"Fuck You USA!

hey Fabfun, it's cool it's cool, I am not making any book about how the US Government blew up its own towers. There are lots of books out, they made a movie... I see it is futile to enlighten almost everybody by just one opinion. PEACE
not if the force of impact was not great enough
okay, but even if MindMelted's massive ego was filled with jetfuel when the impact happened, even if the jet fuel lighted and burned for a few hours, it would not cause the base of the tower that is rooted many stories down into a cement underground structure to let the whole building collapse...that is just pure B.S. and science fiction.
Thermite was found at the base of the tower still molten, weeks after the carnage. Please see Thermite on youtube. Thermite is for DEMOLITIONS, NOT PASSENGER PLANES

I want to say that I am not condoning the OP's usage of the words "fuck you, USA". That is the most childish of all of the posts here, however, bashing him and calling him a douchebag is not a humane way to soothe his subjective point of view about how the United States World Police Position makes him feel angsty
Do you read your country's history? 2 normal passenger jets did not knock down the towers. That is a story for little boys. Your president did it. WAKE UP! When did America go into war in 2001....duuuuuuhhhh after the Tower Thing? Yes that's right... but there was no war before it. American President wanted a war, but you didn't... so he blew up the fucking towers and then you said "oh yeay let's go cut off their heads! Get real, America has gotten a cancer, now stop trying to be a world power and check yourself--YOU FOOL USA!

You are a fool sir. Ya, the president did it. And we never landed on the moon, and HAARP caused the Japan earthquake, and Usama has been dead for 20 years, Aliens wrote the bible, OH OH OH AND SOILENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!

All you do is spit conspiracy and 'facts' other people have made up.

Your consipiracy theory is ridiculous, as is anyone who thinks we honestly destroyed our own buildings. But whatever, your entitled to your opinion, but dont call me the idiot because YOU believe everything YOUR told by conspiracy theorists.

yea my collective consciousness amassed all this on youtube and google. but if you want, i'll post it give me a min please

Exactly, youve been fed by people whos sole audience is YouTube, and for good reason. No one else takes it seriously, because it doesnt make sense.

Take your conspiracy theories elsewhere. Its conspiracies like that that cause terrorism to begin with. It spreads hate, distrust, and malcontent.

OH, and the Thermite? Wrong. It was materials commonly found IN thermite, but it was NOT thermite. http://www.de-fact-o.com/fact_read.php?id=8

The levels of many of the elements are consistent with their presence in building materials, including chromium, magnesium, manganese, aluminum, and barium. The very high levels of titanium (> 0.1%) were due to their presence in paint, especially white paint. The lead levels are elevated due to the use of lead-based paint on metallic surfaces during construction of the building. The detected lead dust concentrations were lower than would be found outdoors in older cities affected by tailpipe emissions from leaded gasoline...
One of the funniest things i see is people who think their government care about them, you pay them your money, that is all they care about, they don't give a damn about a tower with a few people in it, if they can turn that to their advantage, such as a war, that makes them even more happy about the whole thing.
One of the funniest things i see is people who think their government care about them, you pay them your money, that is all they care about, they don't give a damn about a tower with a few people in it, if they can turn that to their advantage, such as a war, that makes them even more happy about the whole thing.

Accepting that our government 'used' the tragedy for their agenda, is not a conspiracy in my eyes, in fact quite the opposite.

Saying that our government 'did it themselves', that's another story. Why kill people if all they care about is the tax dollars ;D
Accepting that our government 'used' the tragedy for their agenda, is not a conspiracy in my eyes, in fact quite the opposite.

Saying that our government 'did it themselves', that's another story. Why kill people if all they care about is the tax dollars ;D

Because the personal profits as a result of the wars are astronomical. The country may be going to shit as a result, but you can bet your arse the guy that got all the contracts is laughing his arse off to the bank at the expense of the 9/11 victims. It may not have been them but it is my opinion that they know and knew far more than is being told. I mean just look at present day data slowly coming to the surface. The UK had a hgappy clappy image, we did no wrong and bam, documents are released proving that acutlaly, no we ran concentration camps in Kenya and castrated men for fun. Governments are capable pure evil and are more than happy to cover it all up.

I'm not here saying it was the US, or the UK, or mossad etc, but either way the US govts official story makes it pretty clear that they really didn't care a damn to bother investigating it full y should they not have had anything to do with it. Their story is utter bullshit, that is my opinion, but i cannot in anyway say who actually did it. Same goes for the UK bombings, might not have been the UK govt themselves but it doesn't take any large amount of intelligence to see thorugh the BS, i mean the floors being blown upwards, come on!
I almost totally agree with you.

