Well-Known Member
...you're a disinformation agent...
is that how the conspiracy theorists at your compound classify anyone who does not compulsively stockpile MREs?
...you're a disinformation agent...
Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!is that how the conspiracy theorists at your compound classify anyone who does not compulsively stockpile MREs?
Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I've got a small stockpile of MRE's. Guess I'm not a disinformation agent.
He did not say that. He was very tongue in cheek with his words. He was basically saying if they expected people to believe that that was the cause of the Iodine, they were only deluding themselves.Anyway he says there is evidence of a chernobyl like fission reaction at fukushima. It's technical, he's a phd or something, it's boring, but at least it's not censored party line news.
is that how the conspiracy theorists at your compound classify anyone who does not compulsively stockpile MREs?
I'm not a conspiracy theorist...
It's not normal to want to tax us for breathing out co2...
sb510 is real and not normal, making it illegal to grow your own food.
Fema camps in the us are not normal...
Every home mailbox in the portland metro area is marked with the red/blue/white reflective tape...
How about the associated press are they becoming conspiracy theorists?
Dude. That info is so fucking old it's pathetic.How about the associated press are they becoming conspiracy theorists?
Maybe its invisible tape and you need a black light to see it? or maybe someone stole it off your mailbox.why is there no tape on my mailbox?
reconcile that, and then we can discuss the rest of your tin foil hat bullshit.
I don't think there are many who disagree that SOME things are probably conspiracies. All of this shit though?????? Highly unlikely, but I am a skeptic, so my skeptical mind prevents me from blindly accepting anything. Maybe you are 100% correct. What then? I personally think it's just smart to be prepared in the unlikely event of a cataclysmic event like what happened in Japan. Some people (some of them in my own family) called me nuts when I started being prepared over 10 years ago. Fewer and fewer call me nuts now and I often joke that they if the shit hits the fan they won't be calling me nuts, they'll just be calling me, period! lol! Governments do certain things that the majority of their citizens don't want to know about. Some of those things are done by rogue personnel with an axe to grind. Some may actually be done in unofficial channels by the government itself! It's frightening to think about, no doubt about it, but some of these things are just so hokey...............I mean, why in the world would ANYBODY purposely cause the kind of destruction Japan just witnessed? Why? Even if it could be done, why woud anyone (not bent on world domination) want to do it? I've looked into some of this crap and when you dig just a little below the surface, most of this crap completely falls apart. I've been to a couple of those so called "FEMA camps". The ones I saw were most definitely not FEMA camps. If our government is up to some shit like this I'd say it makes a strong argument for limitting the size and power of governments.How about the associated press are they becoming conspiracy theorists?
I'm not going to keep reposting stuff unclebuck... I have posted plenty all you need is to hop on youtube or go back in what I have posted and look at a few things.
On the mailbox issue take a walk around your neighborhood and look inside lip and on the sides of newspaper delivery boxes and mailboxes around you, perhaps they aren't walking up to each house like yours or just haven't gotten to your specific neighborhood yet. I have only actually been forest grove to beaverton and they're all over around here. Beaverton isn't that far from you, if you'd like to come see for yourself.
lol! It makes it easier for the paper carrier to see at 3 a.m. when it's still dark out.A neighborhood close to me:
The white stickers look like nothing special, you wouldn't even notice them but are reflective and none of this was there a month ago. You'll notice the blue sticker is on the pole on one, white on the front metal mailbox of another, then the insides of a couple boxes you see obvious blue and white, one with a spot of red. One was red then someone put white over the top of it. All over this neighborhood you can see the addresses have been sort of painted with what looks like white out on the inside of the plastic newspaper boxes, I guess so you can't switch them. All over people seem to have tried to pick at many of them, or cover them, so I know I am not the only one who noticed.
lol! It makes it easier for the paper carrier to see at 3 a.m. when it's still dark out.![]()