That' it exactly! And it's not just lack of discipline that's the problem, though it's a big part of it. So many parents hand their children off to some else to raise for 10-12 hours a day or more, when they're 6 freakin weeks old, even when they are financially stable enough for one parent to stay home with the child(ren) they CHOSE to have. Before my second daughter was born, I had a career, not just a job. However, my Hubby and I decided together that, with a few sacrifices, we could swing expenses if I stayed home with my kids. 12 years later, I'm still home with them. Do I regret giving up my career to raise my kids? NO, but I do realize that I can't go back to my former career, things have changed too much. I'm not saying every mom, or dad, for that matter, should stay home with their kids for that long, some can't afford to. But, if you are able to provide for your family with only one parent working it's not only selfish, but irresponsible not to do so for at least the first year or 2. JMO, and I know the majority of parents will disagree.