I suppose what i was getting at, is that like you said, no one (or very few to say the least) actually knows the truth. Secondly, most of the 'facts' that are presented to back up things like the 9-11 attack, are at the least misrepresented, and at most a flat out lie. For instance, the upblown panels you mention (in the UK bombing). While i am not familiar with what you are speaking of, that doesn't mean there aren't physics, variables, etc. that could cause anomalies like that.

Did we have something to do with it? I dunno. Only thing i know is that those who claim 'conspiracy' often have far fewer facts than they claim to have. It is usually info that was just twisted, misrepresented, and ran with. Much like politics =D
I almost totally agree with you.

I suppose what i was getting at, is that like you said, no one (or very few to say the least) actually knows the truth. Secondly, most of the 'facts' that are presented to back up things like the 9-11 attack, are at the least misrepresented, and at most a flat out lie. For instance, the upblown panels you mention (in the UK bombing). While i am not familiar with what you are speaking of, that doesn't mean there aren't physics, variables, etc. that could cause anomalies like that.

Did we have something to do with it? I dunno. Only thing i know is that those who claim 'conspiracy' often have far fewer facts than they claim to have. It is usually info that was just twisted, misrepresented, and ran with. Much like politics =D

I dont so much think myself as a conspiracy but, just someone with enough sense to question the stories rather implausible sides. With regard to the UK bombing, it's all rather difficult to find details non-surprisingly, but the photo's i have seen indicate a solid metal floow blown to high heaven, from below, the physics simply cannot work if the bomb
was above the hole as described. There is a documentary about it called the ripple effect by maud dib, his arrest ad detention being a very interesting story in itelf based on the circumstances, and while i can't agree with everything said in the video, as a lot is speculation, some very very eye-brow raising points are made and is defo worth a watc just for peoples idle curiosity.

If the details surrounding the iraq war aren't enough to make people question the credibility of their governments statements, i don't know what will.

I've never read into any of the real nitty gritty on the support beams and the residue detected, but what was the official explanation for the near perfect "breaks" on those girders, it just appeared to be far too neat and consistent a break to have simply happened, my uneducated opinion of course.

While i cannot give any excuse for the uestion of if it was an inside job, why hasn't anyone blabbed, it is a perfectly reasonable question, the only possible answer i can give is along the lines of the Hutton enquiry and his "death", but even that showed that despite his "death" the infrmation still ended up coming out, so is not even a very good response at that :)

edit: just to keep adding random thoughts, one thing that always stood out as odd to me was the taking of all camera footage of the pentagon crash and have denied to return it. Taht has always miffed me, i mean it's not for national security, i can only really see it as a good thing in terms of propoganda or anything, after everything else that was broadcast on the news, i can't quite understand why this was censored up so much, might be missing an obvious reason being that well, cannabis :D but hey, seems odd
You are a fool sir. Ya, the president did it. And we never landed on the moon, and HAARP caused the Japan earthquake, and Usama has been dead for 20 years, Aliens wrote the bible, OH OH OH AND SOILENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!

All you do is spit conspiracy and 'facts' other people have made up.

Your consipiracy theory is ridiculous, as is anyone who thinks we honestly destroyed our own buildings. But whatever, your entitled to your opinion, but dont call me the idiot because YOU believe everything YOUR told by conspiracy theorists.

Exactly, youve been fed by people whos sole audience is YouTube, and for good reason. No one else takes it seriously, because it doesnt make sense.

Take your conspiracy theories elsewhere. Its conspiracies like that that cause terrorism to begin with. It spreads hate, distrust, and malcontent.

OH, and the Thermite? Wrong. It was materials commonly found IN thermite, but it was NOT thermite. http://www.de-fact-o.com/fact_read.php?id=8

The levels of many of the elements are consistent with their presence in building materials, including chromium, magnesium, manganese, aluminum, and barium. The very high levels of titanium (> 0.1%) were due to their presence in paint, especially white paint. The lead levels are elevated due to the use of lead-based paint on metallic surfaces during construction of the building. The detected lead dust concentrations were lower than would be found outdoors in older cities affected by tailpipe emissions from leaded gasoline...
Hey guy, thanks for keeping focused on 11/9 and not trailing off to Sasquatch and the Loch Nes Monster... Very mature indeed!!!! I'm sure the big people caring guberment really is proud to have an agent like you. I suppose you get lots of girlfriends even while your married. Hats off to you

btw, how about reading the header of this thread... it says "Fuck you, USA". What did you expect to find in here? Songs about unicorns with red white and blue stripes on them, and fairies that sing the star spangled banner? Maybe some Warm Apple Pie? Maybe some Milwaukee's Best Beer? Nooooo....
I dont so much think myself as a conspiracy but, just someone with enough sense to question the stories rather implausible sides. With regard to the UK bombing, it's all rather difficult to find details non-surprisingly, but the photo's i have seen indicate a solid metal floow blown to high heaven, from below, the physics simply cannot work if the bomb
was above the hole as described. There is a documentary about it called the ripple effect by maud dib, his arrest ad detention being a very interesting story in itelf based on the circumstances, and while i can't agree with everything said in the video, as a lot is speculation, some very very eye-brow raising points are made and is defo worth a watc just for peoples idle curiosity.

