The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i think biobizz is meant to be 4ml each in flower ally if my memory is correct haha. sometimes is.

you wanting to stay organic with a booster?
Theres a few different charts I found but most say 4ml bloom and 1ml grow at my stage ( 4 weeks flowering ) so il go with that. Was never intending on staying organic, certainly have no quarrels going inorganic. Why what were you thinking?

feeding chart here: :)

Sambo, cleared out my mailbox, sorry it was actually the sent items clogging it up - must have sent too many airsoft invites out !!
Cheers for that Mogwai, more bloom is definately needed.


Well-Known Member
Theres a few different charts I found but most say 4ml bloom and 1ml grow at my stage ( 4 weeks flowering ) so il go with that. Was never intending on staying organic, certainly have no quarrels going inorganic. Why what were you thinking?

Cheers for that Mogwai, more bloom is definately needed.
no worries I'm on the grow, bloom and topmax with all mix, best looking plants yet :) (so far!)


Well-Known Member
no worries I'm on the grow, bloom and topmax with all mix, best looking plants yet :) (so far!)
Glad to hear it mate. I went with B&Q's john innes no.3 for the soil. I think its just the equivelant of all mix but i could be making that up hahaha. Seems to be doin wonders for my first grow.


Well-Known Member
yo ppl im currently a straight bio bizz user, but been contemplating about switching 2 the canna range, would u canna users say theirs big difference?


Well-Known Member
just a quick note for anyone lookin for a cheap grow tent. especially for scrog. go to wilkinsons and grab a grow tent for 12 quid including scrog screen built in. the actual tent is clear plastic but line it with white wall paper from poundland on the inside and thick bin bags on the outside. 15 quid all in including the double sided tape to put it together (pundland again).

enjoy :-)


Well-Known Member
just a quick note for anyone lookin for a cheap grow tent. especially for scrog. go to wilkinsons and grab a grow tent for 12 quid including scrog screen built in. the actual tent is clear plastic but line it with white wall paper from poundland on the inside and thick bin bags on the outside. 15 quid all in including the double sided tape to put it together (pundland again).

enjoy :-)
now ya tell me after i just brought 2 ds120s at 200quid lol just messin, wilkos are good they got loads of stuff usefull for growing.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yo ppl im currently a straight bio bizz user, but been contemplating about switching 2 the canna range, would u canna users say theirs big difference?
i've done both but no expert on the matters but i'l chip in any way lmao. u'll get more taste from the bio-bizz but more yeald from the canna coco, seemed that way with me and its what i've heard/read type thing :)


Well-Known Member
thought id bump the thread b4 bed lol shit that sounds abit weird lol

duru hope ya still alive or at the very least they only striped ya n left ya fingers intact so ya can continue to post lol

las i think he was talking bout changin to canna soil nutes not coco dont wana be a smart arse or nuffing tho lol

take it easy peoples.............


Well-Known Member
WOWgrow....... is it you that studies physics?? if it is, wheres all the quantum kush's and higgs bozon hash?? lool
lol, you read eh rainz??

basically i work as a doorman/bouncer/whatever ya wanna call us and our company took over ALL the doors of every licensed premises in a town not too far from where i live (won the contract not jus forced our way in) as the police and council wanted 1 door firm running the whole town so they could implement one of these "safer town" schemes (door staff running every door, connected by radio to police n CCTV operators etc), long story short one of the main conditions of the contract being awarded was an emphasis on lowering the amount of alcohol n drug related problems in the town, we basically got rid of everyone we were supposed to but this obv upset the local dealer/gangster as obv we are hitting him in the pocket, he tried buying us all off, then started mentioning to individual doorstaff that it might not be a good idea for them to carry on working for the company, then he started threatening and that was quickly followed by numerous lads (including me) who worked for us getting random kickings in supermarkets/pubs etc( 8/9 ppl onto 1 everytime, all masked up) shortly followed by stabbings( i was done down the arm with a cutthroat razor) and cars being set on fire etc

basically it all escalated over about 6months and ended with a lot of us enjoying numerous trips to hospital for stitches and tetanus injections and him being found about a month or 2 after he "disappeared" in some woods about 30miles away stuffed in a couple of black bags with no teeth or hands/feet
Ah that's a fair old story. Seeing as you're a bouncer, what is your thoughts on this vid? Apparently the white guy was suspected of dealing drugs and tried to steal something so the bouncer took him into the toilet and gives him a beating.

i quite like the "like function" for me its good for when ur stoned and cant be bothered to write something but wanna show u've visited lol. i've given nearly double the likes i've received lmao, fucking pointless really lol
lmao, that's awesome. So true as well. Since i've been home from work I've just been sat around in a lemony haze!

