DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

Hello Heisenberg,

Thanks for getting back to me. Yes this 'after slime' is a bit strange. I will monitor the leaves closely for any additional damage, and the roots for additional slime buildup and the like. I'll take your advice and keep the H202 out of the loop for now. The foliar damage was rather slow to appear, took about a week to get to the point it's in on the pic. I've begun brewing a fresh batch of tea and when ready, will change out the buckets again to ensure a diverse culture in the tea. I've also got a fine filter bag of sorts and I'm going to use that to hopefully keep any particles out of the tea if that is causing the 'after slime' appearance. Would you think it wise to break up the slime a bit with fresh tea in a spray bottle directly to the roots? You mentioned something like that in a previous post. My thought is the slime may stick around because it's gunked all together in those spots. Perhaps if it's broken up the tea can penetrate into the isolated roots that are infected and clean them out.

Thanks again for your feedback Heisenberg. Your plants must love you so much they sing to you at night. +rep

Mr. Bond
Neone know how to extract humic from leonardite? i just got a big bag of leonardite which is the main source of humic acids and i tried puttng it in a nylon stocking on top of an airstone in a little water for 24 hrs but it didnt seem to do very good cause the water isnt really black. i was thinking of boiling it in water but i also have a feeling it will boil away the humics
dwc definitely increases yield... aeroponics are a little better but you have to be careful with your organic nutes because they will gum up the jets. has anyone expermimented with adding raw milk to your plants water supply? it works. gives you all those helpful microbes. farmers use raw milk to make their grass grow.
dude, what are u talking about u should never use organics with aeroponics...it will cause a build up of a fungus called pythium and will make the ph rise very fast, you have to clean out you aeroponic reservoir at least every 2 days bro or pythium will start to build up
Neone know how to extract humic from leonardite? i just got a big bag of leonardite which is the main source of humic acids and i tried puttng it in a nylon stocking on top of an airstone in a little water for 24 hrs but it didnt seem to do very good cause the water isnt really black. i was thinking of boiling it in water but i also have a feeling it will boil away the humics
Hello Heisenberg,

Thanks for getting back to me. Yes this 'after slime' is a bit strange. I will monitor the leaves closely for any additional damage, and the roots for additional slime buildup and the like. I'll take your advice and keep the H202 out of the loop for now. The foliar damage was rather slow to appear, took about a week to get to the point it's in on the pic. I've begun brewing a fresh batch of tea and when ready, will change out the buckets again to ensure a diverse culture in the tea. I've also got a fine filter bag of sorts and I'm going to use that to hopefully keep any particles out of the tea if that is causing the 'after slime' appearance. Would you think it wise to break up the slime a bit with fresh tea in a spray bottle directly to the roots? You mentioned something like that in a previous post. My thought is the slime may stick around because it's gunked all together in those spots. Perhaps if it's broken up the tea can penetrate into the isolated roots that are infected and clean them out.

Thanks again for your feedback Heisenberg. Your plants must love you so much they sing to you at night. +rep

Mr. Bond

so wait ru doin aeroponics? cause if u use organics with aeroponics you will get a slime in the resovoir called pythium. it also raises the ph rapidly so u need to clean your resovoirs every 2 days at least and use fresh water also your ph shouldnt go higher than 6.0 with aeroponics. if i were you i would stop trying to use organics with your aeroponics cause it is pointless the micobials all die ne ways in a system like that... and turn into bad bacteria such as pythium or "slime"...an organic approach to aeroponics is basically pointless especially wasting your time to brew teas for such a mediumless medium. If you want real organics the only way the microbes can survive is in soil or coco or in a pond with fish and a living grow medium is THE POINT of organics...your best bet is to just use "hydro" nutes that are NATURAL to stay as earthy as possible but still use aeroponics. Your plants will love it much better than the tease of organics in an aeroponic system which only ends up hurting them neway...Just remember that true organics is represented by a microbial lifeform that bonds to the roots and feeds off the carbohydrates in the plant and soil, in exchange for this the microbes feed the plants the nutrients in the soil via its waste system, with aeroponics nothing can ever get a chance to bond to the roots because there is no medium so the only way the plants can feed is through chelated salts the dissolve in the water making it instanty available to the plant. Also h202 kills off hese microbesin organic matter which is why you had a buildup of pythium or "slime" which is basically dead microbes that turm into bad bacteria, AND using nething such as commercial ph adjusters aslo kills the beneficial microbes...so stop trying to use organics with aeroponics is basically the botttom line.
Neone know how to extract humic from leonardite? i just got a big bag of leonardite which is the main source of humic acids and i tried puttng it in a nylon stocking on top of an airstone in a little water for 24 hrs but it didnt seem to do very good cause the water isnt really black. i was thinking of boiling it in water but i also have a feeling it will boil away the humics

