here is a pick of the blueberry i'm speaking of..... i know, i know, you all seen it.... but come on! it's awesome!!!!
