WOW, Religion Of Peace


Well-Known Member
Lool nice culture your government has in bombing defenseless children
and is that your only response come on mate thought you could give me a decent debate then that only took a few points to kill you off.
Yea Nice,,,Worrior's you have No,,,Uniform"s or Pride...You gather innocent civillian's thinking war has a Heart...and kill American people because of your Fucked up way's...Who's better?,,,Like the Damn Wild west I say....:hump:


Active Member
Yea Nice,,,Worrior's you have No,,,Uniform"s or Pride...You gather innocent civillian's thinking war has a Heart...and kill American people because of your Fucked up way's...Who's better?,,,Like the Damn Wild west I say....:hump:
Kill what American people? I don't believe 'terrorist' were behind 9/11 I actually believe that it was treason, even Bin Laden said a few weeks after 9/11 he had nothing to do with it and to look at your own government but hey what does he know?
And what does having a uniform have to do with defending your country? You do not have to wear a uniform to attack an occupying army. If the 'terrorist' took over your country what would you do? die/live under unlivable circumstances or would you fight and die as a real man.

mate? that means that your country was involved in the wars. hence you bombed defenseless children. you are juvenile

for the mature people know that nobody targets defenseless children except the religion of peace.
Your going to have to rephrase that first sentence.
And you honestly don't think your government have killed defenseless people? Like I said previously go look at the video's a mentioned on Page 14. Then come talk to me


Active Member
God I have read most of this and do not understand why many of you keep coming back to this conversation, Jeff comes across as nearly nothing more than a troll; avoids any real conversation about many of the points being made picking and choosing what is convenient to reply to and half the time twists what he wants for convenience, granted that is generally what conservatives are good at.

The difference between Christians and Muslims? Nothing more than modern development and we do not have Christianity to thank for that, thats for sure. How did Christians treat women a few hundred years ago Jeff? How did Christians treat non believers or heretics? How about those great displays of public executions.

Sure Muslims have some way to go but last time I looked they are getting there, a lot of them certainly are further along than many Christians. Of course what do most western countries really care? Just show me the cheap oil.

jeff f

New Member
God I have read most of this and do not understand why many of you keep coming back to this conversation, Jeff comes across as nearly nothing more than a troll; avoids any real conversation about many of the points being made picking and choosing what is convenient to reply to and half the time twists what he wants for convenience, granted that is generally what conservatives are good at.

The difference between Christians and Muslims? Nothing more than modern development and we do not have Christianity to thank for that, thats for sure. How did Christians treat women a few hundred years ago Jeff? How did Christians treat non believers or heretics? How about those great displays of public executions.

Sure Muslims have some way to go but last time I looked they are getting there, a lot of them certainly are further along than many Christians. Of course what do most western countries really care? Just show me the cheap oil.
ok, how is this for a troll

now, tell me these fuckers arent nuts. these people RUN AN ENTIRE COUNTRY WITH 100 MILLION PEOPLE.

all i am asking is for people to wake the fuck up. but you can continue to sleep.


Active Member
ok, how is this for a troll

now, tell me these fuckers arent nuts. these people RUN AN ENTIRE COUNTRY WITH 100 MILLION PEOPLE.

all i am asking is for people to wake the fuck up. but you can continue to sleep.
In Britain they used to burn 'witchs' did that stop them from creating a huge and powerful empire? No and have you watched those video's yet? Am going to say no you have not.........

jeff f

New Member
In Britain they used to burn 'witchs' did that stop them from creating a huge and powerful empire? No and have you watched those video's yet? Am going to say no you have not.........
hey dude, THIS NEWS IS FROM TODAY. who gives a fuck what happened 500 years ago.

keep making excuses for the nut jobs. they arent really crazy are they bud? nope, not at all....fool


Active Member
hey dude, THIS NEWS IS FROM TODAY. who gives a fuck what happened 500 years ago.

keep making excuses for the nut jobs. they arent really crazy are they bud? nope, not at all....fool
I am the fool? lool why do you have to resort to petty insults just simply because you have no decent come back. Why don't you look at your history rather then judge other people's. I see there is no hope for ignorant people like you, like I said watch the video's then come back and talk to me.

jeff f

New Member
I am the fool? lool why do you have to resort to petty insults just simply because you have no decent come back. Why don't you look at your history rather then judge other people's. I see there is no hope for ignorant people like you, like I said watch the video's then come back and talk to me.
why dont you show me a video where an entire nations leaders are convicting people of sorcery? TODAY. oh wait, you can only come up with muslim countries....but i am the one denying reality.....oh boy.

stay in school kids otherwise you end up stupid and unable to see simple truths.


