
Anybody with half a brain cell knows that the JFK thing did not go down like the Warren Commission says it did. We all know it was a conspiracy. Im pretty sure OregonMeds isn't 7forever. 7forever has the mentality of a 7 year old and never directly debates anyone.
i know u can at least talk to oregon meds
seven years old forever huh?

Anybody with half a brain cell knows that the JFK thing did not go down like the Warren Commission says it did. We all know it was a conspiracy. Im pretty sure OregonMeds isn't 7forever. 7forever has the mentality of a 7 year old and never directly debates anyone.
Wow...glad to see this thread went into an entirely different direction....

A few considerations for those that think things like earthquake machines are bogus...

Firstly, there are numerous patents that have been issued that can create such an event, I have been following things like HAARP for over 5 years now (and if anyone has ever paid attention to anything I've ever said they know that I do my research). Tesla concieved many absolutely devastating technologies, of which the United States was not the only country with access or interest. Dr. Bernard Eastlund picked up where Tesla left off in the 80's and had his patents purchased by one company, that was bought by another, then another, then Raytheon (which if you know anything about military technology, you surely have heard of Raytheon). Coincidentally, the Russians had also taken a great interest in the technologies, and has been actively developing them since the 50's...about 20-30 years before US actually started taking them seriously.

This is a a VERY dangerous and complicated avenue. Starting with HAARP is all well and good, but you must not just be content to let HAARP be the answers for everthing that you have been witnessing. HAARP-like technologies gave way to things like the "Star Wars" program under President Reagen and later the "Strategic Defense Initiative" under Bush Junior. What has happened as a result of the pursuit of these technologies has been an entirely different kind of arms race. The mega-proliferation of satellites is no coincidence in the timeline of this development as spaced-based weapons technologies have become absolutely prelevant on the world front.

I have LOADS of research on the modern developments of these technologies. They are real, and they are dangerous: Space-based lasers harnessing the power of the sun, parasitic-satellites thats can crash systems, manipulations of our different atmospheric layers like the highly radioactive Van Allen Belts, Spaced-launched projectiles called Tungsten Rods that can obliterate vast landscapes without producing radiation, and last but least produce earthquakes. These technologies exist, and we dont necessarily have a monopoly on them. They are expensive and unreliable. But, take a country like China that can funnel unlimited cash into these types of Black-Ops projects and huge advances can be made in a very short amount of time. Add to that the decades of experience and know-how the Russians posses, and you can see the situation begin to take shape.

I have been under the impression that these types of weapons and technology have been in use, actively, for the last 5-7 years. The track record of development, investment, and deployment is pretty damning in my view. Billions, if not literally, trillions of dollars have been funneled into these programs around the world.

I am sharing with you some notes and links starting from around March 17th. Pursue them further, if you please...You will see that this venue of warfare is not just another "AMERICA IS BAD!!" but a sketch of what OTHER countries have been up to, and what their intentions are. These notes were never intended for anyone else to view, so most comments are sheer conjecture, ignore them if you find them distracting, but it's where my brain was taking me...


This has been a goal since the 90's...it is now going to become REAL.

Perfect timing for china to flex its muscle.

Building something in preparation? WHy so quiet? Timing...

and that 'given China's current interest in laser technology, it is reasonable to assume that Beijing would develop a weapon that could destroy satellites in the future'

satellites orbiting in formation, years after complicated "docking" manuver. Can compounding satellites with laser tech act like compounding oscillations (ie, increased intensity?)

How the fuck did this happen? Must be already discovered, allowed to proceed and info will be collected from source.

Domestic news reported the fish death as a NATURAL occurrence, not "lack of oxygen"...what would cause a MASSIVE loss of oxygen in the ocean?

THIS could cause MASS algae death, meaning mass oxygen loss

CHinese satellite navigation (EARTHQUAKE EARLY DETECTION)

radio telescope, needed to capture electromagnetic waves

parhelion, emphasis on "natural occurence"

solar-powered orbiter successfully goes hours on only battery power

spherical robot with telescopic arms (could have been used to pre-position EM receivers outside sendai)

why is a state run news agency running such a story?

Antarctic ship (0:17 "frigid and TOXIC waters)

point 8....

"We have to start taking China's space capabilities very seriously," the expert said. "The Chinese have a dozen academies filled with world-class space and missile scientists, they know what they're doing, and they have unlimited funds to do it with."

Could similar russian craft (UNMANNED, single use craft reach solar orbit?) Boron fuel...cut any and all human support systems, military mission exclusive.

acknowledgement of history of weapons in space, ackn. of space craft and spaced based lasers as weapons


And to other nations responding and meeting us in kind in space, a high U.S. diplomat told me as he prepared to vote at the United Nations against a resolution barring all space weapons, U.S. military analyses have determined China is "30 years behind' in competing with the U.S. militarily in space, and Russia "doesn't have the money.'

