No, Not All Of Them, Just One

fck obama he is another puppet will he or can he make change yup he already has put usa in more debt
He does not have show your orginal so we can make sure you have one..I can't show you my original...lost that a long time I guess I'm not a citizen

How do you get so many blatant errors in such a short post?

1. If I were running for president, I would show mine.
2. You may have lost it, but the state where you were born didn't.
3. It has nothing to do with citizenship. Arnold Swarzenegger is a citizen and he can't run for president.

Why not just release the birth certificate, if there is nothing to hide?
He does not have show your orginal so we can make sure you have one..I can't show you my original...lost that a long time I guess I'm not a citizen
You can lose them hundreds of times, its very simple to get a new one, IF YOU HAVE ONE TO BEGIN WITH!!!!
I just called a Hawaiian newspaper and asked if they would print a birth announcement for me. Although I don't live there or anything I thought I would have the birth announcement for my daughters who were born over 12 years ago and they printed it. In fact they didn't even ask me any questions to validate the info i was giving them, they just wanted my money and they would print any birth announcement I wished. Must be proof that my daughters were born there.
How do you get so many blatant errors in such a short post?

1. If I were running for president, I would show mine.
2. You may have lost it, but the state where you were born didn't.
3. It has nothing to do with citizenship. Arnold Swarzenegger is a citizen and he can't run for president.

Why not just release the birth certificate, if there is nothing to hide?



there were suspicions regarding his birth place, they were investigated and addressed. there is MORE evidence proving he was born in hawaii, than there is suggesting he was not. simple as that.


there were suspicions regarding his birth place, they were investigated and addressed. there is MORE evidence proving he was born in hawaii, than there is suggesting he was not. simple as that.

This is surprisingly uninformed of you. Do you really think this is how it works or are you being flip? The only place you are even partly right is that he doesn't have to. because the courts don't want to open a can of worms, they are letting him get away with it. He got away with it, I accept that. Of course a lot of crooks through history have gotten away with a lot of crimes, and that doesn't make them any less crooks.

By the way there is NOTHING to investigate. In legal matters, not to mention constitutional matters, nothing is a substitute for original source documents. The only document that can prove anything is the long form birth certificate. And one doesn't exist. And, it is a candidate's responsibility to prove he meets legal eligibility, not someone else's to prove he doesn't. If I'm 30 years old and want to run for president, "I" have to prove I am 35. I will never get away with "You can't prove I'm not."
This is surprisingly uninformed of you. Do you really think this is how it works or are you being flip? The only place you are even partly right is that he doesn't have to. because the courts don't want to open a can of worms, they are letting him get away with it. He got away with it, I accept that. Of course a lot of crooks through history have gotten away with a lot of crimes, and that doesn't make them any less crooks.

By the way there is NOTHING to investigate. In legal matters, not to mention constitutional matters, nothing is a substitute for original source documents. The only document that can prove anything is the long form birth certificate. And one doesn't exist. And, it is a candidate's responsibility to prove he meets legal eligibility, not someone else's to prove he doesn't. If I'm 30 years old and want to run for president, "I" have to prove I am 35. I will never get away with "You can't prove I'm not."

let's look at your statement, "there is nothing to investigate", true, because the whole story of Obama being born somewhere else is false. that much is correct.

In legal matters, there are plenty of substitutes for original source documents, the people in charge of laws wrote them knowing that there was a possibility you might loose the 'original', that's why you can get documents RE-PRINTED.

and in LEGAL terms, that state-sanctioned 're-print' is just as legally acceptable as the original, because the LAW ALLOWS IT.

now, if you are so consumed with the fact that obama isn't a US natural-born citizen, it only makes sense that you file a federal lawsuit against every Hawaii-born american citizen challenging their citizenship, because the only proof most of them will be able to come up with is their Certification of Live birth.

but this isn't about citizenship, it's not about arguing where and when somebody was born.... and we all know it.
let's look at your statement, "there is nothing to investigate", true, because the whole story of Obama being born somewhere else is false. that much is correct.

In legal matters, there are plenty of substitutes for original source documents, the people in charge of laws wrote them knowing that there was a possibility you might loose the 'original', that's why you can get documents RE-PRINTED.

and in LEGAL terms, that state-sanctioned 're-print' is just as legally acceptable as the original, because the LAW ALLOWS IT.

now, if you are so consumed with the fact that obama isn't a US natural-born citizen, it only makes sense that you file a federal lawsuit against every Hawaii-born american citizen challenging their citizenship, because the only proof most of them will be able to come up with is their Certification of Live birth.

but this isn't about citizenship, it's not about arguing where and when somebody was born.... and we all know it.

The reason there is nothing to investigate is there is only one piece of evidence that is pertinent and it is not available.

