No, Not All Of Them, Just One

haha, birthers.

be worried, everyone. a foreigner is giving you tax breaks!

nodrama, you are WAY smarter than this. you are being a tool.
NO! Im explaining the difference between the documents, a certification is not a certificate. I never said Obama wasn't born here, but I am telling you that his Certification is not good enough to get you a SS card or a passport.
NO! Im explaining the difference between the documents, a certification is not a certificate. I never said Obama wasn't born here, but I am telling you that his Certification is not good enough to get you a SS card or a passport.

ha, you are wrong.

short form is sufficient to obtain a passport of otherwise prove citizenship.

i hate to be accused of 'playing the race card', but i would bet the house and farm that this issue would never arise if obama were not half black. don't take that to mean i am in any way accusing you of racism. i am not. you know it, too.

The certificate has all the elements the State Department requires for proving citizenship to obtain a U.S. passport:
your full name, the full name of your parent(s), date and place of birth, sex, date the birth record was filed, and the seal or other certification of the official custodian of such records." The names, date and place of birth, and filing date are all evident on the scanned version, and you can see the seal above.

The document is a "certification of birth," also known as a short-form birth certificate. The long form is drawn up by the hospital and includes additional information such as birth weight and parents' hometowns. The short form is printed by the state and draws from a database with fewer details. The Hawaii Department of Health's birth record request form does not give the option to request a photocopy of your long-form birth certificate, but their short form has enough information to be acceptable to the State Department. We tried to ask the Hawaii DOH why they only offer the short form, among other questions, but they have not given a response.
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that is not true because my brother in law was born in Germany, while living with his father in a US military base. he's a natural born us citizen, who got his passport, social security card, and other paperwork without having his original birth certificate which was lost years ago,.

even I got my passport using a certificate of live birth i got some time after the year 2000. i was born the century before that. it's not a birth certificate. what i have in my home isn't a birth certificate b/c my original birth certificate issued when I was born got destroyed in a flood, but it passes muster b/c it has the raised, embossed, seal, the registrars 'signature'....what you're saying that doesn't pass muster is a copy of the birth certificate or a doctor's note saying you were born there......

the date of issue is always the same when you print this out at the government office, no matter when you print it out...... get it???
ha, you are wrong.

short form is sufficient to obtain a passport of otherwise prove citizenship.

i hate to be accused of 'playing the race card', but i would bet the house and farm that this issue would never arise if obama were not half black. don't take that to mean i am in any way accusing you of racism. i am not. you know it, too.

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You don't have a farm, and your wife probably owns the house.
that is not true because my brother in law was born in Germany, while living with his father in a US military base. he's a natural born us citizen, who got his passport, social security card, and other paperwork without having his original birth certificate which was lost years ago,.

even I got my passport using a certificate of live birth i got some time after the year 2000. i was born the century before that. it's not a birth certificate. what i have in my home isn't a birth certificate b/c my original birth certificate issued when I was born got destroyed in a flood, but it passes muster b/c it has the raised, embossed, seal, the registrars 'signature'....what you're saying that doesn't pass muster is a copy of the birth certificate or a doctor's note saying you were born there......

the date of issue is always the same when you print this out at the government office, no matter when you print it out...... get it???
Of course there are exceptions to the rule and being born on a military base is a very easy thing to prove, since they kept good records and all. But I do know that your brother in law didn't just walk up there with a driver license and a picture of himself and come back a few hours later with a passport now did he? I bet he had to jump through a few hoops and provide a few extra items and then the process probably took 10 times longer than normal for the Gubbermint to verify the info. Check the site your self, they explain there are exceptions, but it isn't some simple thing to do.
When we are done with that lets change the Family Planning to allow checking our children for loss of virginity too.

That way we can Save there Immortal Soul and check their hymens at the same time.

That is sarcasm but just look at the inhumanity we call morals. Make Obama provide his personal affects as proof of what?

These people need ratings that's about it.

I'm sure our Government knows where our President was born.
You speak as if "government" is some kind of God. like it were some kind of separate entity capable of conscious thought. Its a bunch of dense people that make their living off the wealth created by others.

