Wow...glad to see this thread went into an entirely different direction....
A few considerations for those that think things like earthquake machines are bogus...
Firstly, there are numerous patents that have been issued that can create such an event, I have been following things like HAARP for over 5 years now (and if anyone has ever paid attention to anything I've ever said they know that I do my research). Tesla concieved many absolutely devastating technologies, of which the United States was not the only country with access or interest. Dr. Bernard Eastlund picked up where Tesla left off in the 80's and had his patents purchased by one company, that was bought by another, then another, then Raytheon (which if you know anything about military technology, you surely have heard of Raytheon). Coincidentally, the Russians had also taken a great interest in the technologies, and has been actively developing them since the 50's...about 20-30 years before US actually started taking them seriously.
This is a a VERY dangerous and complicated avenue. Starting with HAARP is all well and good, but you must not just be content to let HAARP be the answers for everthing that you have been witnessing. HAARP-like technologies gave way to things like the "Star Wars" program under President Reagen and later the "Strategic Defense Initiative" under Bush Junior. What has happened as a result of the pursuit of these technologies has been an entirely different kind of arms race. The mega-proliferation of satellites is no coincidence in the timeline of this development as spaced-based weapons technologies have become absolutely prelevant on the world front.
I have LOADS of research on the modern developments of these technologies. They are real, and they are dangerous: Space-based lasers harnessing the power of the sun, parasitic-satellites thats can crash systems, manipulations of our different atmospheric layers like the highly radioactive Van Allen Belts, Spaced-launched projectiles called Tungsten Rods that can obliterate vast landscapes without producing radiation, and last but least produce earthquakes. These technologies exist, and we dont necessarily have a monopoly on them. They are expensive and unreliable. But, take a country like China that can funnel unlimited cash into these types of Black-Ops projects and huge advances can be made in a very short amount of time. Add to that the decades of experience and know-how the Russians posses, and you can see the situation begin to take shape.
I have been under the impression that these types of weapons and technology have been in use, actively, for the last 5-7 years. The track record of development, investment, and deployment is pretty damning in my view. Billions, if not literally, trillions of dollars have been funneled into these programs around the world.
I am sharing with you some notes and links starting from around March 17th. Pursue them further, if you please...You will see that this venue of warfare is not just another "AMERICA IS BAD!!" but a sketch of what OTHER countries have been up to, and what their intentions are. These notes were never intended for anyone else to view, so most comments are sheer conjecture, ignore them if you find them distracting, but it's where my brain was taking me...
This has been a goal since the 90' is now going to become REAL.
Perfect timing for china to flex its muscle.
Building something in preparation? WHy so quiet? Timing...
and that 'given China's current interest in laser technology, it is reasonable to assume that Beijing would develop a weapon that could destroy satellites in the future'
satellites orbiting in formation, years after complicated "docking" manuver. Can compounding satellites with laser tech act like compounding oscillations (ie, increased intensity?)
How the fuck did this happen? Must be already discovered, allowed to proceed and info will be collected from source.
Domestic news reported the fish death as a NATURAL occurrence, not "lack of oxygen"...what would cause a MASSIVE loss of oxygen in the ocean?
THIS could cause MASS algae death, meaning mass oxygen loss
CHinese satellite navigation (EARTHQUAKE EARLY DETECTION)
radio telescope, needed to capture electromagnetic waves
parhelion, emphasis on "natural occurence"
solar-powered orbiter successfully goes hours on only battery power
spherical robot with telescopic arms (could have been used to pre-position EM receivers outside sendai)
why is a state run news agency running such a story?
Antarctic ship (0:17 "frigid and TOXIC waters)
point 8....
"We have to start taking China's space capabilities very seriously," the expert said. "The Chinese have a dozen academies filled with world-class space and missile scientists, they know what they're doing, and they have unlimited funds to do it with."
Could similar russian craft (UNMANNED, single use craft reach solar orbit?) Boron fuel...cut any and all human support systems, military mission exclusive.
acknowledgement of history of weapons in space, ackn. of space craft and spaced based lasers as weapons
And to other nations responding and meeting us in kind in space, a high U.S. diplomat told me as he prepared to vote at the United Nations against a resolution barring all space weapons, U.S. military analyses have determined China is "30 years behind' in competing with the U.S. militarily in space, and Russia "doesn't have the money.'
EXACTLY, unlimited money from China, advanced concepts tech from russia = cooperative strike on japan/US
China and russia are the only ones capable of producing T-rods, Unlimited money + adanced concepts+ exclusive access = cooperation
Hmm...why are they trying to censor this image?
(interesting to note in the treaty it basically says "no weapons in orbit, not weapons on the surface" But...nothing about weapons out of orbit, or in the sea....Sun and Sea...Also, it reads more like a method of cooperation than disarmament)