You should be banned for copy and pasting your own post three posts down from your original IN SOME ONE ELSE'S THREAD. Have some consideration...would ya? (maybe even start your own thread?!?!??!?!?!??!)

EDIT: you shouldn't be banned, i was upset...but still...think about it.
Neone know how to extract humic from leonardite? i just got a big bag of leonardite which is the main source of humic acids and i tried puttng it in a nylon stocking on top of an airstone in a little water for 24 hrs but it didnt seem to do very good cause the water isnt really black. i was thinking of boiling it in water but i also have a feeling it will boil away the humics

You don't have to put the humice in a sock...or the leonardite I assume....try making the tea with it free in the bucket and then strain it with a cheese cloth, you should still be able to get the bennies without the chunks. I'm guessing it'll also be blacker as it seems you want it.
so wait ru doin aeroponics? cause if u use organics with aeroponics you will get a slime in the resovoir called pythium. it also raises the ph rapidly so u need to clean your resovoirs every 2 days at least and use fresh water also your ph shouldnt go higher than 6.0 with aeroponics. if i were you i would stop trying to use organics with your aeroponics cause it is pointless the micobials all die ne ways in a system like that... and turn into bad bacteria such as pythium or "slime"...an organic approach to aeroponics is basically pointless especially wasting your time to brew teas for such a mediumless medium. If you want real organics the only way the microbes can survive is in soil or coco or in a pond with fish and a living grow medium is THE POINT of organics...your best bet is to just use "hydro" nutes that are NATURAL to stay as earthy as possible but still use aeroponics. Your plants will love it much better than the tease of organics in an aeroponic system which only ends up hurting them neway...Just remember that true organics is represented by a microbial lifeform that bonds to the roots and feeds off the carbohydrates in the plant and soil, in exchange for this the microbes feed the plants the nutrients in the soil via its waste system, with aeroponics nothing can ever get a chance to bond to the roots because there is no medium so the only way the plants can feed is through chelated salts the dissolve in the water making it instanty available to the plant. Also h202 kills off hese microbesin organic matter which is why you had a buildup of pythium or "slime" which is basically dead microbes that turm into bad bacteria, AND using nething such as commercial ph adjusters aslo kills the beneficial microbes...so stop trying to use organics with aeroponics is basically the botttom line.

Please take the time to read a thread before you post in it. It's made very clear that all the advice given here is intended for DWC. The microbes live just fine in a DWC environment the way we apply them, and commercial PH adjusters do not kill them. Hydroponic organics, even in an aero system, is possible although it is a very involved and time consuming project.
Hello Heisenberg,

Thanks for getting back to me. Yes this 'after slime' is a bit strange. I will monitor the leaves closely for any additional damage, and the roots for additional slime buildup and the like. I'll take your advice and keep the H202 out of the loop for now. The foliar damage was rather slow to appear, took about a week to get to the point it's in on the pic. I've begun brewing a fresh batch of tea and when ready, will change out the buckets again to ensure a diverse culture in the tea. I've also got a fine filter bag of sorts and I'm going to use that to hopefully keep any particles out of the tea if that is causing the 'after slime' appearance. Would you think it wise to break up the slime a bit with fresh tea in a spray bottle directly to the roots? You mentioned something like that in a previous post. My thought is the slime may stick around because it's gunked all together in those spots. Perhaps if it's broken up the tea can penetrate into the isolated roots that are infected and clean them out.

Thanks again for your feedback Heisenberg. Your plants must love you so much they sing to you at night. +rep

Mr. Bond

If your new roots are showing no signs of disease, I would simply ignore the black splotches. They are likely to be there until the day you harvest, although they will get smaller and fade. If the substance appears benign and isn't growing then you are causing unneeded stress by trying to sterilize them again.
Dr. Heisenberg, do the bennies that we starve to death in our systems pose any potential harm to our ladies? Assuming all proper maintenance and continual usage of the tea.

