No, Not All Of Them, Just One

Some people have a hard time coming to grips with the fact that they've been duped. I agree though, that Obama is such a miserable failure (his approval just hit another new low), that his ineligibility for the office isn't even close to the top of the list of his crimes. He's the first president in history who actually had the goal of presiding over america's decline, and he has done just that. You want to know what the issue in 2012 will be, no matter who runs, there it is - the decline of America.

tell me about it. you got SUPER DUPED. and you're having a REAL HARD TIME coming to grips with it.
a "certificate of live birth" is Hawaii's equivalent of a "birth certificate". There is no other document that he needs. Seriously, it amazes me the absolute idiocy of some people.

I'm done with you. You have failed to disprove anything I've said and it's clear all you have to say is the same mindless rhetoric and talking points that have been disproven by every objective political observer with any credibility (including politifact).

OK, if the COLB "is" the birth certificate, then why did we recently have the governor of Hawaii saying he was unable to locate the birth certificate in the archives? And why have there been a dozen court cases in NONE of which did Obama's lawyers simply say, "this is a frivolous suit, the birth certificate is right here?" Why did they instead argue that no-one has legal standing to bring the suit? Any why is it that everyone else who really was born in Hawaii in 1961 has a long form bc that looks nothing like the colb and has detailed info including the signatures from hospital and doctor?

Team Obama thinks they can keep saying the same thing over and over and that the general public will be too stupid to figure it out. BUT, polls are showing the number of people who now doubt Obama's legal status is growing steadily. This is not going the right way for them and they are becoming shrill. So c'mon tool, let's see you answer even one of the questions above.
OK, if the COLB "is" the birth certificate, then why did we recently have the governor of Hawaii saying he was unable to locate the birth certificate in the archives? And why have there been a dozen court cases in NONE of which did Obama's lawyers simply say, "this is a frivolous suit, the birth certificate is right here?" Why did they instead argue that no-one has legal standing to bring the suit? Any why is it that everyone else who really was born in Hawaii in 1961 has a long form bc that looks nothing like the colb and has detailed info including the signatures from hospital and doctor?

Team Obama thinks they can keep saying the same thing over and over and that the general public will be too stupid to figure it out. BUT, polls are showing the number of people who now doubt Obama's legal status is growing steadily. This is not going the right way for them and they are becoming shrill. So c'mon tool, let's see you answer even one of the questions above.


he didn't say shit. his comments had more to do with not stirring up the birther republican base.

the lawyers said the lawsuit was frivolous b/c it was. barack obama was born in hawaii. there's plenty of of evidence to support it. including his official certification of live birth, which passes every legal muster this country requires to prove where you were born. :shock::shock::shock::shock:

polls show the people who believe barack obama is a citizen is growing???? show me some proof, every day that passes and obama is in office it seems like the birther argument gets MORE and MORE ridiculous....

last time I checked even Boehner said that barack obama's US citizenship was a matter of FACT.:shock::shock::shock:
Why waste time focusing on his birth certificate? Why would he ever release it now? It’s an easy way to discredit a surprisingly large segment of his critics without lifting a finger. Plus people seem to have stayed hung up on this distraction from real issues. Hell I wouldn’t release it either if I got that kind of free publicity.


there were suspicions regarding his birth place, they were investigated and addressed. there is MORE evidence proving he was born in hawaii, than there is suggesting he was not. simple as that.
Your constitutional mandate of privacy doesn't work so well when its the constitution itself that says to be president you must prove beyond any doubt that you are a NATURAL BORN citizen. I guess with you liberals we just use the constitution when it is advantageous, but forget all about it when it hinders our agenda.
what is an official birth certificate to you ????because a certificate of live birth is as official as you can get if you do not have the original one that you got at birth..maybe you should understand the argument

Let me see I myself do not have my original ...had to get what they call now certificate of birth ...has it right on the top (looking at it now )..also has a seal..hmmmm..just like your POTUS...with mine I was able to get...Passport...Drivers licence...Social Security Card..among other things...with his he became POTUS..what does your say on the top ???? Now I do remember seeing my original long ago when I was a youngster...I remember I used to mess with my mother about being born so original had the time I was born...this one does not...again what does yours say ???
You might also be an idiot, you have a CERTIFICATE, which is what is needed, but Obama is trying to pass us a CERTIFICATION. Which isn't the same thing. How many times do I have to try and educate you morons on the difference?