If the details surrounding the iraq war aren't enough to make people question the credibility of their governments statements, i don't know what will.

I've never read into any of the real nitty gritty on the support beams and the residue detected, but what was the official explanation for the near perfect "breaks" on those girders, it just appeared to be far too neat and consistent a break to have simply happened, my uneducated opinion of course.

Ah indeed, I'll have to watch the video then. I concede that im always open to ideas, i just rarely actually believe them when the end comes. Michael Moore is a great example. He makes great movies. he has provocative thoughts and puts them in his film in almost uncanny ways. At the same time, i also recognize his bias and see many of the flaws in his thinking.

The hard part is finding the reasonable middle ground. As you implied, i do greatly question my governments actions constantly, and most of the time I am aware of their lying. This whole Pakistan ordeal is a good example of that as well. Kerry going over to Pakistan to flip the 'reset' switch on relations? Well, imo, if our gov was being truthful from day one, a reset switch wouldn't be possible. We would find them criminal for harboring him, and we would strike. The fact that we are 'reconciling' alone is enough to make me realize there is more than meets the eye. But that doesn't mean Usama is alive, or that he wasn't behind the towers destruction.

It just means as citizens, we are in the dark being moved by strings. As for the Iraq war, i almost completely blame that on Bush. Aside from the daddy issues we all like to point out, its important to also note that he brought the most oppressive presidency in some time. It was his rule that brought us the Patriot Act (imo a slap in the face to the constitution), he went to Iraq even though we ALL knew that he (Usama) wasn't there, hell months before he even ignored a warning that an attack was almost imminent.

These are all opinions though, and you know what they say about opinions =D
in my opinion (once an immigrant in the us for 11 years) the united states is systematic and methodical, we may hate the fact that they attack other economies and start wars for profit but if we would stop looking at it as individual events and or attacks and look at the big pic. imagine a country with out a government, every one lived as they wanted to it would be a very primal economy ran by the guy with the biggest stick, well now imagine that country as the world and the people as countries, if the us did not keep there throne ass assholes then some one else would and maybe those guys would be worse (take a look at what happened with all the old super powers ( eg Persia, Rome, USSR ) they were all a lot worse to the lesser countries in fact ad be frightened if the us lost the lead, but i could be paranoid cuz of all the pot but thats what i think
Hey guy, thanks for keeping focused on 11/9 and not trailing off to Sasquatch and the Loch Nes Monster... Very mature indeed!!!! I'm sure the big people caring guberment really is proud to have an agent like you. I suppose you get lots of girlfriends even while your married. Hats off to you

btw, how about reading the header of this thread... it says "Fuck you, USA". What did you expect to find in here? Songs about unicorns with red white and blue stripes on them, and fairies that sing the star spangled banner? Maybe some Warm Apple Pie? Maybe some Milwaukee's Best Beer? Nooooo....

Nope i expected to find uninformed, hateful, probably extremist conspiracy theorists like yourself, who are incapable of adult discussion or reasonable conversation. Instead, you run with insults and speculation. Are you friends with BrotherBuz? Your tactics of debate are almost identical.

The fact that you hold all Americans 100% accountable for what their gov does shows how ignorant you really are. Americans are no more responsible for their wars than Muslims are for terrorism, Christians are for murder, or Boy Scouts for brainwashing. Just because corruption exists, does not mean all is corrupt.

Pull your head out of your ass, read a book, and maybe learn to spend less time hating. YOU have the mentality that leads to the nonsense that we are discussing now.
Nope i expected to find uninformed, hateful, probably extremist conspiracy theorists like yourself, who are incapable of adult discussion or reasonable conversation. The fact that you hold all americans 100% accountable for what their gov does shows how ignorant you really are. Americans are no more responsible for their wars than Muslims are for terrorism, christians are for murder, or Boy Scouts for brainwashing. Just because corruption exists, does not mean all is corrupt.

Pull your head out of your ass, read a book, and maybe learn to spend less time hating. YOU have the mentality that leads to the nonsense that we are discussing now.

