
i heard they r pumping water out

I believe I heard it reported that the design of these reactors has the spent fuel rods stored in the upper levels of the reactor structure, Is that right?

So the reactor is below and the spent fuel rods are above.. No wonder there were attempts to drop water on the buildings..

I thought that was weird but now I understand.
i heard they r pumping water out

I'd have to check but I'd bet they will be needing to dump whatever they need to get rid of in the ocean.

Oil, radioactive water, over fishing, pollution and soaking up Co2. The ocean is becoming an acidic and unhealthy place.

It seems that humans are messing this planet up too fast.
well i think i will be staying away from pacific seafood

I'd have to check but I'd bet they will be needing to dump whatever they need to get rid of in the ocean.

Oil, radioactive water, over fishing, pollution and soaking up Co2. The ocean is becoming an acidic and unhealthy place.

It seems that humans are messing this planet up too fast.
Not to get off topic but the BP slick with whatever they sprayed may be on the ocean floor an killing off the health of the ocean there..

Back on Japan..
Yep.. And we all live for money.

So how long before they have control was it? The optimistic view was the end of the year I think.

I bet this is another entombment project. One can wonder how many will dot the Earth in 500 years time.
Oh that is Tiki.. My friend of 14 years who passed in October 2009

More than friend , family no.. Daughter.

I have an entire line named in her honor.. Tiki-jo is a cross between the BOGO and Greenhouse's "The Doctor"
"Tiki-jo Sweet" is the official Strain in honor of Tiki but the line splits into 4 f1 groups and they all carry Tiki-jo prefixes.

I wonder if they will make it Earthquake proof?
sorry to hear that Ernst

Oh that is Tiki.. My friend of 14 years who passed in October 2009

More than friend , family no.. Daughter.

I have an entire line named in her honor.. Tiki-jo is a cross between the BOGO and Greenhouse's "The Doctor"
"Tiki-jo Sweet" is the official Strain in honor of Tiki but the line splits into 4 f1 groups and they all carry Tiki-jo prefixes.

I wonder if they will make it Earthquake proof?

Even though these may not appear related, setting the stage:
I'm still smiling and in a positive mood though. :)
And wtf:

I like this guys humor:

And this is just another cheezy "blimp" ufo, but what does china have, a romulan cloaking device? Or maybe it's one hell of a 3d projection? Video looks fluid and unedited, with normal camera movement.

Then this could be us, we just have ( I guess had, this is old) a stupid old haarp cloud that could be hiding a blimp: Maybe it's just a cloud and that's all, but it just looks woefully out of place.

I found several other blimp ufo's but didn't bother to link, they're boring. I can't say as I see much point in all this new blimp military technology unless we actually had no country as an enemy who would/could easily shoot the slow ass things down.
Simplest example of how to manipulate your own tornado or whirlpool effect that I could find:

All you'd need is to transmit that energy rather than stick probes in the air or ground.

Is it starting to all come together?


Good thing they wouldn't do that in say colorado:

And for a refreshing relief, no need to panic or have much grief about all that crap: (replace the word god with consciousness or life force)

If anyone is following along, you must by now be finally thinking outside the box.. Keep going...(Not saying I believe all of this, but there's bits of truth in here for sure, obviously more is going on that meets the eye and your mind should be more open by now.)

Take a listen to this guy again especially if you laughed before and completely wrote him off instantly:

And of all people, he has the correct answer to the spirals:

And this is interesting whether you believe it or not, it's a good idea to wake others up no matter what but I must admit I do feel a calling like this:

And it is important to maintain a positive attitude, hang in there and not give up, no suicide or depression or especially constant fear crap.
I do feel like stuff like this actually could happen if you are in the right frame of mind perhaps while still in our bodies and alive, if not certainly if we die and then are only energy: True or not it's fun to think about.
