Well-Known Member
UncleBuck (love that movie)
I'm an honorably discharged Army Infantry and Radioman with 6 years under my belt. No I was not in a war and no PTSD. My mailbox had blue and white, then it went to red and a black stripe of electrical tape was placed over the center part of the the white. The only drug I did regularly was pot and I admit I smoked shitloads but that's been months ago. Some weekends I would drink, months ago, but not bad and because of my dui I haven't been able to drink or smoke or anything since January.
No hallucinogens, no meth, nothing else and I do mean nothing. No mental problems or history of them ever. Good house, nice life, Microsoft and Novell certified network engineer, ok looking guy enough that I can get dates etc. I am not some lonely depressed shut in, failure, reject, or whatever if that's what you are thinking.
I take to the time to research everything and read every news source or internet source I can find for clues to what's actually going on, and never said I know for sure what's going on yet, other than something big clearly is. I hate referring to prophecies but it's just so weird how they do seem to correspond to what is actually appearing to have and continue to be happening I can't resist. I know it sounds crazy, I don't blame you one bit. And again let me say the only things I am sure of is actual government documents and buildings, that National Guard commercial is real, senate bills are real, I have actually read the source of them and any of you could....
Much of this other stuff is rumor and speculation and yes I hate to admit prophecies too but it's sure eerie how it all adds up. You don't have to believe anything at all other than actual facts you can check yourself. Something's not right in our country with our relation to the middle east, with our entire foreign policy, with the wolfowitz doctrine, with our relationship with the UN, China and Russia and everyone else. It's as if we're just begging for WW3. The wolfowitz doctrine which is still the basis for our foreign policy insists that we keep other countries down and do whatever it takes to ensure nobody can ever challenge us as a superpower again. That means forcibly keeping the entire rest of the world under our big dumb thumb even russia it would seem.
You can't have a foreign policy like we have and not expect to be enemy number one of the entire rest of the world, unless you have the rest of the world under your control, and presently we have 4 countries we are militarily squishing under ours. Japan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Libya, apart from how we pressure and control and spy on the UN.
If you wanted to make a perfect recipe for WW3, all you would need to do is follow our example.
We have spent trillions of dollars to kill hundreds of thousands of people all over the world in the last 10 years, supposedly in the interests of freeing them from evil dictators who killed less people than we have since we kicked the evil dictators out. All while we are supposedly so broke the government is going to shut down any second, and while russia and china and India and oh yea lets not forget Iran and N korea all ramp up militarily you can check their spending on military hardware and new projects online just as you could ours.
If all that isn't clear to you, that something is seriously wrong and Japan is just a part of it, then I don't know any better way to explain it.
Well realize mr. clean that we are looking out for American interests and you swore and oath to protect that from both foreign and domestic.
I asked at my first security briefing.. "What? We have Americans that hate America?" It was the moment of me waking up.
So what do you think? Will blind obedience save us or just define which benefits line we have access to in the Future America?
The USA did wait longer than most to become Imperialist but we also aid other countries.