WOW, Religion Of Peace


Well-Known Member
dammit, oregonmeds. all your stupid fucking videos make the page take forever to load. why is it that all of you conspiracists can't make your point without telling us to watch 20 minutes of propaganda....errr, i meant youtube videos.

ps - just took a walk around the neighborhood with my wife. not a single fucking sticker on a single fucking mailbox. go figure.


Well-Known Member
[SIZE=-1]"But it's not just the ratty part of town. The upper class in San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time . . . It is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine with that San Francisco crowd. I can't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco."
Richard Nixon
For real, I pound Heart's for feeling's,,I feel None Here?....

jeff f

New Member
And you know this because why you were there? Someone told you right? Or because it fits your agenda?
Look dude, religion is the number one tool of mind control used to lead the masses into war, there is no way hitler wouldn't have used that as a means to his end.
He used *everything* he could to his advantage.
i know it cuz its a historical fact. how do you know it to be different? what would you call the preists that committed the bullshit in the church? what woudl you call it. you do know that it wasnt just child molesters dont you?

and i didnt bring it up, someone a few posts back attacked the catholics. it wasnt catholics, it was homosexuals and child molesters.

you see, if a man has sex with another man, he is called a homosexual....get it? homosexuality is completely against catholic law. so would you call a man having sex with another man completely against catholic doctrine, would you call him a catholic, or a homosexual....come on what is he?

jeff f

New Member
nice double standard.

it was non religion-based when the nazis did it, but it is religion-based when any muslim country does it.

ok dummy i will spell it out although its clearly spelled out in just about every history book...

hitler didnt march across europe in the name of jesus. he didnt impose chrisrtian law when he defeated enemies. a very large number of muslims are waging war against non muslims i n the name of allah. they are wiping people out and IMPOSING ISLAM. can you small mind grip that?

now quit acting like a stupid teenager without a brain and try for once to seek the truth.


Active Member
i know it cuz its a historical fact. how do you know it to be different? what would you call the preists that committed the bullshit in the church? what woudl you call it. you do know that it wasnt just child molesters dont you?

and i didnt bring it up, someone a few posts back attacked the catholics. it wasnt catholics, it was homosexuals and child molesters.

you see, if a man has sex with another man, he is called a homosexual....get it? homosexuality is completely against catholic law. so would you call a man having sex with another man completely against catholic doctrine, would you call him a catholic, or a homosexual....come on what is he?

i would call him both. if an american breaks a federal law would you stop calling him an american just because of it?

ps. if you smoke weed you are breaking federal law.

have a nice day.


Well-Known Member
you see, if a man has sex with another man, he is called a homosexual....get it? homosexuality is completely against catholic law. so would you call a man having sex with another man completely against catholic doctrine, would you call him a catholic, or a homosexual....come on what is he?
if a man has sex with another man, that is an act of homosexuality.

if a man has sex with a child, that is called pedophilia. get it?

there is ZERO scientific evidence that shows that pedophilia is more prevalent among homosexuals than heterosexuals. i double dog dare you to go find me something saying otherwise.

so you have two options: you can either present me the evidence showing a higher correlation among homosexuals, or you can drop the bullshit and admit that you are wrong.



Well-Known Member
ok dummy i will spell it out although its clearly spelled out in just about every history book...

hitler didnt march across europe in the name of jesus. he didnt impose chrisrtian law when he defeated enemies. a very large number of muslims are waging war against non muslims i n the name of allah. they are wiping people out and IMPOSING ISLAM. can you small mind grip that?

now quit acting like a stupid teenager without a brain and try for once to seek the truth.
so a bunch of christians marched across europe, but it is not an act of christian terrorism.

but a bunch of "muslims" who were breaking their precious sharia law by eating oreos and renting porno before they piloted some planes into buildings IS an act of muslim terrorism?

bullshit. they were both examples of terrorism. nothing more, nothing less. i will not ask if your 'small mind' can grip that, i know that is a tough concept for you.

those who pervert the message of islam and commit acts of terror may no longer call themselves muslim, as they have abandoned the values that it teaches. deal with it.

edit: same for those pervert the message of any religion to do horrid things. they may no longer claim to be of that religion, as they abandoned all values thereof.

jeff f

New Member
if a man has sex with another man, that is an act of homosexuality.

if a man has sex with a child, that is called pedophilia. get it?

there is ZERO scientific evidence that shows that pedophilia is more prevalent among homosexuals than heterosexuals. i double dog dare you to go find me something saying otherwise.

so you have two options: you can either present me the evidence showing a higher correlation among homosexuals, or you can drop the bullshit and admit that you are wrong.

there were two scandals in the catholic church, one involved mostly young MEN having sex with other young menm, all of legal age....they were homosexuals.

the second involved older men having sex with young men and underage boys. they didnt have sex with any girls/women to my knowlege. they were homosexual pediphiles. i know this is uncomfortable for ya, so deal with it anyway.

your turn


Well-Known Member
so a bunch of christians marched across europe, but it is not an act of christian terrorism.

but a bunch of "muslims" who were breaking their precious sharia law by eating oreos and renting porno before they piloted some planes into buildings IS an act of muslim terrorism?

bullshit. they were both examples of terrorism. nothing more, nothing less. i will not ask if your 'small mind' can grip that, i know that is a tough concept for you.

those who pervert the message of islam and commit acts of terror may no longer call themselves muslim, as they have abandoned the values that it teaches.
OMG thats right, Oreos are made with Manteca......Those people were bad Muslims were they?


