I had never looked into conspiracy theories, never read a book on them or watched a movie about it until the shit started hitting the fan with our economy, strange decisions were made like sb510 outlawing individuals rights to grow their own food, and foreign policy decisions seemed so insane that the only outcome could be completely pissing off the entire muslim population leading to the destruction of our country as we know it either through economic collapse aka russia in afghanistan or whatever.
Then I started to ignore everything said on TV news, research bills on my own online, and look for some truth and the actual text of government documents rather than soundbytes. Only in researching absurd legislation did I keep continually finding hits to conspiracy theory stuff which unfortunately all seems to actually check out even though on the surface it is so absurd most will never believe it. Either it's all very very true, or someone seriously wants us to believe it's true.
Since I have found that global warming turns out to be a real factor in all this behind the scenes and have found Nasa has been aware of polar shifts to come since the 80's, and since these changes are not limited to our planet but every body in our solar system I tend to believe they see the end coming and the gloves are off and everything goes at this point in a mad race to survive because they know we're all basically screwed anyway.
I am ex Army Infantry 11bravo and 31kilo, ex Microsoft and Novell Senior Network Engineer, and while no genius by any stretch of the imagination my mind isn't closed to any possibility so I found the answers in the denver airport murals confirming all the crazy conspiracy stuff.
Like I said perhaps they just want us to believe it's a conspiracy, but that in itself is a conspiracy too then due to the depths of how far this goes.
If you look up what data NASA has finally released about what will happen in 2012 with polar shifts (part of which has already occurred, poles already shifted slightly but more is to come, that too you can verify on youtube) and when you see that our own satellites have confirmed a couple very large holes in our magnetosphere since then which are absolutely necessary to protect us then it all starts to make sense. We are to die off while the lucky few try to continue on underground.
I have been stalked personally by homeland security or their lackies for 3 days previously and threatened a couple times subtlely for saying anything online. I really think that's the last confirmation I need. I must admit I did offer to maintain silence in email in exchange for a simple deal and heard nothing in return, though surveillance did go away at that point up until phone calls today after posting what I have above. When you stop hearing from me any longer, then you'll know I'm gone.
I still don't know what is true of all of it myself like I said, but there are enough things that are true like sb510 that it clearly doesn't look good. When we the people can't legally grow our own food any more, even if not selling or transferring it, there is no other way to take it but badly.
Now I still suggest my government make me that deal so I shut up. All I asked for is for them to lift my bullshit .08 DUI, then I will live out my days quietly and in peace. Costs them nothing, and is so very simple. There is absolutely no way to fight this at this point, there's just too much against us. All I want is to live life to it's fullest as we all should in whatever time we have left... Maybe it's all scare tactics to push another election fraud. Maybe it's all just designed to bring on a fake civil war which the people can't possibly wincal opposition any more, or so they can thin the herd before the big tsunami when the poles may shift the full 180degrees as has happened in the past but either way there is a cover up and that only leaves conspiracy theorists right one way or the other.
Here I have a quake warning for my area of portland oregon ahead of time for a 9.0 earthquake sometime after japan lasting 5 minutes. Is that natural that people would say this stuff, or is just the saying of it a conspiracy on it's own designed to provoke panic and bring marshall law? And why too did Obama say we would have marshall law the next day each time if his budgets and bailouts weren't passed?
It's a fight we can't win... If you follow news, even propaganda tv you will see that publicly announced one of the first things they will shut down in a government shutdown is the Center for Disease Control. Contrast that to real labs making bio warfare all over the US and Nuclear plants not shutting down in advance of this publicly admitted ring of fire earthquake threat, then against what the denver airport murals clearly show and it all comes together. The idea that millions of people would be trying to break down the doors of underground shelters wouldn't be good for it's occupants, and in the interests of the continuation of the human race if they believe what I think they do, then it all seems to add up. So anyway I'm not threatening a fight, and to be honest I am still offering my silence to them because all my talking may do is to panic the weak minded unnecessarily, and cause unnecessary deaths prematurely. I just want to live fully before I go, and that means for my record to be completely cleared and for me to be completely left alone in peace, preferrably immune and unnafected by a manufactured disease.
I don't even care if they keep tabs on me from a distance, or stick me on a no fly list, I'm sure I'm already on it, but just make the deal and let me be... They know who I am and exactly where to find me.