Wow I thought you found Obamas BirthCertifcate for a second.
There is an alarming degree of ignorance here on this subject. it has nothing to do with citizenship. Of course he is a citizen, so is Arnold Schwartzenegger but he can't run for president. because he is not a natural born citizen. The only document that can prove that is the long form birth certificate, which obviously doesn't exist. But it goes deeper than that. This is part of a pattern of information which all other presidents have made freely available, but Obama hides:

Occidental College records – Not released
Columbia College records – Not released
Columbia Thesis paper – “not available”
Harvard College records – Not released
Selective Service Registration – Not released
Medical records – Not released
Illinois State Senate records – “not available”
Illinois State Senate schedule – “not available”
Law practice client list – Not released
Certified Copy of original Birth certificate – Not released
Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth – Not released

Harvard Law Review articles published – None
University of Chicago scholarly articles - None

Even his yearbook from Harvard is unavailable. No copies to be found anywhere while every other year is available.
are you really this dumb???

i am continually amazed at your ignorance.


Actually, no he hasn't. I've always felt he was a US citizen simply because if he wasn't, Hillary Clinton would have found out and used it to get rid of him long before he could jeopardize her bid for the presidency.

I've heard both sides of the argument and birthers are starting to sound more and more legitimate. All they say is, if the OFFICIAL BC exists, show it to us. All the Obama lemmings seem to do is say the debate is over, your racist if you ask and how it doesn't even matter if he isn't a citizen. You're losing the argument.

And as to the racism claim, it's crap. I don't think you idiots even know the definition of the term, it MIGHT be prejudice at best.
are you saying all past POTUS showed theres...are you sure you going with that answer
Yeah, except all the presidents before Obama were well known before they became president. It was common knowledge where they were born. They didn't have their own family swear they were in another country with them when they were born. They don't have other countries claiming them as one of their own.
Obama has shown the only version of a birth certificate that Hawaii has issued since 2001. It IS a certified legal birth certificate. He is the ONLY candidate who has ever posted or allowed photographs of his birth documentation to be widely disseminated so you are incorrect when you say past have. Even more importantly, officials in Hawaii have said that they checked the original birth records, that Obama was born in Hawaii, that he is a natural born citizen, and that he posted on the web the certificate that he was sent..Just because YOU don't believe Obama is legitimately the President doesn't mean much at all.
yup reasons why I stay like I do
Did you know that Hawaii passed an "anti birther" law in May 2010 because of the time they were having to waste on these ridiculous requests? Do you know that it was REPUBLICANS who verified his birth certificate and signed that law into place because they were sick and tired of this lunacy? .....
Obama has shown the only version of a birth certificate that Hawaii has issued since 2001. It IS a certified legal birth certificate. He is the ONLY candidate who has ever posted or allowed photographs of his birth documentation to be widely disseminated so you are incorrect when you say past have. Even more importantly, officials in Hawaii have said that they checked the original birth records, that Obama was born in Hawaii, that he is a natural born citizen, and that he posted on the web the certificate that he was sent..Just because YOU don't believe Obama is legitimately the President doesn't mean much at all.
yup reasons why I stay like I do
I never said I didn't believe Obama wasn't born here, In fact if you were able to understand the English language you would find that I posted that exact same view back in post #21 But I understand that reading is fundamental and the fundamentals are not your strong suit.
Did you know that Hawaii passed an "anti birther" law in May 2010 because of the time they were having to waste on these ridiculous requests? Do you know that it was REPUBLICANS who verified his birth certificate and signed that law into place because they were sick and tired of this lunacy? .....
Yep, the Anti-birther law protects one person from duplicate requests under the FoIA, it doesn't protect anyone from making a request to see the information, and it doesn'ty protect anyone from having 10 billion separate people ask for the same info. Nope, it only protects 1 person in the whole world from other people who request the same thing more than once.

And they didn't create the law because they think its ridiculous, they created the law because the government officials were kept so busy complying with all the requests that they were unable to work on their regular duties. It has shit all to do with birth place. Your arguments would have more merit if you actually took the time to read your own evidence and understand what its about before rudely shooting your mouth off.

WTF do Republicans have to do with it? You think that if a Republican signs off on something then it must be good as gold? Why is it that you do not think the Democrats have this same power, why do you think being a Republican is so much better and more powerful than being a Democrat? You do know there is a Democrat in the highest office in the land don't you? I mean Jesus dude, at least give the President some respect, after all, he was fairly elected.
I never said I didn't believe Obama wasn't born here, In fact if you were able to understand the English language you would find that I posted that exact same view back in post #21 But I understand that reading is fundamental and the fundamentals are not your strong suit.
Well DramaQueen maybe you should not have answered the question...and still why is Obama the only POTUS asked to show his bith other POTUS has ever been if you believe he is American..STFU