Most Miserable Period Of My Life Selfish Gf

The best advice anyone can give is to sit down and lay it all out to her about how you feel..If ya guys can come to an agreement then work it out if not then part ways happy..(eventho breakups are never happy)


Well-Known Member
personally in my oppion I think he is haveing fun with us.......the jury duty had me in the floor in stitches.......but no need to be rude to him..........


Active Member
The best advice anyone can give is to sit down and lay it all out to her about how you feel..If ya guys can come to an agreement then work it out if not then part ways happy..(eventho breakups are never happy)
I totally agree with wyteberrywidow, be adult about it.

Look back at your postings like you were reading about someone else...what would your advice be?

Off the top, it reads to me that things aren't working out the way it is now and obviously...without laying blame, YOU need to make some changes in YOUR life....because only YOU can.


Well-Known Member
The best advice anyone can give is to sit down and lay it all out to her about how you feel..If ya guys can come to an agreement then work it out if not then part ways happy..(eventho breakups are never happy)
Well we finnally met terms with each other, my mistake was blowing up on her so harsh and letting problems build till i blow up, we are good now. This arguement is not about money entirely, it is about my saftey to get home becuase as a guy this hurts me deeply to be put in that type of danger with no cell phone and oddly no fucking pay phone anywere! But after a long harsh arguement we are good and hopefully we stay this way i wish i can plus rep you for that golden advice but it says i need to spread rep b4 i can rep u again :/
Hey dude
we all know that girlfriends are demanding. It is hard to accept but it is true. Your story is really miserable. Now i will stay safe. I have no girlfriend and now no more. I will directly find my permanent life partner.

Kush Pu$her

real girls are more stressful to deal with than the real women growing in my closet, i wish i could sex them sometimes


Well-Known Member
Fuck me! After we fix the situation the next day we are argueing again over bullshit. She ask me for an honest answer, she said do i turn you on? I said yes except for the going on and off teasing part, shes like i get super horny one moment and scared the next.. I than say i never cummed and it makes me miss it becuase i usually able to do it with my ex. She takes that comment seriously and gets furiously mad. Saying why i have to bring up my ex.. And im like i was refering to cumming not my ex. So than she argues and cries all night.


Well-Known Member
She accuses me of fantasizing of my ex.. But imo i can live with not cummimg with her but the price she pays is me missing something that i ussually get and the only ones i can visualize best based on past experience is my exes. So than i suggest we dont talk or do anything sexual anymore and she gets angrier and was like do you really want me gone and im like i wont stop you. And shes gets into a crying marathon and suggest a 4 day break so she can think and i can study starting monday and im like why not today so u can recover sooner. And it just gets worse...


Well-Known Member
She accuses me of fantasizing of my ex.. But imo i can live with not cummimg with her but the price she pays is me missing something that i ussually get and the only ones i can visualize best based on past experience is my exes. So than i suggest we dont talk or do anything sexual anymore and she gets angrier and was like do you really want me gone and im like i wont stop you. And shes gets into a crying marathon and suggest a 4 day break so she can think and i can study starting monday and im like why not today so u can recover sooner. And it just gets worse...
You think if you talked really nice she would split the differance with you and start on Sunday?
She accuses me of fantasizing of my ex.. But imo i can live with not cummimg with her but the price she pays is me missing something that i ussually get and the only ones i can visualize best based on past experience is my exes. So than i suggest we dont talk or do anything sexual anymore and she gets angrier and was like do you really want me gone and im like i wont stop you. And shes gets into a crying marathon and suggest a 4 day break so she can think and i can study starting monday and im like why not today so u can recover sooner. And it just gets worse...
lmao..Be a man and stop with the bullshit..Its like you are both in the 5th grade with all this back n forth..Just let her know how serious you are and stop trying to be a victim..


Well-Known Member
She accuses me of fantasizing of my ex.. But imo i can live with not cummimg with her but the price she pays is me missing something that i ussually get and the only ones i can visualize best based on past experience is my exes. So than i suggest we dont talk or do anything sexual anymore and she gets angrier and was like do you really want me gone and im like i wont stop you. And shes gets into a crying marathon and suggest a 4 day break so she can think and i can study starting monday and im like why not today so u can recover sooner. And it just gets worse...

I stick with my initial advice:

she will NOT change...... just drop it, dump the dumb bitch, she is NOT worth your time......... if I was in your situation I would have dumped that bitch within a week, wtf are you waiting for?

as I said before, stop bullshitting yourself.


Active Member
Cannabis should grant you the serenity to accept the things you cant change, cannabis should give you the courage to change the things you can, and cannabis can give you the wisdom to know the difference. Hope that helps..


why do you all insist on disrespecting people?

This is the internet.

how come whenever someone starts a heartfelt thread you all turn it into your own little laugh-a-thon?
The best humor is at someone else's expense.

is there a reason you all spend all day, everyday mocking people?
Because our So-Cal marijuana grow op gives us the financial freedom to smoke Js and post on RIU 24 hours a day...

do you ever get tired of it?
Once. After four hours of berating someone I was exhausted, but he ended up killing himself so it was worth it in the end.

why can't you all act human and actually offer some HONEST advice?
This is the internet. Thought you knew that.

just wondering.
Just answering :)

Originally Posted by a mongo frog

he said heart felt give your advise st. valentine.
warning given for insults.

Must be rough trying to navigate the internet with such thin skin, brah. Your moderating is objectively absurd. I think the only place on the internet for you is a forum for family members of suicide victims. Can't get any more serious than that. But I would be there, trolling them and you "all day, everyday."

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member

This is the internet.

The best humor is at someone else's expense.

Because our So-Cal marijuana grow op gives us the financial freedom to smoke Js and post on RIU 24 hours a day...

Once. After four hours of berating someone I was exhausted, but he ended up killing himself so it was worth it in the end.

This is the internet. Thought you knew that.

Just answering :)

Must be rough trying to navigate the internet with such thin skin, brah. Your moderating is objectively absurd. I think the only place on the internet for you is a forum for family members of suicide victims. Can't get any more serious than that. But I would be there, trolling them and you "all day, everyday."

so which one of our resurrected trolls are you?