EDIT: I mean, after they die...in regards to their reminiscences.
Dead microbes are eaten by their brothers, their competition, or simply just get decomposed by enzymes.

Consider this:
"The biggest source of phosphorus for your plants is dead microbes. The microbes decompose organic phosphate compounds into inorganic phosphates that can be used by plants. When they die, each microbe is like a little bag of nutrients. Enzymes around plant roots decompose those little bags and bring those nutrients into plants.”
Of course, in our case, we are not breaking down organic material, so the amount of nutrients released from decomposed microbe corpses is questionable.(especially if they starved to death) In any case, we can be sure that when your micropopulation is in balance, dead bodies are part of the normal routine and pose no problem.
Please take the time to read a thread before you post in it. It's made very clear that all the advice given here is intended for DWC. The microbes live just fine in a DWC environment the way we apply them, and commercial PH adjusters do not kill them. Hydroponic organics, even in an aero system, is possible although it is a very involved and time consuming project.

whatever dude i dont believe you, prove it, also yes, commercial ph adjusters do kill microbes you idiot...hydroponic organics is pointless...the closest you can even truly hope for with hydro is natural hydroponics that , yes, in some cases can be considered organic, but hydro eliminates the need and use of true organic lifeforms
HEY! Dispo and mr. bond, SEE HOW FAR YOU GET FOLLOWING THAT GUYS ADVICE...the slime IS from decayed organic matter and it is called pythium i get it everytime i tried to use organics with aeroponics and i know tis for a fact...DO NOT USE ORGANICS WITH AEROPONICS best bet is to just aim for NATURAL idk where this guy heisenberg gets his info..from a book OR FROM EXPERIENCE...people need t stop trying to show off and act like they know how to grow in every ones circumstances and ONLY SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE whatever Heisenber says from this point is like the 15Khz frequency from a television to my ears.
HEY! Dispo and mr. bond, SEE HOW FAR YOU GET FOLLOWING THAT GUYS ADVICE...the slime IS from decayed organic matter and it is called pythium i get it everytime i tried to use organics with aeroponics and i know tis for a fact...DO NOT USE ORGANICS WITH AEROPONICS best bet is to just aim for NATURAL idk where this guy heisenberg gets his info..from a book OR FROM EXPERIENCE...people need t stop trying to show off and act like they know how to grow in every ones circumstances and ONLY SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE whatever Heisenber says from this point is like the 15Khz frequency from a television to my ears.

Heisenberg likes to focus his posts on helping others, not pointing out how dumb they are. With that said, I'm just gonna go ahead and take this one on his behalf.

Coolupdscene, dude, you are a blatant idiot. If you even know what that means. Had you actually bothered to read any of this post like Heisenberg suggested, you would know that not only am I NOT running an aeroponics setup, I am also NOT running an organic setup. On top of that, the 33 pages of this thread are about are not pythium, they are about breeding beneficial bacteria and microbes to prevent/combat disease in a DWC environment. I know this because I took the time to research and read all the posts in this thread, twice. But since you seem to know everything, then maybe you should know that pythium isn't even a slime, its a fungi that survives on decaying plant material. Yet some people get this slime in their reservoir even before roots or any other plant material hit the water. In fact, the recipe for this beneficial tea that Heisenberg took upon himself to share with the community is probably the best thing in existence to not only combat disease in a DWC environment, but would likely prevent pythium from forming as well. Anyone with common sense who has read this would already know and understand that using an organic setup to breed beneficial bacteria naturally, or breeding it in this tea, achieve the same end result, a rez full of microbes. And on top of all of that, it's ridiculous that you call out Heisenberg for spreading misinformation when it's obvious to the rest of us that it's actually you who doesn't know whats going on, especially if you're proclaiming that you get pythium every time you try organics. There are plenty of people on this forum who grow organics successfully without pythium infection.

Heisenberg has responded probably over 100 times to this single thread and has helped dozens of people combat this problem that is second to none in the DWC world. No one else on this entire forum, or any other forum I've seen, has posted a list of instructions that can pretty much guarantee results for the successful prevention/combat of this slime, especially with the sole intention of helping others. It's obvious you like to hear yourself talk, and as much as you think you're helping people by telling them not to listen to Heisenberg, it really just makes you seem like a douche who rides the short bus.

