Most Miserable Period Of My Life Selfish Gf


Well-Known Member
Ask your self whats more important to you and go for it.
But telling every one it's her fault ect, tells me that when this
fails you'll have us to blame for giving bad advise.


Well-Known Member
why do you all insist on disrespecting people?

how come whenever someone starts a heartfelt thread you all turn it into your own little laugh-a-thon?

is there a reason you all spend all day, everyday mocking people?

do you ever get tired of it?

why can't you all act human and actually offer some HONEST advice?

just wondering.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i dont understand the problom. shes mean and u get blowies, u dont have to fuck and cuddle. my advise stay with this woman. blowies and no cuddling, shit u got it made.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
why do you all insist on disrespecting people?

how come whenever someone starts a heartfelt thread you all turn it into your own little laugh-a-thon?

is there a reason you all spend all day, everyday mocking people?

do you ever get tired of it?

why can't you all act human and actually offer some HONEST advice?

just wondering.
he said heart felt give your advise st. valentine.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Edit- who cares if she is a virgin. He should just leave her be and get on with his life.

you don't loose your virginity sucking cock. :roll:

THE OP said "she's still a virgin, we have never had sex". geniuses are trying to convince me she's NOT a virgin because she gave a blowjob. :clap:


Well-Known Member
well going from original post and nothing else just tell her that you have to be your self and if she cant handle that she cant handle you and get out of her life nothing like a wild self indulgent girl ruining your credit


New Member
This is the reason why i only had 25$ when i saw her she asked for a exspensive late vday present so i mailed her 55$ to her cusins house to give to her to buy it. Well the mail was never recieved mane her cusin took it and a week later she bug bug and bug later which is today is why i blew up so hard and also i never got my gift so fuck all of you who thinks im a bad guy,
Obviously she is with you because of your impeccable grammar.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Your iTouchme doesn't have a delete button? Epic. First keyboard ever with no backspace.

Also...why are you still with her if your so miserable? It eludes me how people do this to themselves...


Pickle Queen
Does she not drive? why does she not have to come see u? And you can't blame her if your putting up with all this shit, if u love her and she loves u a few months apart while u make some cash should be ok and probably help the relationship, if not your in college wear a rubber and have fun!


Well-Known Member
I have a full keyboard Noobgrowerlbc and my grammar still sucks................good luck with your decision............