Carne Seca
Well-Known Member
i am really eating your guys lunch with this you know that right?
Only in your homophobic delusional mind... Must be a lovely place to live.
i am really eating your guys lunch with this you know that right?
still failing to find any correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia, are you? so obviously, the next thing to do is distract the issue. nice try.
i have no problem if two consenting adults want to fuck each other in their asses. they can even stick leggo blocks and transformer toys in whatever orifice they wish. i don't give a shit.
what i take issue with is your misunderstanding of the distinct phenomena of homosexuality and pedophilia. they are not related, yet you have no problem acting like they are.
it is sickening.
the kkk is a very small group of people who hate blacks. have they killed blacks? yes, is it happenning now? no. they are equally scum as the terrorists muslims no doubt but the two hardly equate.
i am really eating your guys lunch with this you know that right?
no, whats sickening is you blame an entire religion because it was infiltrated by a bunch of homosexuals and pedophiles. the church is dealing with it. what are the muslims doing about their radicals?
game set match
hate to break it to you, but the KKK is not a 'small group', and they do not just hate black people. they pretty much hate any non-white, non-christian group (that includes us jews) and they feel that they are superior to anyone outside their limited little gene pool.
and yes, it IS still happening now. thankfully with less frequency, as america has progressed slightly past open racism.
you may think you are 'eating our lunch', but all you are really doing is exposing yourself in many undesirable ways.
addendum: please show me where an 'entire country' cheered at 9/11. again, you are taking a small group of the most radical and painting over the entire country with a broad brush.
to quote the big lebowski, fucking amateurs.
pretty much all of afghanistan, syria, lebonon, palistinians, iran (except the freedom fighters that obama kicked to the curb), and all the sharia muslims, large parts of pakistan and i am sure i am missing a bunch
wanna try again?
was it the 'entire country', or was it certain citizens of those countries, but not all? be honest now.
ah, fuck. i'll just tell you: it was only some! not even a majority!
intellectual dishonesty: not a good thing to bring into a debate with a philosophy major.
the guy (osama) is, by his own admition, responsible for at least 5,000 innocent dead people of all religions. not to mention the ten thousand or so dead iraqi civilians that al queda killed.
so instead of just praying to their "god of peace" they riot because someone finally killed him.
any of you terrorist apologist want to take a stab as to why they would do this?
the religion of peace can suck my sweaty balls.
i hope a giant pig fish ate his body and shits his poop remains onto 72 virgin fish...
thank God that obama went back on his word and didnt dump all the bush/cheney policies. one less super scumbag on the planet.
your are right muslims are great, there are very miniscule amount that hate anyone not sharia, and their religion is entirely peaceful and christians are just like them.....
there, now i am equally as stupid as you
was it the 'entire country', or was it certain citizens of those countries, but not all? be honest now.
ah, fuck. i'll just tell you: it was only some! not even a majority!
intellectual dishonesty: not a good thing to bring into a debate with a philosophy major.
Hint : This whole thing isn't about religion.
dammit, i never said that.
look one post up, where i said "only some".
for fuck sake, look in your own post where you quoted me..."only some"
your intellectual dishonesty is overwhelming, but not unexpected based on empirical evidence.
i really enjoy the way they treat there women....just like the second class citizens they are....but its not the majority is it?
last try, can we agree that the majority of muslim countries are extremely oppressive and are almost entirely ruled by horrible dictators?
sure. can we also agree that the VAST majority of muslims are NOT terrorists?
yep sure can. can we agree that out of all the religions, they have by far the most terrorists per capita
last try, can we agree that the majority of muslim countries are extremely oppressive and are almost entirely ruled by horrible dictators?
yep sure can. can we agree that out of all the religions, they have by far the most terrorists per capita
Jeff I get the impression you consider yourself a cristian... If you think that's all good for you then fine, but it's not a perfect religion either by any stretch of the imagination. Not a single bible exists that hasn't been obviously perverted by man, you have nothing over any other religion. (Not to mention I think there is better, buddhist, hindu for example.)
I also get the impression if there is a second coming or a 2012 end of times or whatever, jesus or god or whatever is going to take one look at how you think, act, and talk and say no, you have got to be kiding me. No fucking way dude...You have another place to go because you entirely miss the point of everything you purport to stand for and everything jesus stood for.
I'm more crist minded than you and I'm a freaking athiest.
You show absolutely ZERO of the traits your hero tried to get through your "i am really eating your guys lunch with this you know that right?" brain.
How old are you? It's time to start working on improving yourself.[haha/QUOTE]
ahahaha. i find this very amusing. it just shows what the majority of "christains" think they are.
I was raised roman catholic.
Did my baptism.
Did my first communion.
Did my conformation.
I was an alterboy for 3 years.
Did it help me in life? yes, I feel that my opinions are based upon experience.