When you lose your copy of your bc and get another, it is a copy of the vault original that the state keeps. That's what we want from Obama, and what he has spent $2 million to keep us from seeing.

Again, no - it is not about citizenship or anything other than the constitution. Obama is an illegitimate president until he can prove he is constitutionally eligible to hold the office.
let's look at your statement, "there is nothing to investigate", true, because the whole story of Obama being born somewhere else is false. that much is correct.

In legal matters, there are plenty of substitutes for original source documents, the people in charge of laws wrote them knowing that there was a possibility you might loose the 'original', that's why you can get documents RE-PRINTED.

and in LEGAL terms, that state-sanctioned 're-print' is just as legally acceptable as the original, because the LAW ALLOWS IT.

now, if you are so consumed with the fact that obama isn't a US natural-born citizen, it only makes sense that you file a federal lawsuit against every Hawaii-born american citizen challenging their citizenship, because the only proof most of them will be able to come up with is their Certification of Live birth.

but this isn't about citizenship, it's not about arguing where and when somebody was born.... and we all know it.

now i dont even believe that you believe what you are saying. prove he isnt a citizen? what? prove you arent a rapist....

pretty impossible to prove negatives, hence the innocent until PROVEN guilty. not hawiaan born, until you prove it....

so far, cant be done...
You can lose them hundreds of times, its very simple to get a new one, IF YOU HAVE ONE TO BEGIN WITH!!!!
Drama even though most times we disagree..I still see you as a intelligent man, but on this one you have me very confused...When you lose your original you do realize that now they do not give you what you got when you are first born...I too have a certificate of birth similar to the one Obama has shown. very confused as to why you would feed into this...Tell you what if you really want to see the truth get your original birth certificate and then go get another one and compare..I think you would stop with this..Keep it real we can disagree on something that you might be right on:-P
The fact that this is even still an argument is a testament to just how dumb Americans really are. I mean if these FALSE accusations (that Obama isn't a citizen) didn't win votes the Republicans would've dropped the issue long ago.

This politifact article, a sequel to this article, even has a picture of Obama's birth certificate.
My real opinion is that Obama doesn't know himself where he was born. That was the reason for his visit to his white grandmother before she died. That was when he was still a candidate. He knows he doesn't have a birth certificate and that he can't prove natural born status. But he thinks it would be unfair for that to stop him from being president. Just like Michelle said, "No law is going to keep Barrack from being president." Note she didn't say he really was natural born, she said they would get around the law. And they did. I think it is nothing to be proud of. A criminal who gets away with his crime is still a criminal.
When I stand back and evaluate a debate that I don't have an opinion on, I first look for cases where someone is intentionally trying to confuse the question - to trick me. I see that in this thread from those who know damn well it is not about citizenship. Tens of millions of american citizens are not natural born citizens. They know this, but yet they keep making posts that the crazy birthers claim Obama is not a citizen. This should be offensive to any objective observer. So keep it up you guys!
John McCain wasn't born in America, his birth certificate shows he was born in Panama and not on an American military base. But no one questions his citizenship because his mother
was a US citizen.

Let's just PRETEND for a minute that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii(which is bullshit), the difference between McCain and Obama is the age of the mother at the time of birth. Birthers are trying to use a loophole that says because Obama's mom was too young that Obama wouldn't automatically be a citizens if born outside the U.S. And I say loophole, because the law was never intended to prevent young mothers from extending citizenship to their children, it was to prevent adult mothers who moved out of the US as children and never looked back from extending citizenship(which does not describe Obama's mother)

The whole premise is stupid, he was born to a US citizen, if she would have been a year older it wouldn't matter if he were born in China, he'd be a US citizen. Just like McCain.

That being said, both a newspaper entry and certificate of live birth show that Obama was born in Hawaii, making him a US citizen.
McCain was born in Panama and is a natural born citizen by virtue of the fact that his parents were there in military capacity. The above interpretation is crap.
THE US Senate passed a resolution proclaiming that McCain did have natural born status. One of the sponsors was Sen Barack Obama. No such resolution was introduced re Obama.

Obama is a citizen. He does not meet constitutional eligibility for the presidency.
McCain was born in Panama and is a natural born citizen by virtue of the fact that his parents were there in military capacity. The above interpretation is crap.
THE US Senate passed a resolution proclaiming that McCain did have natural born status. One of the sponsors was Sen Barack Obama. No such resolution was introduced re Obama.

Obama is a citizen. He does not meet constitutional eligibility for the presidency.
write your congressman/woman
wow ... At this point it wouldnt matter if he was born on the moon .. it's a mute point . Obama is Obama no matter where he fell out of his mothers vga at . Love him or hate him- he is the president and no amount of drama spewing from either side is gonna change that this far into his term . Quit wasting your time arguing about it and go check your plants ph and look under the leaves good for bugs ... :weed: