Annoying Phrases


Well-Known Member
There's a lot of phrases out there used by people that are too often overused and/or misused. I'd like to call out some of them and hear any others that other people can't stand...

"that said..." Or "having said that..." I heard you. I know you just said that. Do you think I'm an idiot and can't tell when you switch topics, or is it that you are so self centered that you need to remind us that you're still talking? Try using actual interjections: however, although, or but all work fine and don't make you sound like a jerk.

"IMO" or "IMHO" ...yes, I know it's your opinion because you just said it. this leaves me to believe everything else you say that isn't preceeded by this is actually the opinion of someone else and not yours because you would have told me IMO.

"Honestly.." So you were just lying to me with everything you just said before the honest statement?

Hey, im not saying never use these expressions, just be careful they are the right words for the situation. Im just as guilty as everyone else for using these from time to time, I just use with caution
medical marijuana and calling your weed meds.. or even worse.. i'm going to go pick up my meds.. no your not mutha fucka, your gonna score a bag or weed.. lets call a spade a spade...
i don't know if this qualifies but any time i see someone use finger quotes i want to punch them in the face. and about the "imo" thing, i see your point, but imo there is a lot of opinion being passed off as fact around here, and making the distinction between what i know and what i think is important. but yeah. and death to whoever made everyone start saying "chillax".
I know, right? <---- pisses me off so much

Epic and Fail have both run their course. Should be removed from internet vocab.
I hate when people say Brain fart.... I don't know why, it's just one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.
medical marijuana and calling your weed meds.. or even worse.. i'm going to go pick up my meds.. no your not mutha fucka, your gonna score a bag or weed.. lets call a spade a spade...

i have to disagree. i use the term meds because that is exactly what they are to me. i still got it other things to.

i have to say i hate the phrase or use of the terms, fuck your couch nigga. i hate that saying every one uses it thinking its funny and it is just so stupid.
Kinda pisses me off cause I've been adding "you're a" to the beginning of random things said for years. Like if someone says "Where's the coffee grinder?" I would say "you're a coffee grinder" or other stupid shit like that that doesn't make sense and now everyone and their mom does it.
i don't know if this qualifies but any time i see someone use finger quotes i want to punch them in the face. and about the "imo" thing, i see your point, but imo there is a lot of opinion being passed off as fact around here, and making the distinction between what i know and what i think is important. but yeah. and death to whoever made everyone start saying "chillax".

very true about folks passing off opinion as fact, so I guess if used sparingly on a thread as a disclaimer isnt as bad. But shit, if you want me to think something you say is fact you better prove it to me using some kind of logic or evidence, otherwise it's just an opinion to me
my one freind says "Well thats the thing about...." before everything and makes me want to strangle the man
i have to disagree. i use the term meds because that is exactly what they are to me. i still got it other things to.

i have to say i hate the phrase or use of the terms, fuck your couch nigga. i hate that saying every one uses it thinking its funny and it is just so stupid.

ok, i have a question for you.. when you have a headache and you take an asprin, do you say im taking my meds when you swallow an asprin, or do you say your taking an asprin?? i'd be willing to bet you say your simply taking an asprin, so why the need to call weed meds??
my one freind says "Well thats the thing about...." before everything and makes me want to strangle the man

So annoying. I used to work with this guy who would always say, "here's the thing" and "the thing about that is" ...i would alway cut him off and ask what the thing was
ok, i have a question for you.. when you have a headache and you take an asprin, do you say im taking my meds when you swallow an asprin, or do you say your taking an asprin?? i'd be willing to bet you say your simply taking an asprin, so why the need to call weed meds??

because meds has a more positive conotone and the weed part has a negative conotone