Rich people don't sit on money, they are totally cash poor, i can probably come up with more cash in a moments notice than a rich person could. Rich people have most of their money invested in things that provide dividends or interest income. Its not like Scrooge McDuck sitting in a vault swimming in gold coins and cash. Inflation hasn't even begun, it lags years behind policy, the small inflation you see now is from the QE1, wait until QE2 inflation kicks in.No, they wont. The poor are essentially immune to this issue over the long term because most of their income is tied to - and adjusted for - inflation (entitlement income, minimum wage increases). In the short term however, sure, people will have $20 less a week to spend on groceries.. But it's worth it if it forces the rich to spend that money they're sitting on because the end result will be economic growth - which means jobs (and in a better time, wage increases... unfortunately inequality is at levels only seen prior to the Great Depression).
The positives outweigh the negatives.
If inflation were such a small issue, then why are there all these poor countries who are revolting due to inflation?