Just Got Jacked While Dealing

annnnd another one drops "logic" for ad hominem attacks when confronted with any good counter argument to their chosen views.

i was only 98% sure i had done what i wanted here. now im 100%

EDIT: although the name calling started a while back as you desperately ran that little circle i was just trying to stay on topic a little longer by not pointing it out.
annnnd another one drops "logic" for ad hominem attacks when confronted with any good counter argument to their chosen views.

i was only 98% sure i had done what i wanted here. now im 100%

EDIT: although the name calling started a while back as you desperately ran that little circle i was just trying to stay on topic a little longer by not pointing it out.
When you offer a 'good' counter argument, you let me know.

Otherwise; it's all tiger blood, all the time.
because they are not. have you been out west i have met single dudes with five+ warehouses. it is our #1 cash crop. simple economics removed the cartels from the weed game a long time ago.

i am in favor of me winning the lottery, but i have to compromise and get a job. it sucks, but its reality. ;)

The fuck...
MUCH LIKE YOU HAVE??? seriously, everyone has a big dick, everyone grows the BEST weed, everyone is super smart, and can spell properly and make coherent points of light... happy??? maybe you should take a serious look at your posts and try to figure why you are not being given the respect "you think you deserve"... and unsubbed, good idea, i've got better things to do with my time... take it on over to the espn or "hardcore gamerz" sites kids...
Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

No matter how ill-informed and infantile it may be.
honestly, dude... i think ur boy set u up. if i were you ill chose who to call friends more wisely... i avoid putting my self out there(makin deals).. less chances of gettin caught or gettin into any trouble... i try to sell to one person only...dealing with little wheight will get u caught up
how many pharmocuticals do it for humanitarian reasons? how many doctors don't care about they're pay? ohhh no its the ins. people that do it for the kindness in their hearts... seriusly dude, your an ass. its skeezy cuz its for profit, welcome to america buddy.
nothing is done for pure humanatarian reasons and if you think otherwise your a fool.

Try not to deal in absolutes, I jack off for purely humanitarian reasons, sos proves you wrong.
Heavens to Betsy! Some semi-literate internet gaylord called me a fool AND an ass.

Whatever shall I do? :-P

I don't give two shits about pharmaceuticals or doctors. Both provide legitimate products or services, and earn profits. They both pay taxes, too.

My point was that street dealers are not caregivers. They are drug dealers.

Most drug dealers are skeezy. Accept it.

I don't recall stating that I begrudge street dealers the right to earn a profit. But they don't pay taxes on those earnings like the rest of us because they function within the black market. You might be fine with that. I am not.

Referring to dealers as bottom feeders is begrudging them. Suggesting, and not subtly, that you believe that there is no exception to the sleaziness of a dealer places all of them in that begrudgement.
If you read your statements in this thread they contradict frequently, which coincides with my next point, to say your reason for dismissing them is their failure to pay taxes shows what kind of troll you are. You’re about civil disobedience and paying taxes? Nope. You’re a troll.
Referring to dealers as bottom feeders is begrudging them. Suggesting, and not subtly, that you believe that there is no exception to the sleaziness of a dealer places all of them in that begrudgement.
If you read your statements in this thread they contradict frequently, which coincides with my next point, to say your reason for dismissing them is their failure to pay taxes shows what kind of troll you are. You’re about civil disobedience and paying taxes? Nope. You’re a troll.
Civil disobedience and paying taxes are two separate things.

A person can fail to pay their taxes as a form of civil disobedience. A person could also fail to pay their taxes because they are a criminal committing tax evasion.

I grow for my personal use as a means of civil disobedience. And I believe in paying taxes. There is no inconsistency there.

But the fact that you are unable to make that distinction does not surprise me.

Do you even know the definition of the word 'troll,' or is it just something cool-sounding you heard while watching iCarly?
Civil disobedience and paying taxes are two separate things.

A person can fail to pay their taxes as a form of civil disobedience. A person could also fail to pay their taxes because they are a criminal committing tax evasion.

I grow for my personal use as a means of civil disobedience. And I believe in paying taxes. There is no inconsistency there.

But the fact that you are unable to make that distinction does not surprise me.

Do you even know the definition of the word 'troll,' or is it just something cool-sounding you heard while watching iCarly?

since you don't know the definition of troll, i'll break the rule/definition of troll to define it for you.

someone not worth continuing an intenet thread with.
since you don't know the definition of troll, i'll break the rule/definition of troll to define it for you.

someone not worth continuing an intenet thread with.
That's A definition. And although incomplete, it's not bad.

Although flawed, we'll use your definition.

Now you may not think I am worthy of continuing on a conversation with in this thread (even though you contradict your own definition which you assert applies to yours truly every time you do :-o), other members may not agree with you.

Which means 'troll' is subjective. Like beauty, it is based on the eye of the beholder.
Calling a fellow member a troll simply because you are unable to issue rebuttals to legitimate points is nothing more than dismissal.

And dismissal is an admission of WEAKNESS. :-P
Lesson learned... Karma would get them eventually... Dont attract negativity to yourself for future business.. And theres no such

thing as friends when doing business.... Business is business!!!!
get rid of your so called friend he's not a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if u must get revenge do it on the guys ladys cooter..beat it up real nice for him lol