My Eventual Perpetual Garden; Round 1: Chronic Haze Clones and Attitude seeds.


Well-Known Member
i think you would like the dry kief box much more man, with 20 grams, you could have got 4-8 grams of hash.


Well-Known Member
i think you would like the dry kief box much more man, with 20 grams, you could have got 4-8 grams of hash.
Yep, I need to get/make one ASAP. I love the dry kief out of the bottom of my grinder. This afghan I am smoking, that was drowned, is giving me lots of kief in the grinder. It is sticky, but dry enough to be ground up for joints and the vape. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey Rasputin,

How much Isop did you put approximately?
It say at the top 2.2g of hash from 20grams of trim......... Is that right?

Nice Work!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey bro there is a hair in pic 10-13! Don't smoke that! ;) LOL Looks good bro! Maybe next harvest I will make some!


Well-Known Member
Hey Rasputin,

How much Isop did you put approximately?
It say at the top 2.2g of hash from 20grams of trim......... Is that right?

Nice Work!
I used a pint for the first wash, and a pint for the 2nd wash, and ran both washes thru the same 2 screens and 2 coffee filters, into the same pyrex dish.

Yes 2.2g.

The first time I made it I used 70% ISO and 15g of trim, and only got 0.5g of hash. It also took 48+ hours to evaporate. Using 91% ISO it was dry in about 30 hours this time.

Hey bro there is a hair in pic 10-13! Don't smoke that! ;) LOL Looks good bro! Maybe next harvest I will make some!
I noticed that when editing the pics, and later found it in the pyrex tray. :twisted:

The bowl of afghan I smoked this afternoon, topped with that hash, almost put me to sleep. :weed:

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! I am looking into makeing either bubble hash next time or maybe some more butter. I need to get the bags though. I found some on ebay for around $50. So maybe when I have an excess of money I will order some.


Well-Known Member
I think my wonder woman and wembley will be my last CCOB plants I try for a while. I am going to try some aggressive pruning at the bottom of the cages and actively train them during the stretch to maintain an even canopy. I will probably stop all pruning by the end of the 2nd week and stop all training shortly after that. My CCOBs in mid-flower (that got accidentally revegged) had no pruning done and they are a thick mass of brush in the center of the cage and I dont want that to happen again. I will be training most/all of the colas around the outside of the cage this time instead of just guiding them thru the center because I am lazy. If they are on the outside of the cage it should be easier to manipulate them around the cage in a bit of a spiral and tie them off with soft wire.

I have a couple more in veg that are topped at the 1st node for 2 colas so I can train them for CCOB, but I think I am just going to wait until they hit 10" above the soil and flower them as is. Both of them are indica dominant and have rather tight node spacing, especially the kannabia special. The next ones coming up in veg will get topped for 4 colas, like most of my first bagseed grow did. The LSD will probably need to be flowered when rather short, after she recovers from the topping, as her node spacing was very long compared to everything else in my veg box.

I am not sure what these plants that got re-vegged in mid-flower are going to do, but they look really bad. Hopefully I don't get too disappointed by their prospects and cull them out of spite for my timer error. :dunce:

Wonder Woman: 9 days 12/12, 49 day veg

Wembley: 0 days 12/12, 47 day veg

CH# 10 (Revegged mid-flower for 5 - 7 days): 38 days since original flip

Flower box today:



Well-Known Member
You say that, as I contemplate culling the two (possibly 3) chronic plants in mid-flower that were the most adversely affected by my week of 24/0 re-veg. :wall:

The one that was 7 weeks in since the transition, when the re-veg happened, should still have a decent yield. The one that was 6 weeks in might re-flower and still give something to smoke, but the two plants that were 3 - 5 weeks in to flower when they got re-veg'd are a mess. At least I got a bunch of babies in veg to take their place if that is what I decide to do.


