Some people have a hard time coming to grips with the fact that they've been duped. I agree though, that Obama is such a miserable failure (his approval just hit another new low), that his ineligibility for the office isn't even close to the top of the list of his crimes. He's the first president in history who actually had the goal of presiding over america's decline, and he has done just that. You want to know what the issue in 2012 will be, no matter who runs, there it is - the decline of America.
wow ... At this point it wouldnt matter if he was born on the moon .. it's a mute point . Obama is Obama no matter where he fell out of his mothers vga at . Love him or hate him- he is the president and no amount of drama spewing from either side is gonna change that this far into his term . Quit wasting your time arguing about it and go check your plants ph and look under the leaves good for bugs ...![]()
what is an official birth certificate to you ????because a certificate of live birth is as official as you can get if you do not have the original one that you got at birth..maybe you should understand the argumentI disagree completely, it is a very valid point and may have dire consequences for his reelection bid. If 6 or 7 states REQUIRE all of the candidates to provide the very document he has thus far refused to produce, it could get real interesting. And to every one of you clowns that keep saying he has produced his official birth certificate, I suggest you learn the facts of the debate you're involved in and/or get your faces out of the Huffington Post and all those other progressive, scumbag, traitorous sources that tell you it doesn't matter anyways.
I disagree completely, it is a very valid point and may have dire consequences for his reelection bid. If 6 or 7 states REQUIRE all of the candidates to provide the very document he has thus far refused to produce, it could get real interesting. And to every one of you clowns that keep saying he has produced his official birth certificate, I suggest you learn the facts of the debate you're involved in and/or get your faces out of the Huffington Post and all those other progressive, scumbag, traitorous sources that tell you it doesn't matter anyways.
What game? I have presented facts, including pictures, for your apparently thick skull.Yes, we hear you with the same tactic the left ALWAYS uses. Mock and condescend. You douchebags (especially fitting in your case) can play your game all you want, the public isn't buying that sh!t anymore.
Obama is a citizen, most likely. It HAS NOT been proven. It may or may not be a conspiracy, remains to be seen. What you don't seem to understand or don't want to acknowlede is, people are long past caring about your insults and condescension, it used to work, not anymore. You're gonna have to work a little harder these days to win the argument...sorry.
hahahahahaYou keep putting forth the same argument about that document as if it hasn't already been presented and rejected. Why don't you read through this thread again and actually see what has been said. I understand you were mentally "short changed" and can't seem to grasp the obvious. I'll try one more time...THAT DOCUMENT IS INSUFFICIENT, IT IS NOT HAWAII'S EQUIVALENT OF A "BIRTH CERTIFICATE". There SHOULD be an original COB that stays on file forever. The Governor of Hawaii tried to find that ACTUAL COB, and failed miserably.
You don't seem to understand the argument, but that's not surprising, you're a liberal lemming. If the HUFF or NY/LA Times doesn't tell you something, it can't be valid, right?
And politifact seems to be wrong consistently, as in the biggest lie of the year. Or did you miss that too?
We have one more thing. We talked to reporter Will Hoover, who wrote a well-researched story for the Honolulu Advertiser on Nov. 9, 2008, about Obama's childhood years in the the Aloha State. It ran under the headline "Obama Slept Here."
In researching the story, he went to the microfilm archives and found the birth announcement for Obama. Actually, he found two of them, one in his Honululu Advertiser on Aug. 13 , 1961, and in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin the next day . They both said the same thing: "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, 6085 Kalanianaole Highway, son, Aug. 4."
... Newspaper officials he checked with confirmed those notices came from the state Department of Health.
I dont know how much clearer it could possibly get.The Health Department says the "Certification of Live Birth" is Hawaii's version of a birth certificate. Calling it by other names — Certificate of Live Birth, Certification of Live Birth — is just semantics.