Off to watch some family guy and then hit the hay. Got fucking work again at 7.30. Peace bros


Well-Known Member
ez peeps, time for the wooden hill! Before I go though, imagine going here after a doob or two, man - I'm not sure if i'd run screaming or be on the floor in laughter!![video=youtube;D7Oew8O9le0][/video]

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Boys I used the entire BioBizz lineup last grow (except Alg-a-mic cos 'Wilkinsons' seaweed extract is only £1.25 for 500ml and knocks spots off it!).
They loved the 'Fishmix' as an addition to the 'Grow' (every 3rd water is best,along with 'Alg-a-mic'),'Topmax' is good gear but the 'Heaven' is the biggest con i've ever seen. It's just diluted molasses that they bottle and charge you a packet for,my local hydro does it for £32-500ml and he's the cheapest in the city!
I wouldn't follow the chart though as it calls for far,far too much nitrogen,don't use 'Grow' at all through the flowering phase and just top the N up with 'Fishmix' as they need it.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
And if that was I in a toilet with that doorman trying to bitch on me,after the first punch I'd have been all over him. I'd have my thumbs in his eyes and his nose in my mouth quicker than he could say 'bully'!


Well-Known Member
ez peeps, time for the wooden hill! Before I go though, imagine going here after a doob or two, man - I'm not sure if i'd run screaming or be on the floor in laughter!![video=youtube;D7Oew8O9le0][/video]
fuck thats weird m8 lol id be running screaming i think.


Well-Known Member
I'd be running screaming an all, fuck me that's creepy lol.

The thing about that situation is that there was another guy in there (cameraman) so being out numbered in a small space isn't gonna go well. There's nowhere for you to go lol.


Well-Known Member
lol, you read eh rainz??

Ah that's a fair old story. Seeing as you're a bouncer, what is your thoughts on this vid? Apparently the white guy was suspected of dealing drugs and tried to steal something so the bouncer took him into the toilet and gives him a beating.

well you do get doorstaff like that, weve got a couple on our firm that have got major attitude problems or `roid rage, dying breed now though, all the 20st brawlers are being steadily replaced by people with more brain than brawn, 2 years ago you would only get work thru our firm if you were like 6ft n 20st, now theres only 3 of em left in the company, the door i regularly work is a nightclub with 19doorstaff and bout 16of us are kinda 5`11" an about 11stone and nowadays you are more likely down our way to be removed from a club by 3ppl that have got you in a bodylock and placed gently on the pavement outside n told to go home than you have of having some giant with tattoos kick you thru the club whilst stamping on your head, you do however get to the point with some ppl that are either too drunk/coked up where ya can sit their ALL NIGHT pushing em away from the club or trying to get em out only for em to keep returning n annoying ya n sometimes giving em a push on the floor or a quick clip round the ear an telling em to fuck off or ur gna give em a pasting is the only way to get rid of em.

Same as with ppl getting caugh dealing in clubs and/or causing trouble, doorstaff will always give you a chance to leave it alone an fuck off home(you know you`ve been caught n gonna be barred for it and so do we so whats the point in mouthing off an gettin slapped as well) , very few ppl however take the chance, instead deciding that in their drunk/coked up state that they somehow know better than you an start mouthing off or get all like " mate do you know who the fuck i am? man am i gna have boys waiting youwhen you finish work tonight", either way an wonder why they get a slap from a doorman from being a knob after hes given ya 10 chances to fuck off home, and you STILL wanna get in his face an argue with him and then nicked by the old bill for drunk n disorderly because you decide to stand outside the club for ANOTHER half hour throwing insults at the doorstaff an screaming down the high street.

Point is, its a hard jobkeeping your temper when you have drunken/coked/fighting up idiots to deal with but if your alright with us were alright with you, most of the lads that work for our firm are only in it for the extra money as a 2nd job(14 out of the 19 staff at the club i work at have full time jobs as well) but their are still some of the old brawler generation around that go to work on the door for the fights not the money and there not going anywhere soon