How Do You Rail?


Well-Known Member
oh i see what your saying. i dont know that one, no matter how you fold it, your gonna have creases and good material gets stuck etc ....

maybe your thinkin ...lick it like a joint. i dont think it would even work and i would only try it on a new bill. lol


Well-Known Member
alot of people use zanax but i simply eat and sleep. its not always feesable but im usually able to do those things before my friends can. as soon as come down and empty bag comes around have a drink or 5 and try to forget the comedown and eat.


Active Member
Prob not the best idea but I like to counter act the coke with alcohol, but if it's really good stuff your pretty much screwed. Just wait it out and get some food in you.


Active Member
If i bring myself to eat its usally barely anything, but i do agree it does feel good ;-)

Some times i have to mix water/fluid with every bite just to get it down, but i'm usually the only one that can do it and i'm also the one that will out party any of my friends. ;)


Well-Known Member
well mine (and a couple buddies) will swell up real bad. the swelled bumps will hurt so bad i cant swallow the food. so one bite then agonize for a few minutes and then couple bites...agony ....etc .......


Well-Known Member
mine is on the roof but starts right in the center and covers most of the roof:( extreme pain. salty food are the worse. spices hurt.