You are making idiotic assumptions about annonymous people. I guess that's what all americans do? Just kidding. Only you. I didn't start this thread. Get your facts straight. I never said FU to your empire of decay
You are making idiotic assumptions about annonymous people. I guess that's what all americans do? Just kidding. Only you. I didn't start this thread. Get your facts straight. I never said FU to your empire of decay

Nope but your post quality has been the same. Your the one making assumptions, fool.
You are making idiotic assumptions about annonymous people. I guess that's what all americans do? Just kidding. Only you. I didn't start this thread. Get your facts straight. I never said FU to your empire of decay

Now that we have read this latest one by you, lets look at some of your other posts, that are just flowing with fact and lacking assumptions of any kind:

If you like USA so much, legalize your little plant already. Pffff... world power my ass. The only world power I see is Arrest and Oppress. BTW... if you think I live in the colonies, you are wrong.

Hmm jealous much?

Strapping bombs to your mom is not relevant in this thread

More insults, im convinced you are BrotherBuz in disguise....

Do you read your country's history? 2 normal passenger jets did not knock down the towers. That is a story for little boys. Your president did it. WAKE UP! When did America go into war in 2001....duuuuuuhhhh after the Tower Thing? Yes that's right... but there was no war before it. American President wanted a war, but you didn't... so he blew up the fucking towers and then you said "oh yeay let's go cut off their heads! Get real, America has gotten a cancer, now stop trying to be a world power and check yourself--YOU FOOL USA!

Actually fool, even after 9-11. almost all of use were STILL against invading Iraq. There was an ample amount of doubt to the info they had about WMD, and instead of waiting a few extra weeks, Bush and Congress made that decision, NOT US.

yea my collective consciousness amassed all this on youtube and google. but if you want, i'll post it give me a min please


#2, building #7, why the fuck did it fall down? did a plane touch it?http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/engineering/4213805

Right out of the very link you provided:

There’s a clear-cut engineering explanation for why the building fell the way it did. Trusses on the fifth and seventh floors of the building were designed to transfer loads from one set of columns to another; with the south face heavily damaged, the other columns were likely overtaxed. In engineering terms, the “progressive collapse” began on the eastern side, when weakened columns failed from the damage and fire. The entire building fell in on itself as the slumping east side dragged down the west side in a diagonal pattern. Still, damage to the Verizon Building (see p. 21 of this report), directly west of WTC7, and to Fiterman Hall (see here) directly north, show that it was hardly an orderly collapse.
The North and South Towers of the World Trade Center weren’t knocked down by planes—they both stood for more than a half-hour after the impacts. But the crashes destroyed support columns and ignited infernos that ultimately weakened—not melted—the steel structures until the towers could no longer support their own weights (NIST offers a primer here). Ms. O’Donnell fundamentally misstates the case with her use of the word “melted”: Evidence currently points to WTC7 also collapsing because fires weakened its ravaged steel structure.

Thats from YOUR link.

#3 The FBI gave us photos of the hijackers...obviously dead from the impact but NO>>>THERE NOT DEAD!!! http://guardian.150m.com/september-eleven/hijackers-alive.htm


There are more, but it was already detirmined that it was mistaken identities and identity theft.

If anyone wants to tell to me how the fuck 2 giant 100+ level towers came STRAIGHT DOWN LIKE A DEMOLITION? only a little boy can't see the difference between a skyscraper toppling over from a Real Terrorist attack and not a planned demolotion...

This has already been explained MANY times, as it was the first thing you theorists brought to the table. Im not even going to bother. Try again.
Now that we have read this latest one by you, lets look at some of your other posts, that are just flowing with fact and lacking assumptions of any kind:

Hmm jealous much?

I'm not jealous of... whatever people like you in your culture get jealous of.

More insults, im convinced you are BrotherBuz in disguise....

That's Bullshit. Are you delusional much? More insults? That was the first one clown

Actually fool, even after 9-11. almost all of use were STILL against invading Iraq. There was an ample amount of doubt to the info they had about WMD, and instead of waiting a few extra weeks, Bush and Congress made that decision, NOT US.

You voted for that President. He's your Father


Right out of the very link you provided:

There’s a clear-cut engineering explanation for why the building fell the way it did. Trusses on the fifth and seventh floors of the building were designed to transfer loads from one set of columns to another; with the south face heavily damaged, the other columns were likely overtaxed. In engineering terms, the “progressive collapse” began on the eastern side, when weakened columns failed from the damage and fire. The entire building fell in on itself as the slumping east side dragged down the west side in a diagonal pattern. Still, damage to the Verizon Building (see p. 21 of this report), directly west of WTC7, and to Fiterman Hall (see here) directly north, show that it was hardly an orderly collapse.

Thats from YOUR link.


There are more, but it was already detirmined that it was mistaken identities and identity theft.

This has already been explained MANY times, as it was the first thing you theorists brought to the table. Im not even going to bother. Try again.

You really do care about getting the last word