EXACTLY, unlimited money from China, advanced concepts tech from russia = cooperative strike on japan/US

China and russia are the only ones capable of producing T-rods, Unlimited money + adanced concepts+ exclusive access = cooperation

Hmm...why are they trying to censor this image?

(interesting to note in the treaty it basically says "no weapons in orbit, not weapons on the surface" But...nothing about weapons out of orbit, or in the sea....Sun and Sea...Also, it reads more like a method of cooperation than disarmament)


You have been doing your homework haven't you?

I found this while looking up one of your links as well:

For peace they say? Interesting... Notice the date of the article 9-11-10? All fascinating coincidences aren't they?
You have been doing your homework haven't you?

I found this while looking up one of your links as well:

For peace they say? Interesting... Notice the date of the article 9-11-10? All fascinating coincidences aren't they?

Yeah...seriously. An ominously written article without very many details (or any), most people with any sense at all can read through the BS...They are up to something. Oil? Energy? Something is there, and they are trying to monopolize it. Good find. Thanks.
Well for all we know the countries are all working together in a false plan to thin the herd on all nations like what is typically done with war. Sell lots of the machines of war, get rid of opposition, and get rid of much of the population while making a profit. We had the countries of the g7 then it was g8, now it's g20...
I'm sure many see the unsustainable nature of our current numbers if we think everyone will want the US standard of living and it's associated ill's, end of easy peak oil, and the damage that will do to the world and have because of that have been mislead into thinking that means we have to reduce the population to survive period as seen in the georgia guidestones.

If you also looked into the Illuminati and Masons, you'll find they're scapegoats. The Georgia guidestones (calling for depopulation) were erected (supposedly) by the Rosicrutians as explained in this little 3 part series of video's.

But none of that matters really, what does matter is we're still on the wrong path and the georgia guidestones are bullshit from some corrupt society (thanks stupid cristians) who's lost their way.

The truth is in messages like this:


And this has explanations for russia on the arctic:

Who knows what's true, but it is all fascinatingly interesting. Whoever it is leading to what they think is a fulfilling of prophesies in their attempt to unlock humans greater abilities is still just wrong as the indians tell us this can stop at any time. Stop all wars, stop digging in, stop leaving others out of the equation and we lessen the blow. Continue to fight and we only make things worse. What parts of all this myths and legends are true or not true is irrelevant, it's not bad advice to wise up and skip more killing.

Good info in this as well including the stupid wars against the middle east. People forget to look at things from all sides, and use good judgement but muslims are simply people like us who will resist oppression but welcome freedom and and end to being oppressed: Give all people equal rights and freedom and respect and there won't be anything to worry about. stop vying for unequal control and domination. Nobody will travel half way around the country or globe to kill you and themselves, if they have a good life to look forward to in their own land. And nobody needs to fear missles etc when we have so many space and terrestrial based weapons to defeat them. All we need to do to unlock what many people believe in and want to come is to survive, and chill the fuck out, live in balance yes but that doesn't have to include 90% population cuts instantly or to keep worrying about money and monetary systems, that's backwards. It's all very simple and intuitive, nothing more nothing less. Education in itself and better opportunity for all equals lower birth rates and population declines naturally. And the second coming of christ is actually nothing more than everyone realizing that conciousness in themselves, no zion needs to be created for that, cristians have no monopoly on the truth or the way each religion only has pieces of the truth what is important is the right attitude. The universe brings that consciousness to us in the same radiation waves that can kill if we take the wrong path with bio weapons, radiation, and or by trying to manipulate DNA ourselves before we are ready. Chill out, forget power and money and let it come naturally so we can all enjoy it.


they didnt back off the limo was going so fast they were running like in the Olympics and they got in the chase car per the vid 7 forever provided
look how fast they r going and imagine running after it

I am talking about the car and the motorcycles backing off. They didn't have to run it is their job to pace that car and stay behind and beside it. Their big ass motorcycles had the power to stay right along side and they didn't stop or slow those cycles to pick up anyone. You suspect I'm 7 forever? I suspect though duth protest too much. Either you're a disinformation agent or just blinded because you work all too hard to discredit anything I say even if it's benign like Indian teachings.

Get a better job. Better yet some of you should get a better attitude because living in negativity like many are you simply can't receive the actual thing we all seek which can and will make you happy for the first time in your life if you allow it. What we all really seek isn't money or power or even truth, it's happiness. Too many of you aren't in the proper frame of mind to do anything but stay an ignorant slave. And before you turn that around on me and call me ignorant for the things I've posted yet again, let me remind you I never said anything I have posted is true or not true only that there is good in even the strangest of things and truth and disinformation is both likely mixed in much of it.

Grow up, those of you who act like a child and stop living with your minds closed to everything except that which fits the old corporate party line. (not singling you out fabfun, this is directed at those who I don't need to name.)
I am talking about the car and the motorcycles backing off. They didn't have to run it is their job to pace that car and stay behind and beside it. Their big ass motorcycles had the power to stay right along side and they didn't stop or slow those cycles to pick up anyone. You suspect I'm 7 forever? I suspect you're a disinformation agent because you work all too hard to discredit anything I say even if it's benign like Indian teachings.