BTW Dummy, your original Birth Certificate is on file with the state you were born in, all those pieces of paper you think are the "original" are just certified copies. Morons!!
what the constitution says is that to be eligible to be president the person has to be a natural born citizen, which barack obama is. period.:clap::clap::clap:

he's proven it, and the evidence that has been provided passes every legal muster put before it, in any state in this nation, for any public or private institution... and every other country in the world would accept that Obama's a natural-born US citizen with the documentation available.

it's just not enough for idiot conservatives.:wall::wall:

i'll sign off this thread now. i'll let you guys circle jerk and delude yourselves all you want.
You might also be an idiot, you have a CERTIFICATE, which is what is needed, but Obama is trying to pass us a CERTIFICATION. Which isn't the same thing. How many times do I have to try and educate you morons on the difference?

BTW Dummy, your original Birth Certificate is on file with the state you were born in, all those pieces of paper you think are the "original" or just copies, Morons!!


yeah, your trying to argue the president of the US isn't a natural born US citizen. one of 3 requirements to hold that office.

Redivider (note that the name itself means communist), The only people you can convince with your bs are the two digit IQ crowd. You are their king!

Why not just release the birth certificate, if there is nothing to hide?
Redivider (note that the name itself means communist), The only people you can convince with your bs are the two digit IQ crowd. You are their king!

Why not just release the birth certificate, if there is nothing to hide?

first of all i chose my nick because it's the longest word in the english language that can be spelled the same way forwards and backwards. R E D I V I D E R read it left to right it reads redivider. read it right to left it's redivider. MAJOR FAIL.

the only 2 digit iq crowd i see here is the ones trying to convince me that in spite of all the evidence proving Barack Hussein Obama is a natural-born US citizen, he is really a kenyan-born communist who has been part of a 40-year long conspiracy, and it's the worst type of conspiracy b/c there's no motive, no profit, and worst of all, NO EVIDENCE......
a "certificate of live birth" is Hawaii's equivalent of a "birth certificate". There is no other document that he needs. Seriously, it amazes me the absolute idiocy of some people.

I'm done with you. You have failed to disprove anything I've said and it's clear all you have to say is the same mindless rhetoric and talking points that have been disproven by every objective political observer with any credibility (including politifact).
some people just don't understand that .... I guess when you stay in Country Bumkin, USA you can't get out much...Oh well ...let them eat cake !!!!!!!! OBAMA 2012 ....... enjoy
LMAO at you libruls trying to make a silk purse out of this sow's ear! Here's one for 'ya - (I can't stop laughing) -

If the colb is "the same" as the vault bc, then why doesn't Obama just release the vault bc? If they are the same, why not?

The answer, of course, is clear. In 1961 you could get a certificate of live birth for any infant coming into Hawaii. But only if you were born in Hawaii, do you have the long form that has the hospital and signatures of the doctor and other information. Obama is just like many other documented people who were born abroad, came to Hawaii as infants, and have colbs but no long form bc.
i can't just let this level of idiocy go unpoliced. i'm sorry.

you are using a form of logical fallacy.

"1 person walks into the bathroom and washes his hands, that MUST mean that everybody that goes into the bathroom washes their hands."

can't remember the name of the train of thought, but it's abandonement is one of the primary reasons science has really taken off the last 100 years.take the hint.

if there was evidence PROVING that a person, ANY PERSON (not just Obama), was born somewhere else, there are legal resources which allow for a birth certificate to be considered void, and for that person to be legally expatriated.

but this legal resource is not available at the moment because the evidence proving barack obama was born in the US completely and utterly trumps the rumors that he wasn't.

this is more about Obama having a muslim father, a non-traditional life traveling abroad instead of to mt rushmore, and about his dark skin, than it is about where he was born.

we all know it. it's racism hiding behind patriotism.
this is more about Obama having a muslim father, a non-traditional life traveling abroad instead of to mt rushmore, and about his dark skin, than it is about where he was born.

we all know it. it's racism hiding behind patriotism.
No dude, I really think its about his birth place. Show me in the Constitution where it says Religion, skin color, or Past Travel itinerary need to pass requirements to be president of the USA. I am sure that it still has just three qualifiers to become President. Natural Born Citizen, 14 years residency and minimum 35 years of age.

When did they put a Moron in charge of the Idiot police? BTW the race card is NOT accepted here, its not like a Visa " everywhere you want to be".