Active Member
why dont you show me a video where an entire nations leaders are convicting people of sorcery? TODAY. oh wait, you can only come up with muslim countries....but i am the one denying reality.....oh boy.

stay in school kids otherwise you end up stupid and unable to see simple truths.
Stay in school kid? Actually I am at University completing my Masters degree how about yourself?
I could show you countless video's of your government convincing your people of Iraq's 'weapons of mass destruction', 9/11 or Gulf of Tonkin and many others. That have affected MILLIONS of peoples lives. Where as yours has affected what 7?
Jeff what is your religion if you have one?

jeff f

New Member
Stay in school kid? Actually I am at University completing my Masters degree how about yourself?
I could show you countless video's of your government convincing your people of Iraq's 'weapons of mass destruction', 9/11 or Gulf of Tonkin and many others. That have affected MILLIONS of peoples lives. Where as yours has affected what 7?
Jeff what is your religion if you have one?

wow, youre smart! are you a sorcerer? a wizard maybe? stone any women today there ahmed?

dont draw any cartoons of my religion or i'll riot with my brothers.....keep talking dude, you are making my point


Active Member
wow, youre smart! are you a sorcerer? a wizard maybe? stone any women today there ahmed?

dont draw any cartoons of my religion or i'll riot with my brothers.....keep talking dude, you are making my point
Hahaha you just proved my point that you have zero intelligence and have to resort to petty insults just to feel like you won over me. Well done! I'll give you a cookie some time. You can have your ignorant, narrow minded thread back am done debating with an uncivilized moron like yourself. You look kinda like the guy in the following picture by the way......

ink the world

Well-Known Member
The Crusades (1095-1291): The Crusades were a series of multiple military actions—mostly sanctioned by the Papacy—that occurred from the 11th to the 13th centuries. Originally, they were Roman Catholic attempts to get the Holy Land from the Muslims, but some were aimed against other Europeans, for example the Fourth Crusade versus Constantinople, the Albigensian Crusade versus the Cathars of southern France, as well as the Northern Crusades. Death toll: Estimates range from 1,000,000 to 5,000,000.

Now there is a religion of "peace" huh Jeff? Why did you fail to mention Christianity Jeff?

Your post as usual is 1 sided, completely ignores historical FACT and is oozing w/ religious intolerance and ignorance.........

jeff f

New Member
The Crusades (1095-1291): The Crusades were a series of multiple military actions—mostly sanctioned by the Papacy—that occurred from the 11th to the 13th centuries. Originally, they were Roman Catholic attempts to get the Holy Land from the Muslims, but some were aimed against other Europeans, for example the Fourth Crusade versus Constantinople, the Albigensian Crusade versus the Cathars of southern France, as well as the Northern Crusades. Death toll: Estimates range from 1,000,000 to 5,000,000.

Now there is a religion of "peace" huh Jeff? Why did you fail to mention Christianity Jeff?

Your post as usual is 1 sided, completely ignores historical FACT and is oozing w/ religious intolerance and ignorance.........
Wow, you only had to go back a thousand years.

I went back to FUCKING YESTERDAY...


Well-Known Member
Give it up guys he's trolling and wasting our time or simply completely hopeless, all you're going to accomplish is make him even more angry and hateful and someone near him will pay a price worse than our being annoyed by him.

jeff f

New Member
Give it up guys he's trolling and wasting our time or simply completely hopeless, all you're going to accomplish is make him even more angry and hateful and someone near him will pay a price worse than our being annoyed by him.
Now that's Fucking hilarious!

You sound like you work for homeland security! Are you wanna the perves patting down those 6 year old school girls at the airairport?

Watch her, her ancestors were related to a guy who knew a guy who once saw a guy involved in the inquisition. Move along ahmed, nothing to see here, we are looking for real terrorists. Those Nasty Christians handing out bags of rice to the villagers in zimbawba