Get a better job. Better yet get a better attitude because living in negativity like you are you simply can't receive the actual thing you seek which can and will make you happy for the first time in your life if you allow it. What we all really seek isn't money or power or even truth, it's happiness. You aren't in the proper frame of mind to do anything but stay an ignorant slave. And before you turn that around on me and call me ignorant for the things I've posted yet again, let me remind you I never said anything I have posted is true or not true only that there is good in even the strangest of things and truth and disinformation is both likely mixed in much of it.

Grow up, you act like a child.
I'm pretty sure he was joking with you dude. Get a sense of humor.:roll:
Ok fine I will name who I was speaking too... cryptkeeper. The bringer of truth and happiness.

I know fabfun is cool that's why I directed that at him rather than cryptkeeper with his shitty attitude directly. Calling him a fool or disinformation agent to his face isn't likely to go over well, just watch...

:) I have fun with people like that too though.
I am talking about the car and the motorcycles backing off. They didn't have to run it is their job to pace that car and stay behind and beside it. Their big ass motorcycles had the power to stay right along side and they didn't stop or slow those cycles to pick up anyone. You suspect I'm 7 forever? I suspect though duth protest too much. Either you're a disinformation agent or just blinded because you work all too hard to discredit anything I say even if it's benign like Indian teachings.

Get a better job. Better yet some of you should get a better attitude because living in negativity like many are you simply can't receive the actual thing we all seek which can and will make you happy for the first time in your life if you allow it. What we all really seek isn't money or power or even truth, it's happiness. Too many of you aren't in the proper frame of mind to do anything but stay an ignorant slave. And before you turn that around on me and call me ignorant for the things I've posted yet again, let me remind you I never said anything I have posted is true or not true only that there is good in even the strangest of things and truth and disinformation is both likely mixed in much of it.

Grow up, those of you who act like a child and stop living with your minds closed to everything except that which fits the old corporate party line. (not singling you out fabfun, this is directed at those who I don't need to name.)
This post marks the end of a building respect for OregonMeds. Disinformation Agent or Blind? Get a better job? Grow up? Perhaps it is YOUR reach that exceeds YOUR grasp sir. :)
Ok fine I will name who I was speaking too... cryptkeeper. The bringer of truth and happiness.

I know fabfun is cool that's why I directed that at him rather than cryptkeeper with his shitty attitude directly. Calling him a fool or disinformation agent to his face isn't likely to go over well, just watch...

:) I have fun with people like that too though.
Damn. I made post 690 to soon.
You did have a good question btw...

The spiral in the sky is either a working time travel man made black hole, an experimental one, or simply a projection from the ground made to look like that type of thing. Except the light from the ground doesn't appear to cover the whole area which would need to be projected to pull that off.

We will find out which soon enough. There have been several of them over many countries, not just the norway one.
This one looks interesting:

How curious does this make you? Check the prehistoric carvings cool no?:
What did the hopi say about strange new animals?

We are cavemen aren't we?


And double hmm...

Robot failure due to radioactve steam, and only 100,000 tons or so of highly radioactive water to deal with now. Will they dump that water in the sea too?

And here we go USA radioactive water here is not dangerous. No cause for concern... :)

Nothing to see here, move along people...
What did the hopi say about strange new animals?

We are cavemen aren't we?


When they were poking that "Fake" lifeform I could only think of this....[video=youtube;WGoi1MSGu64]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGoi1MSGu64&feature=related[/video]

ok now im going to blow a gasket POP
ok better now
dude lighten the fuck up it was all in jest u take life to serious
so u were scared of crypt so u thought i would be easy haha
if i wasnt joking with u it would be all different

Wow that was tame... Good job I really thought you'd blow a gasket. Would have been hilarious if you had. :)
Yea they do look fake right? Exploding coca cola monsters. But faking all kinds of weird shit all over the world wouldn't be a conspiracy either.

No fabfun I've read your comments you seem cool about poking fun back and forth he not so much perhaps. Dude above copied my post while I was editing anyway, didn't get the whole post. Anway I just didn't want a pissing contest... Much more worthwhile things going on.
good bro
i been reading your post ever since i joined
and u seem ok

Yea they do look fake right? Exploding coca cola monsters. But faking all kinds of weird shit all over the world wouldn't be a conspiracy either.

No fabfun I've read your comments you seem cool about poking fun back and forth he not so much perhaps. Dude above copied my post while I was editing anyway, didn't get the whole post. Anway I just didn't want a pissing contest... Much more worthwhile things going on.
I believe I heard it reported that the design of these reactors has the spent fuel rods stored in the upper levels of the reactor structure, Is that right?

So the reactor is below and the spent fuel rods are above.. No wonder there were attempts to drop water on the buildings..

I thought that was weird but now I understand.