Well-Known Member
there were two scandals in the catholic church, one involved mostly young MEN having sex with other young menm, all of legal age....they were homosexuals.

the second involved older men having sex with young men and underage boys. they didnt have sex with any girls/women to my knowlege. they were homosexual pediphiles. i know this is uncomfortable for ya, so deal with it anyway.

your turn
you presented absolutely ZERO evidence to support the absurd claim that homosexuality and pedophilia are somehow related, which they are not.

keep trying, champ.


Well-Known Member
... they were homosexual pediphiles...
again, there is no such thing as a homosexual pedophile.

a pedophile may have a preference for young boys or young girls, but that is not what drives them.

AGE is what drives them.

homosexuality and pedophilia are COMPLETELY distinct phenomena.

deal with it.

jeff f

New Member
so a bunch of christians marched across europe, but it is not an act of christian terrorism.

but a bunch of "muslims" who were breaking their precious sharia law by eating oreos and renting porno before they piloted some planes into buildings IS an act of muslim terrorism?

bullshit. they were both examples of terrorism. nothing more, nothing less. i will not ask if your 'small mind' can grip that, i know that is a tough concept for you.

those who pervert the message of islam and commit acts of terror may no longer call themselves muslim, as they have abandoned the values that it teaches. deal with it.

edit: same for those pervert the message of any religion to do horrid things. they may no longer claim to be of that religion, as they abandoned all values thereof.

wow, do you know how to twist things to your liking. here i will do it in crayon.

march across a country and kill people in the name of advancing your country, not religious motovated.

march across a country and kill people in the name of your god, religious fanatisism.

terrorism doesnt even figure into the equation. hitler wasnt a terrorist, terrorists go after innocent victims to i need to go this basic? RE READ YOUR POST it makes no sense

jeff f

New Member
again, there is no such thing as a homosexual pedophile.

a pedophile may have a preference for young boys or young girls, but that is not what drives them.

AGE is what drives them.

homosexuality and pedophilia are COMPLETELY distinct phenomena.

deal with it.
really? what about the priests who were fucking the boys that were 18 to mid twenties....was that priest ok to stay as a priest or was he doing someting wrong?


Well-Known Member
wow, do you know how to twist things to your liking. here i will do it in crayon.

march across a country and kill people in the name of advancing your country, not religious motovated.

march across a country and kill people in the name of your god, religious fanatisism.

terrorism doesnt even figure into the equation. hitler wasnt a terrorist, terrorists go after innocent victims to i need to go this basic? RE READ YOUR POST it makes no sense
seriously jeff. think about it.

the terrorists who crashed the planes into the buildings were not what you would call representatives of islam or fastidious observers of sharia law.

have you looked into their activities before carrying out the attack? can you cite where the quran says it is ok to mass murder innocent civilians?

once you pervert the message of your religion, you fail to become a representative of that religion. you simply become a radical, an extremist, a terrorist.

and i can and have pointed out many examples across many religions.

unless you think the KKK is a great representative of the christians, that is.

je. sus. christ. like talking to a wall.

jeff f

New Member
tell that to the members of my wife's family who died in the holocaust.

do you even think before you post?

while hitlers actions were atrocious and worse, they arent refered to in history as terrorism. yes i do think before i post. i use words that have meaning like when a man has sex with another man he is called a homosexual. there were lots of them in the catholic priest hood. would you like to challenge that little tidbit?


Well-Known Member
really? what about the priests who were fucking the boys that were 18 to mid twenties....was that priest ok to stay as a priest or was he doing someting wrong?
still failing to find any correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia, are you? so obviously, the next thing to do is distract the issue. nice try.

i have no problem if two consenting adults want to fuck each other in their asses. they can even stick leggo blocks and transformer toys in whatever orifice they wish. i don't give a shit.

what i take issue with is your misunderstanding of the distinct phenomena of homosexuality and pedophilia. they are not related, yet you have no problem acting like they are.

it is sickening.


Well-Known Member
while hitlers actions were atrocious and worse, they arent refered to in history as terrorism. yes i do think before i post. i use words that have meaning like when a man has sex with another man he is called a homosexual. there were lots of them in the catholic priest hood. would you like to challenge that little tidbit?
the actions of hitler are fully consistent with the definition of terrorism, no matter what words were used to describe them historically.


jeff f

New Member
seriously jeff. think about it.

the terrorists who crashed the planes into the buildings were not what you would call representatives of islam or fastidious observers of sharia law.

have you looked into their activities before carrying out the attack? can you cite where the quran says it is ok to mass murder innocent civilians?

once you pervert the message of your religion, you fail to become a representative of that religion. you simply become a radical, an extremist, a terrorist.

and i can and have pointed out many examples across many religions.

unless you think the KKK is a great representative of the christians, that is.

je. sus. christ. like talking to a wall.

if you are talking about a small amount of people i agree. right this very minute there are muslims, lots of them, gunning down muslims and christians for protesting. do you get that?

the kkk is a very small group of people who hate blacks. have they killed blacks? yes, is it happenning now? no. they are equally scum as the terrorists muslims no doubt but the two hardly equate.

i am really eating your guys lunch with this you know that right?

edit. there are entire countries that cheered when 3000 americans were killed. few, if any american would cheer if 3000 innocent muslims would be killed