Another Barack Obama thread


Well-Known Member
It Would Be Nice To Have A Brotha Up In Tha White House:bigjoint:, But That Shit Aint Gonna Happen, Vote Ron Paul Revolution :peace: ya digg


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";509478]It Would Be Nice To Have A Brotha Up In Tha White House:bigjoint:, But That Shit Aint Gonna Happen, Vote Ron Paul Revolution :peace: ya digg[/quote]

you're completely gone from reality if you think Ron Paul has a better chance than Obama.


New Member
[quote="SICC";509513]Never said he did... Im voting Ron Paul, Fuc tha rest, i wanna live free...[/quote]
Move to Amsterdam!!!


Well-Known Member
Digg, reddit and now are all about Obama now adays. Took awhile for people to come around, but everyone is finally starting to bet on a winning horse. And guess what, its not Ron Paul.


New Member
Gee, something new. A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage. God bless the federal government.


V V V V Med's deep thinking illustrated below. V V V V

"Empty headed hate mongering, I guess that is to be expected from VI!"


Well-Known Member
No Just sarcasm.
BETTENDORF, IOWA--Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, bidding to strengthen his appeal among working families, outlined new proposals Wednesday designed to make college more affordable, encourage retirement savings and help people balance the competing demands of work and family.
In a speech delivered in Bettendorf, Iowa, Obama said the cost of the American Dream is rising faster than ever. "While some have prospered beyond imagination in this global economy, middle-class Americans -- as well as those working hard to become middle class -- are seeing the American dream slip further and further away," he said.
Obama said President Bush's tax cuts have helped to increase income inequality and said the administration's policies have favored corporate and special interests over average families. But he argued that it will take more than replacing Bush with a Democrat next year to bring about the changes needed.
"We're not going to reclaim that dream unless we put an end to the politics of polarization and division that is holding this country back," he said in remarks prepared for delivery. "Unless we stand up to the corporate lobbyists that have stood in the way of progress. Unless we have leadership that doesn't just tell people what they want to hear but tells everyone what they need to know."
Obama repackaged some of the proposals he has outlined already in the campaign with several new ones in an effort to offer a newly updated economic message two months before the Iowa caucuses. Through much of the year, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) has demonstrated much more appeal to middle-class and blue-collar voters than Obama, a critical weakness in the Illinois senator's campaign that he is seeking to overcome.

Campaign officials said the new proposals would cost $26 billion annually. That does not include the cost of his health care proposal or his previously announced middle-class tax cut.

Among the new proposals offered Wednesday is a refundable tax credit to cover the first $4,000 in tuition costs for any student. Obama said that would cover two-thirds of the tuition costs at the average public college or university. He also pledged to simplify the financial aid application process to make it easer for all students to apply for assistance.

To make saving for retirement easier, Obama said he would require employers to enroll workers in direct deposit accounts. Workers would have the option of opting out of the program or putting even more of their wages into the accounts. He also proposed expanding an existing program that would have the federal government match half of the first $1,000 in savings for families earning $75,000 or less.

To help families cope with the burdens of raising children or caring for elderly parents, Obama pledged to double the amount of money spent on after-school programs and expand provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act to cover millions more families. He also said he would encourage states to provide paid leave for workers.

"Americans don't expect government to solve all our problems," Obama said, according to his prepared text. "But you're tired of a government that works for special interests, and not for you. It's time that we had leadership that worried as much about Main Street as it does about Wall Street."
medicineman, I am pleased to see you are back. However, I do find it distressing that you chastised me for being flip at times. Aren't you a bit of joker as well?

Anyway, it is good that Obahma has positioned himself somewhere. I doubt that he had any chance without doing so. Personally, I believe his message should be a reduction of government, not expanded give aways. Also, I would have a lot more confidence in his vision if he had been governor of Illinois. He has side stepped that cesspool in his home state and expects us to believe he can lead the entire country.

Well. I wait, and will watch.


New Member
medicineman, I am pleased to see you are back. However, I do find it distressing that you chastised me for being flip at times. Aren't you a bit of joker as well?

Anyway, it is good that Obahma has positioned himself somewhere. I doubt that he had any chance without doing so. Personally, I believe his message should be a reduction of government, not expanded give aways. Also, I would have a lot more confidence in his vision if he had been governor of Illinois. He has side stepped that cesspool in his home state and expects us to believe he can lead the entire country.

Well. I wait, and will watch.
Actually I am a bit of a joker. How could anyone endure the hatred slammed at me from the fascists without having a sense of humor and a bit of deviousness myself. In a nutshell (Make your own analysis of this), I am for the human element, that elusive thing called being aware there are others on this planet in need of more than yourself and knowing that by yourself, you can't really help them, but by bringing governments to bear and act responsibly, everyone on this planet could live a productive fruitful life. That is my ultimate prayer for humanity. It is very disheartening to read these selfish posts by the right wing plutocrats and see where the heart of man really lies, in their wallets. To me, the selfish rhetoric I read here is a damnation of the soul, and an assassination of mens character. I actually believed at one time in my youth that mankind could rise above this insanity. I find in my latter years, that this depravity is worldwide and is not going away. So mine frouindes, Sig-heil und eine gooten tag nach ze.


New Member
Med ...

You may not be aware of it, but the IRS has a form that you can fill out in order to send excess money in. That would be money over and above that which you already paid in taxes. If you don't feel government collects enough, or that taxes aren't high enough ... be really charitable and send more in. Don't be suprized though if you don't receive a thank you note.

Come on Big Guy ... put your shekels where your pie hole is. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Actually I am a bit of a joker. How could anyone endure the hatred slammed at me from the fascists without having a sense of humor and a bit of deviousness myself. In a nutshell (Make your own analysis of this), I am for the human element, that elusive thing called being aware there are others on this planet in need of more than yourself and knowing that by yourself, you can't really help them, but by bringing governments to bear and act responsibly, everyone on this planet could live a productive fruitful life. That is my ultimate prayer for humanity. It is very disheartening to read these selfish posts by the right wing plutocrats and see where the heart of man really lies, in their wallets. To me, the selfish rhetoric I read here is a damnation of the soul, and an assassination of mens character. I actually believed at one time in my youth that mankind could rise above this insanity. I find in my latter years, that this depravity is worldwide and is not going away. So mine frouindes, Sig-heil und eine gooten tag nach ze.
Remember the fifth law of thermal dynamics. Everything eventually turns to garbage. Perhaps, even the spirit of man?


New Member
Med ...

You may not be aware of it, but the IRS has a form that you can fill out in order to send excess money in. That would be money over and above that which you already paid in taxes. If you don't feel government collects enough, or that taxes aren't high enough ... be really charitable and send more in. Don't be suprized though if you don't receive a thank you note.

Come on Big Guy ... put your shekels where your pie hole is. :mrgreen:

Miene frouind, Ich haben nicht scheckles zu senden. Ich wunchen du bist der sendenist fur du bist der plutocratic fascist mit der grosse scheckles. Sig-heil!


New Member
Well Med, have you sent the IRS the donation yet? Or, are you just a typical liberal who want's to be "compassionate" with OTHER people's money? :blsmoke:



New Member
I can't believe anyone would vote for Obama. If everything he is proposing gets passed, we will be taxed back into the Dark Ages.



New Member
I can't believe anyone would vote for Obama. If everything he is proposing gets passed, we will be taxed back into the Dark Ages.

No, you'll be taxed back to the dark ages, it won't affect us peons. Hooooraaayyy> tax em till they bleed!