Sounds to me like coolupdscene did a little too much acid in the 70s... or yesterday, for that matter. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
On a happier note...

Heisenberg, just wanted to thank you again. The roots below the previously-slimed area are exploding with new growth... both laterally and in length. They are bright white and healthy. On my plants that never experienced the slime, the tea has done wonders in preventative health and growth. The overall growth and the sheer amount of microroots is mind-boggling! The microroots have formed at such a rate that you'd think it was an aeroponic setup when it's just a simple DWC.

Cheers Heisenberg!

Mr. Bond
HEY! Dispo and mr. bond, SEE HOW FAR YOU GET FOLLOWING THAT GUYS ADVICE...the slime IS from decayed organic matter and it is called pythium i get it everytime i tried to use organics with aeroponics and i know tis for a fact...DO NOT USE ORGANICS WITH AEROPONICS best bet is to just aim for NATURAL idk where this guy heisenberg gets his info..from a book OR FROM EXPERIENCE...people need t stop trying to show off and act like they know how to grow in every ones circumstances and ONLY SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE whatever Heisenber says from this point is like the 15Khz frequency from a television to my ears.

fucking troll.....
once again ...15khz...none of what you are saying makes sense in my experience...if it works for you, whatever, i just cant stand to see people get mislead into wasting their time thinking hydroponics can ever sufficiently sustain organics for a resource effective result, all im saying is to stop wasting organic matter and just use "natural" hydroponic nutes...just keep the shit cleaned every two days and replenish the resovoir and then why should u haf to even bother with making some tea that doesnt even neccesarily even need to be used if you keep on top of shit with simplicity in the mix
once again ...15khz...none of what you are saying makes sense in my experience...if it works for you, whatever, i just cant stand to see people get mislead into wasting their time thinking hydroponics can ever sufficiently sustain organics

So any evidence that suggests you are mistaken is "15khz". In other words, you prefer ignorance to losing face. The problem is you did not take the time to understand my position. You simply assumed and are now defending that assumption. Throughout this thread my advice is to leave organics out of hydro set ups, as they are unnecessary, time consuming, and provide about the same results. You will not find one post where I recommend using organic nutes. I also explain that the slime I refer to is not pythium and can show up even with perfect res conditions running only synthetic nutes. I've also explained that the sole reason to use microbes in a DWC is to prevent disease, not break down organics. I have supported all of this with external links to numerous resources. I would ask you to support your claims, and provide proof that microbes can not survive in a DWC and are killed by commercial PH adjusters. After all, the burden of proof falls to the party making the claim.

On the very first page of this thread I say:
Most DWC setups do not require bennies. It is an unnecessary step with the exception of organics or if you are in an environment prone to root disease.

Organics can be done in a DWC, however organic material itself becomes unnecessary in this setup. Organic material can not be absorbed by plants roots until it has been broken down and processed by beneficial microbes. Once the microbes are finished with the organics, it becomes chemical fertilizer. So, when you are depending on microbes to supply your nute chemistry, it becomes much harder to control. To simplify things and to give us the best control we just use synthetic chemical nutes to begin with.
And in response to someone asking about organic bud boosters:
In a DWC the benefits you get from the microbes are negligible, because in the end you only end up with extra available fertilizer. Simple thing is to just add some synthetic fert booster to begin with. Note this is referring to a DWC grow, and not something like soil or even coco.
And yes there are many places where I stress the point Organics cause slime!!!

So to clarify, my position is that DWC should use synthetic nutes only, and if a disease problem occurs that resists sterilization then this tea is the best bet. At the same time I maintain that every grower should decide what methods and products work for best for them, so if someone chooses to use organic nutes I respect that rather than decide they are a dumb ass, and still try to offer helpful advice.
On a happier note...

Heisenberg, just wanted to thank you again. The roots below the previously-slimed area are exploding with new growth... both laterally and in length. They are bright white and healthy. On my plants that never experienced the slime, the tea has done wonders in preventative health and growth. The overall growth and the sheer amount of microroots is mind-boggling! The microroots have formed at such a rate that you'd think it was an aeroponic setup when it's just a simple DWC.

Cheers Heisenberg!

Mr. Bond

Thanks for the defense Mr Bond. Glad to hear things are on track. Keep us updated.