Well-Known Member
I had to transplant my germ'd AKS to soil today because the taproot didn't dig into the root riot. I soaked some pro mix, buried the root riot and germ'd seed with the tap root down, sprinkled some dry pro mix over it, and sprayed it heavily with RO water.

I found out I can get some top quality sour diesel for 300/oz and clones for only $15. That is good news for a couple weeks from now, when in between harvests due to the culling.

I just threw 2 plants into darkness, to be culled instead of harvested, for butter/hash. CH#5 at 32 days 12/12 (minus reveg) and CH#10 at 39 days (minus reveg).

The Kush and KKS got transplanted to #3 smart pots.



The garden at the end of the day:

55 days 12/12

CH#03 [CCOB]
45 days 12/12

1 days 12/12

Wonder Woman
10 days 12/12



Active Member
Love those pics, good job in dealing with the re-veg! I think you answered this before, but how come you don't use the cutting when you top your veggers to do perpetual - why go always from seed? Is it because you want to try ALL strains? ;-)


Well-Known Member
how come you don't use the cutting when you top your veggers to do perpetual - why go always from seed?
I built a few different cloners and didn't have good luck cloning bottom branches this winter. My understanding is the tops are harder to clone/root than the bottom branches. My seed germ > veg rate is about 95%+. My clone success rate is <1%. :dunce:

good job in dealing with the re-veg!
I will try to work our some new target dates tomorrow for the flower box, and veg box, and post some new estimated harvest dates.


Well-Known Member
Nice setup, thanks for directing me over here. I like the tote DWC setup, I want to build one of those this year!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I built a few different cloners and didn't have good luck cloning bottom branches this winter. My understanding is the tops are harder to clone/root than the bottom branches. My seed germ > veg rate is about 95%+. My clone success rate is <1%. :dunce:
What system are you trying to clone with? I have about a 90+% rate on my clones. I could go into detail on how I do it if you would like brotha, but I am sure you have read tons of threads on how to clone.


Well-Known Member
I have operated under the assumption of the opposite.... Tops clone much better in my experience. I also used to take bottom cuttings because I didn't have mothers and I wanted to keep as many tops as I could going into flowering. Now I take large, healthy cuttings from the tops of the plant and my success rate is MUCH greater.


Well-Known Member
What system are you trying to clone with? I have about a 90+% rate on my clones. I could go into detail on how I do it if you would like brotha, but I am sure you have read tons of threads on how to clone.
I first made a spray bucket with submersible pump and pvc/nozzles. Then I added an airstone to it. Then I made some low profile DWC style with 2 airstones in them. Those worked the best but the roots ended up stalling out and I didn't get any new growth, due to the cold I think, even with a heating pad under them.

No need to write an essay, I have read and watched plenty of how-to's.

I have operated under the assumption of the opposite.... Tops clone much better in my experience. I also used to take bottom cuttings because I didn't have mothers and I wanted to keep as many tops as I could going into flowering. Now I take large, healthy cuttings from the tops of the plant and my success rate is MUCH greater.
Well, I wish I would have tried that with my wonder woman or wembley tops. :(

I will give it a shot on the next one I have to top, the pyramid white widow, when she gets big enough.

I think I am going to start topping for four colas again, let them grow without training, flower at 10 - 12" tall, but do some pruning to the undergrowth during the first 2 weeks of flower. I have a few in veg that were topped for 2 colas and those will get flowered when they hit the same height and lightly lollipop'd.

I just got done giving the Wonder Woman and Wembley another training/pruning. The WoW is likely done being pruned now, for the most part. The Wembley only got a minor trim today, but she will get another in 4 - 7 days I expect. I will post some pics later

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey ras was your Wonder Woman from Nirvana? If so could you give me some info on flowering that strain? I am looking for stretch info and also nute info. I have one about 17 in tall right now and I have a spot in my flower rooms but I am wondering if I should let her grow a lil more, but if she is real stretchy when switched to flower I don't want let her get too tall. Thanks bro! ;)